Friday, July 26, 2024

Neat and tidy is the name of the game

What are they doing to my forest? OK, so it's a woodlot, not an endless forest, but I call it my forest—it sounds more impressive! There are a number of entrances to the forest from the sidewalks surrounding it. Since we have lived here, all but one of the entrances has had a paved path for a brief distance into the forest. In all cases, the pavement has prevented erosion on the trails (small hills), which has been good. 

You've heard me mention the erosion. That has only been in the last five years? And I swear it's starting to really erode the more they work on it. You know how it is —someone at the park's office had some new theory! Oh, and those ruts are a safety thing, so they must be fixed. OK, I won't go there. 

The entrances have been blocked off since the big storm last week, and the ruts are very deep, but that hasn't stopped people from walking through the forest. Many people use the paths to get to the other side as a shortcut, and it's cooler than walking in the sun. 

Two days ago, I could hear them working and expected to see the ruts fixed. Nope—they removed all the pavement!! OK, so they better have a good plan because, in 23 years, none of that pavement needed repair. 

MOM -- where's the pavement?

I guess they will now pave the entire path, which would spoil some of the forest feel, but it's better than constantly spending money to fix something they broke! 

That forest is such a beautiful area, and those of us who live next to it or any other woodland are extremely fortunate! 

A phenomenal mental health resource in the city

By the way, I checked on the skunk yesterday morning. An animal (coyote?) dragged it off, and it was gone. The circle of life!! 

That Murphy -- just not happy until I play ball with her. 

MOM - play ball with me!!!

And while she wants to play, what is Lexi doing? 

Mom -- A little privacy, please! 

Now is she waiting for food? A lame attempt at pole dancing? Or just lazy? 

I must be about to have a baby! You know what they say about nesting. Yesterday, I was a busy beaver who couldn't stop cleaning and tidying. 

I have this rack in the area for my quilts to be quilted. Two large tubs and a box under there are filled with community project quilt tops and backing that I prepared many years ago. I removed one of the quilts from it and quilted it last week. The backing was fleece, so that left a big hole. 

Tubs of community project quilts

I thought I could empty the box into the tub. The box was unpacked. 

The quilts from the box

Since I'm in there, I might as well clean the floor. So I got out the dust cloth and the Swifter and cleaned all the lint and dust. Gosh—it accumulates!!! 

Cleaning the floor under the rack

Those two tubs are filled with community project quilts and are back in place. I'll work on those when I schedule the next batch. I'm going to attempt to do them in batches of ten. I'm sure there are way more than ten quilts in those buckets. There are probably 30 in total. I've no idea—I didn't bother to count. This has nothing to do with the other tops that Diane sewed. 

Two tubs of community project quilts

And while I mention Diane, I should also mention that, sadly, she will not be sewing any more tops for me. She passed last week and I am eternally grateful for all the sewing she did for community projects. I want to say that she made over 300 quilt tops during the pandemic. I miss my treks through the forest, hauling bags of fabric that Diane made into quilt tops, and I hauled the finished tops back. Many trips were made through the forest on those adventures! RIP Diane - I miss you!!!!

I filled the box with all the supplies to make the covers for the pet mats, so now the area looks much neater than it did before. Something has gone off in my brain about things needing to be neat and tidy, things to be contained in boxes, and when the boxes are empty, they will disappear. 

Neat and tidy!

Yes, there are still a couple of problem areas in the house—the office and Mount Projects—but I'm working on them. Once they are clear, I'm guessing those areas will be dealt with with the same neat and tidy behavior as the rest of the place. 

So, this is the status of the current "to be quilted" pile—the ones that are next on the list. There are FOUR quilts there, and all of them are mine. I covered them with the double wedding ring, making the area neat and tidy, as I'm shutting down the long arm for at least a month. It's full of stuff, but neat and tidy!

Only four quilts of mine in the immediate "to be quilted" pile

I did the last customer quilt until I'm back and it's gorgeous! It's trimmed, and I'll contact the customer today. 

Customer quilt - DONE

Let's see. I got the binding on another quilt, leaving a small one of my own, which I should have no problem getting done today. The last of the ten community project quilts is on the long arm. I had to make the backing and piece the batting, but it's ready to go later today. 

I have a lot of paperwork to do today. I have to get everything scheduled for the fall, and I hope I can get it done today. Then, we have a couple of days to go back and forth confirming dates, topics, etc. 

