Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Technical difficulties

OK - so I was going to tell you all about the wedding today. However my computer is slow as molasses.  You know what that means - yep - I've been doing too  many things and not shutting programs down and the memory is completely caput!!!!!   Even though I have closed almost everything, it still doesn't want to speed up the process.  A complete reboot is in order!

I don't have any pictures although I did get a LOT of sewing done last night but that will have to wait for another day.

And my technology issues have followed me to work!  Well not really, but I sent off my first pattern that will be uploaded to Quilter's Club of America, except that it was TOO BIG.  Her is the link to the fabric line that I used for my first pattern - the line is called Happy Hour. For some reason, my version of Adobe will not allow me to compress the file, so I got the graphic guys to do it for me. But I must learn how to do it myself because submitting these free patterns will be an ongoing thing.

I also needed the latest fabric files - oh yes - this is stuff that you can't see yet!  And well - it came to me in a zip file and I don't think I have any unzip software on my computer. SO - I need to figure out today - how to get those files.

I am really good at the design aspect though - well - I am learning.  I have another couple of patterns on the go. I would have to say that the designing part is the easy part.  I look at the available fabrics and then something just pops into my head. Of course you want to vary it up and not have every quilt look the same.  I especially love the border prints and stripes!!!!!   I see a couple of lessons coming up in those!  It is the writing of the patterns that takes a LOT of time.

Here are a couple of other lines that I am currently designing new patterns.

Monster Mischief

Glengarry Manor

And if you want to see more of what's coming - check out this link.

However I designed a quilt yesterday and for the life of me - I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  I didn't like the size, the blocks didn't look right and then - it was time to go home.  As I was buzzing around doing stuff last night - I figured it out!!   DUH - when you turn a 12 inch block on point - the width of the strip it sits in is NOT 12 inches!!!!!    If you didn't get that - don't worry.  Some days - I wonder!

I see I got another BIG envelope of license plates last night.  I am going to try and get this cleaned up soon. I have a few phone calls to make today and then hopefully get everything tied down, paid for and in the bag by September 10th when I meet with Carol who is my last exchanger.  Well not exactly - I do have to collect a LOT of plates from various people who picked them up for me over the summer - some I won't see for a while so that will drive me crazy!!!!

The other thing that happens at work - a good thing is that I have become a quilt pattern editor. I had one designer submit a pattern and it was my job to proof it - make sure everything was OK.  I found a typo, a couple of inconsistiencies and then I found an error.  It took us all day to get that error corrected - funny how each quilt designer works.  And so often it is correct IN OUR HEADS, but if we don't communicate it properly - well I was just imaging some of my friends reading that pattern and they would have been puzzling (as I was puzzling) but we got it worked out and the pattern will be going up as a free download - it's not on the web site yet but these pictures are!   I posted the pictures of the quilt - here it is - now I realize that this is for our friends in the US, but WAIT - there is a Canadian one coming (that I wrote).

All of these quilts are made using TWO of Northcott's new fabric products - STRIP-R and NO SEW CIRCLES.  Here is a link to some information and then TWO videos by Patti explaining them and how to use them. The fabric line used is called Old Glory - part of the Stonehenge line.   This line is only availaible in the US, but since there a large number of US readers here - I'm pass this information along.

On that note - I better get out of here or I will be late for work!!!!

Have a great day!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I think slow computers are contagious :/ Sounds like things are falling into place and your learning loads of new skills and tips and tricks with programmes etc :)
    have been hunting high and low to find an email address to shoot you a link too but had no luck, thought you may appreciate this https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/207763298/road-bike-street-bike-wall-art-bicycle?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=&ref=sr_gallery_35