I pulled out all my hiking gear, and I have to sort through that and decide what is necessary to take with me and what stays behind. I may or may not have mentioned it, but YES - I'm going back to hopefully finish hiking (walking) The Camino in Spain. I wonder what part of my body will fail me this year? Wait -- I can't look at it like that. I will do what I can. There's a reason why the past has happened - I'm just not sure what! 

When I walked home from the clinic the other day, the sky was stormy. I got lucky and experienced only a few raindrops but did not get wet. 

Stormy skies

I spotted this at the mall. It's a neat piece of art painted by local students? The colors are pastel, and it's beautiful. That would make a nice quilt!!!

Art at the mall

And it was time to open that box and put it together. 

What's in the box?

Lots of pieces. Surprisingly, a screwdriver, NOT an Allen key, was used for assembly. 

Lots of bits

Murphy was the supervisor and did an amazing job. 

Mom -- tighten those screws a bit more!

And there it is --- a split-top computer desk. 

My new computer desk

It's quite a bit smaller than the table I was using, but that was the point of getting this. It's also on wheels, so that's good. I can take it wherever I want in the room. My iPad will fit into the slot on the top, so I can use that on the upper level. If I get a second monitor, I can put that up there. Or I can move the laptop to the top and use it as a stand-up desk. Or make the two shelves the same height for more workspace. 

The new computer desk

I haven't used it in any class yet, but I think it will suit my needs. 

The one thing driving me crazy is that I have a Swifter and a vacuum in Studio B. I use them ALL THE TIME, but I can't seem to get all the bits. I suspect Murphy is bringing new bits in as soon as I get rid of the old. But it just goes to show how much lint and dust accumulate in a sewing space. It's insane!!! 

Yes -- there is a Virtual Retreat this weekend. I can hardly wait - I have stuff lined up to sew, and I can see how I like my new table for Zoom. 

Saturday, July 27 - Starts at 6 PM

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, July 28 - Starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

I will say one thing about all this cleaning; I know I've said it before. My brain feels so much better! I feel very relaxed and for the most part, I know where everything is. I have a lot more time since I'm not wasting it trying to find things. I have a better idea of what I have, and I'm NOT tempted to over-purchase. I'm in a better space also about what new projects I work on and to finish what I'm working on. I'm a LONG way from getting it all together, but boy --- where I am today from where I was ten years ago? I'll take today any time! I LOVE being this way!! But it was hard work - tough work, but so worth it. 

There are only two (okay—there might be a third) new projects in everything I'm scheduling for the fall. Everything else is going to be about finishing, learning, or perfecting your skills and techniques. I'm trying very hard to practice what I preach, but it's nice to start one or two new projects as a reward for finishing the UFOs. 

On that happy note, I'm out of here. I see and can hear someone who NEEDS their walk!

Have a great day!!!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Be prepared!!!

Oh, I did not throw that dead skunk into a neighbor's yard!!! I have a large woodlot (my forest) behind my house, and the skunk will decompose and return to the land in a safe and friendly environment! I do NOT dispose of garbage over the fence. I should have been clearer on that, but I assumed (and we all know what happens with that) that everyone who is a regular reader knows I have a natural woodlot behind me. 

Someone said it would smell. I've seen and smelted enough dead animals in that forest—we've lived here for 23 years. And yes, you will smell the decomposition for a day or perhaps two. I have to say that bugs are pretty efficient and will clean up a carcass in no time. 

It's not to be gross, but it's a fact of life. We've seen some dead animals along the path that we discovered because of the smell. So, as morbid as it sounds, I would check them out daily. Yep, the smell is gone within a day or two, and the inside of the carcass is gone (and not because of scavengers) within three days. All that remains is a flattened shell of bones and outer skin. 

So -- please do not call it disgusting to put the skunk over the fence! He went to his natural habitat and had he died on the other side of the fence, it would have equated to the same thing! I'm very opinionated but I'm not disrespectful!

Apologies for not making it clear that I put the skunk IN THE FOREST, not into a neighbor's backyard!

I actually accomplished stuff yesterday. OK, I do stuff every day, but I'm getting through the pile of bindings. Here's one more that is done. Oh, and I got the binding on another small project, which I can't share at the moment. 

Binding - DONE

And I got the binding on this one as well. 

Another binding - DONE

But not without some excitement!! Can you believe what I found on the back? 

A gold thread!!

Yep—that is one of those tiny gold threads! Who knew I would still be finding them so many years after I ripped that project apart? Those gold threads are like glitter!!!

And I got lucky with the binding. See how much I had left after I joined it? 

Just enough binding

That leaves two quilts to put the binding on. One is mine, and one is a donation quilt. I hope to work on them today. 

Two quilts left to bind

I have the next quilt loaded on the long arm, and I'll get to it this afternoon. 

I'm trying to get Studio B cleaned up. Well, it's clean, but there are a few things sitting around that I haven't quite had the time to put away. I still needed to go through the last of four boxes of novelty fabric, and last night seemed like a good time. 

Repacking the novelty print box

So all of this has to go into that box!!!! 

What needs to be packed in the box

I got a chuckle as I spotted this fabric. How appropriate!!!

Skunk fabric

Look what else I discovered! Olympic fabric. Technically, it's not Olympic fabric because it would cost too much in royalties, but it looks like Olympic fabric. That must be 20 years old!!!

"Olympic" fabric

However, I finally found the remainder of the Scrabble fabric, which is why I was searching through those boxes. There are four pieces, and now I need to determine if I want to get rid of some of them. That's a job to see later this afternoon. I love how I found one piece in the first box I chose and the other three pieces in the final box. 

Scrabble fabric

When Murphy and I returned from the morning walk, DH wanted to know why she was wet. Well, Murphy LOVES the neighbor's sprinklers and plops herself down and tries to drink from them. Yes, this is not good when she was recently sprayed by a skunk because when dry, she smells OK. But when wet, she stinks again! But we love her so much that I don't mind. I need a video of this next time, not just a picture. 

MOM -- I LOVE the sprinkler

So, while watching a video, I decided it was time to paint those little display cases for my tea sets. Coat number one is on!

Painting the displays for the tea sets

Other stuff happened, but that's enough for today. Oh, I washed those quilts that need to be mailed, and I'll pack them up and mail them tomorrow. 

This is partially why our healthcare system is broken. I went to have an ultrasound on my shoulder. I walked into the clinic and spotted a sign asking me to have the health card and requisition ready. OH, CRAP -- I forgot the requisition at home. But I knew I had another test on that requisition, which was scanned when that other appointment was done. Do you think I could remember what it was? The registration person was like a deer in headlights. She couldn't find anything. However, her colleague said it was probably for an X-ray of the shoulder. Yep -- that was it and it was found. 

That was NOT smart on my part—I had forgotten about the requisition—but the day was saved. However, what if that requisition couldn't be found? Well, I arrived early, and my doctor was upstairs. I'm sure I could have scrambled and got another one. 

However, as I waited, two ladies came in. They were to have ultrasounds that required drinking lots of water. Had they drank their water? Yes, but one said she had to let some out because she couldn't hold it. Well, we'll see if they can do the test. The other one responded that she had drunk some, but not all. Seriously??? So, those slots were taken up with people who likely would NOT be able to have a successful test. Then, new ones would have to be rescheduled. 

We have all suffered through those mind-blowing moments when our bladders are so full that we think we will explode, but we don't! Perhaps they got lucky! 

It was a good lesson to all (me included) to go to the clinic PREPARED!!!!! 

Here are the links for the Virtual Retreat this weekend. 

Saturday, July 27 - Starts at 6 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, July 28 - Starts at Noon

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Virtual Retreats are always fun, and we usually get a lot done while chatting with our peers. I look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Have a super day!!!


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Revenge on the skunk

It was a decent day, but I've been feeling tired lately. Perhaps the heat, although we've had hotter days. I know I'll need a nap today, as I was awake for part of the night. I'm off to spin class but think I'll nap when I return. I hate when that happens, but it's life!

The last blog post needs one last quick read-through, and it's gone, so that is good. I need to take one more picture, but I should have that out of the way by noon—even with a nap. 

Then, a couple of unexpected things plopped on my plate, and I'll have to deal with them over the next couple of days, including organizing my fall class schedule. But I have time, so that's OK. I have two more quilts on the board, and then it's time to take a break from the long arm.  

At one point, I was all excited about decluttering the office, so I moved a few things up to Studio U. There was loads of light, and it was more inviting and had lots of space. When I was up there the other day, I brought a bucket down to empty it. Oh, the things I found, but it's much easier to deal with them this time. The office supply cabinet is neat, so that makes putting away any further supplies I find a snap. I might get to finish that bucket later today. 

However, I found a bag. What's in the bag? Keys! What are the keys for? NO IDEA!!! 

Keys to what?

So they went in the bag with all the other keys that I've accumulated! As time goes on and I can't find a key for something, I'll check the bag, which I know exactly where it is. But we do NOT use keys for anything. Wait -- we do use a key for the mailbox. I have two keys on my key ring, one for the mailbox, and I need to figure out what the other one is for. We do NOT carry keyrings around any longer! I haven't for years. 

More odd keys

We need a key fob for the car, but as long as it's on my person, the car starts. So it stays in my small pouch, and I grab it when I want to drive. The insurance and registration are also in the pouch. It sure beats hauling around a huge purse! 

I made and stitched on two quilt labels. Now, the quilts can be washed, packaged, and mailed to their recipients. They are going to M's niece and nephew—well, her fiancé's niece and nephew, so they get to be the good aunt and uncle! I hope the kids like them. But it's two more quilts out of my house! 

Hand-stitching a label

A few things have accumulated on the cutting table that need to be put away. I didn't have time yesterday, so hopefully, today will be the day. 

I did get to the long arm, and I got my quilt quilted, but not before I had a learning curve to tackle. It was a double wedding ring quilt, and it was easy as pie to set the block design in the big white section. But when it came to putting the small design in the melons, I was stumped. 

The quilting on my double wedding ring

However, when I posted a question to the Facebook group, I got an answer within minutes. Then, I had to translate their answer into my software, but I figured it out. 

Which buttons do I touch? 

 Oh my, I'm thrilled with the results!! It's a small quilt—well, a wall hanging, really—but it's practice for two lap-sized quilts I have, and I have another double wedding ring wall hanging to quilt as well, so it's good I learned how to do this. NO—none of the wedding ring quilts are for M. I have ZERO intention of making them a quilt as a wedding gift. Unless I'm asked for one, they already have quilts. 

My double wedding ring wall-hanging

I even found a design for the 4-patches at the block centers and figured out how to make that happen. There is no quilting in the dark purple rings; I'm unsure if I'm OK with that. I had to take it off the long arm last night, but it's easy enough to put back on. I will at least stitch in the ditch around the dark purple but after that? It'll come to me. 

It's hard to see the quilting in that picture, but it shows up on the back. See what I mean about those rings? It needs some quilting there. 

The back of the quilt

So, back to Murphy and the skunk story. After posting the story to my Monday Sewing group about what happened to her, someone suggested I wash her with Dawn dish soap. So I got a soapy bucket and took her outside. She knew what was coming, and while that dog likes water, she doesn't like having a bath. She was NOT impressed. 

MOM - WTF????

OMG—she looks hilarious and only got a bath on the front. It's hard because the attack was on her face, not really her body. I left it like that, and she got some treats, and she was OK. However, that sneaky Lexi was all over the treats! That dog lives for treats and couldn't care less about her dog food. Treats, yes; dog food, no!

However, before the dog-washing incident, it was near dinner time, and I looked out the kitchen window and saw this. 


Oh!!!! I don't know how long it had been there, but the flies were buzzing around. I know that flies and other bugs are very important to determining the time of death—at least that's what happens in the books! Think The Body Farm series by Jefferson Bass—they are all about the bugs! 

Who killed the skunk? Murphy as revenge for spraying her? Lexi, to help out her sister? Both dogs are hunters and not afraid to show it. Oh gosh! The sight of it gave me a fright until I realized it was dead. So I got my handy "wing the dead animal over the fence" tools out and disposed of it! How many animals have gone the same route from our backyard? Thankfully, we have a forest back there and we can do that. I don't think any neighbor would appreciate finding a dead skunk in their backyard. 

Our house doesn't smell of skunk, or perhaps my nose has become accustomed to it. Murphy smells of dish soap rather than skunk! Poor thing. I wonder what the next Murphy adventure is going to be! 

Well, on that note, I need to get moving to get to the gym on time! 

Remember, there is a Virtual Retreat this weekend. It takes place on Saturday evening and Sunday starting at Noon. I'll post the links tomorrow. 

Have a super day!!!


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Oh Murphy!

Poor Murphy had a good news/bad news kind of day. I'll tell you the quilting stuff first and then what happened. 

We had Monday Sewing, and I love our conversations. Between the group, we know EVERYTHING! Plus, we get to learn about tools (both old and new), and everyone has a different view of them. It's all good. OK—I confess that I'm VERY opinionated about many things. I'm also the first one to compliment someone on their skills, but sometimes, they also have some very bizarre ideas, and what is that all about? 

I managed to work on that stack of quilts that need binding. 

The binding was finished on this one, and now I need to make a label, then wash the quilt, and it is going in the mail. 

Binding number one of the day

I also got the binding on this one, which I hope to deliver this week or early next week when I complete the group of ten quilts. I still have one to quilt and several to bind. 

Binding number three of the day

I got the binding on a small wall hanging that belongs to me, but you can't see it yet. 

One more blog post is gone, leaving one left. I hope to get that out of the way today as I need to move on to other things. 

I did not get to the long arm, but I hope to get there today. So I had a good day. Murphy did not! 

When I drove DH to the train in the morning, I decided to let Murphy come along. She loves the car and is generally a good passenger. However, when he got out of the car, she wanted to go with him (imagine that!), and she cried. But she soon settled down.

MOM - I LOVE the car

When we got home, I opened the car door and told her to go to the house. HA! She bounded over the front step and ran between our house and the neighbor's. When I followed her, she was peeing, which was OK. Then she ran through the small garden, and I lost her. When I walked around and into their driveway, she was sitting pretty as punch on their front step. 

Looks good, Murphy, but that's the wrong house! She bounded off the step and ran through the next neighbor's front yard and around the corner towards their gate. The gate was open, and she bounded through. OH - I almost lost her amongst the weeds in that yard. And there's a dog at that house, but with the gate open and the mess, I wonder if they ever use the backyard. It's a shame because this is a huge and, at one time, gorgeous backyard. 

After she had her romp (bounding through the weeds to see), she came back, and we walked back to our house together. I swear she lay in the front hallway with the biggest grin. As if to say - I listened, but not before I had a little fun! 

And the rest of Murphy's day was great. However, when they should have been in the house later that night, the two of them were outside, and, well, remember that skunk that lives under the porch around the corner? Perhaps he was out for a stroll, or this was a neighbor. But poor Murphy got hit in the face. 

MOM - my eye stings!!!!

She was very unhappy and kept trying to rub her eye with her dirty paws. I've no idea what she was doing outside - DH NEVER pays attention to them in the backyard, so they could have been doing anything. If he had been more aware, this could have been avoided! Oops. She was rubbing her eye with her paw or in the dog bed to relieve the pain. Poor thing, but I didn't feel much sympathy for her! 

MOM - help me - I'm dying!

Thankfully, she was OK and didn't get a total blast in the face. Within a short time, she was finished rubbing her eye and is just a bit stinky, but not a huge deal. Lexi got off easy, but then she had been sprayed years ago and perhaps remembered! Let's hope that Murphy learned her lesson. I doubt it!

This morning, her eye is still a bit wonky, so I might give her an eye bath outside. It'll probably take a day or two to get back to normal. 

Speaking of neglected houses on our street, here's another one. This one has been a mess for years. A huge tree on that lawn was cut down several years ago, but they left this unruly shrub, which has now grown up. The driveway is filled with cracks, and weeds are merrily growing. The grass rarely gets mowed. 

A neglected house

I wonder why people won't take care of the outside of their property. If they can't or won't, why don't they move to a condo or a place where someone else does the outdoor maintenance? Or hire someone to do the work. One person lives in this house, and to my knowledge, they are very capable. But we rarely see that person. It's a mystery house!

So, it's time to start prepping for my big trip. I've been walking in my clown shoes for a couple of weeks, and it's time to dig out the socks I will wear. These are the Injinji socks with individual toes. 

Walking shoes and socks

I like these socks even though getting each toe into the right spot is a hassle. I have to chuckle because other people who have done this walk or other hikes swear that these are the best socks and will prevent blisters. I got blisters wearing these socks, but only on one foot. There are so many variables as to why you could get blisters; the type of sock alone is not enough! 

The best part of these socks is that if you have to bandage a toe because of a blister, the bandage stays nice and snug in the separate toe! At least one pair of these will be coming with me. 

I still need to book my ticket home. I had enough points to book a ticket there, but not back, and the security team in Spain may not want to let me in if I don't have a ticket out! So, as I wind things down here, I can start packing for next month. I'm almost done with all my commitments and even working on those for September, which I won't tell you about because it's scary! My life seems to be feast or famine some times!

Well, I have to run. There are lots of things on the agenda for today, and I'd better get started, or I'll never get them done. 

Have a super day!!


Monday, July 22, 2024

Working in Studio U

OH MY GOSH!!! Here's another reason why those hairbands are so important! And not just any old hairband. I have no idea where I bought the orange hairband I wear today, and I have no idea how long I've been wearing it. But yesterday, I mentioned in one group that I had known one of the attendees for several years but met for the first time last month at Quilt Canada. 

Oh no -- she says! We met years ago at Quilt Market! She remembered the orange hairband! People do NOT remember me per se - it's that darn orange hairband! OK - I must work on getting a new one, as this one is getting shoddy. My colleague made me some orange flowers, and I need to get my butt in gear and make the new hairband! 

I did NOT get to the quilt that was on the long arm. I thought I could sneak in some time but it didn't happen. Instead, I had to get to work on those samples for writing the remaining blog posts. So this happened. 

Studio U

The machine I'm working on is smaller, so it easily fits inside my sewing table. I opened the blinds and the windows and used Studio U! I accomplished everything I had to do and packed up the machine because it will be picked up this morning. So whatever I have for pictures is it! Trust me - I checked them last night - I have lots to chat about. 

I hope that during Monday's sewing, I can get some of the bindings done. Everything that I've got quilted is trimmed, but I have a lot of bindings to put on. The bindings are made, so it should be quick - says I!!!! I absolutely love the lighting upstairs, but I can't Zoom from that room or babysit the longarm, so it's a bit useless to me unless I'm just by myself, as I was yesterday! I really should spend more time there. 

My samples are spread out everywhere but are neatly organized, and I need to put them away. 

I have some cutting mats for my digital cutters that do NOT have holes for hanging. However, after our group meeting yesterday, it was suggested I get pant hangers, and voila!

Pant hangers to hang mats

Now, if I could only find the missing Scan and Cut mats, I'm missing two of them, and I've no idea what I did with them unless they are inadvertently hanging in the wrong spot on that shelf. I must check a bit closer. 

I got my mini cup hooks last week. Oh boy -- they are teeny tiny! It's a little hard to judge in that picture, but those teacups measure about ¼", so the hooks will work for them. I'm not sure they'll work for all the others. But I haven't had a chance to paint the little display cases, so I must get to that one night this week. 

Mini cup hooks

When I was out shopping, I spotted this little denim shirt, and it was so darn cute, I had to buy it. It is the perfect thing to embroider and make a sample! It's a size 3-6 months, so it's not big, and it was on sale. Sorry - that's not the best picture - the lighting must have been crap. 

Child's denim shirt

When I went out to read in the backyard, Miss Murphy came out with me. I can't go anywhere without her following along. Then she found her big stick propped on the deck railing. That dog has ADHD or something—she has to be busy all the time!

MOM - look at me - I've got a big stick!

I'm sure everyone knows that my favorite online store has book publishing facilities, and many books can only be found on their site. When you order a book, it gets printed and shipped to you. I've discovered that with a few books now. I know that the Cherrywood Challenge books are only available that way. The books I recently ordered for the Scan and Cut are only available from them. 

WAIT A MINUTE—when I did those searches, it told me which books I had recently ordered. OK—I confess that is very helpful. But it didn't go back in history, as I had purchased one of the Cherrywood books, and that did NOT get flagged as a purchase. 

DH came home from a weekend with his buddies, and one of them wrote a book—yep—you guessed it. It was published and is available on that site. 

Mike's book

The book is NOT really about walking dogs but about how he and his wife continued to walk their dogs through a terrible situation. This happened during the pandemic, when he was diagnosed and treated with multiple cancers, and his wife had a stroke! Yikes! I know the author—I used to work with him—and it's a quick read but interesting. All I will say is that people need good editors, but that's who this guy is. 

So my question is—has anyone had any experience with self-publishing on that site? Don't judge me for asking that question. As you all know, I'm not a fan of the site, but that doesn't mean I won't use it when needed. It's just not my go-to place. The situation is similar to when Wal-Mart came to town and shut down the downtown area of many small towns. I'm still bitter at them for that! I shop there when I need to - my pant hangers come from there. 

Well, it's Monday morning, so I need to get to the gym! Actually, I need to get to the gym or do exercises at home EVERY DAY. Lots of muscles that need stretching and strengthening, I need to get to the gym or exercise, and if I keep putting it off, I'll pay the price later. OH - I do exercises at home, but I never get serious about it!

Have a super day!!!
