Saturday, February 15, 2025

It's OK to be alone!

Yes -- it's OK to be a Pollyanna. It'll drive those negative Nellies to weep, and that's OK. It's nice to be positive, and I must keep the gentle critique in my back pocket for the next time! So many people are unaware of how they converse and are perceived, and some do NOT come up for air! 

Oh my—I have two of the three presentations ready, and the third won't take long. But the timing is tight! I've got to try a little harder next month so that it doesn't come to this tight timeline! 

It's Happy to Fly Your Canadian Flag Day!!! Here's my little flag clipped (with a bulldog clip) to the light on the garage! I have a larger Canadian flag but need a flagpole slot installed on the garage. 

Happy Fly Your Canada Flag Day! 

I finished my last "day job" presentation for the week at 4:30 yesterday. The area surrounding the cameras, etc., is a mess. As usual, I am so tired at the end that I turn everything off, leave the mess on the tables and the floor, and go back the next day to clean it up! I'll be doing that later this morning. 

The area after a presentation

So what does one do for dinner on Friday, February 14th? First, it's Friday, and I haven't been to the restaurant in several weeks; it's just how the scheduling worked. It's also Valentine's Day, and I'm on my own until later tonight - provided the weather permits planes to land. We expect more snow, but I think the worst comes tomorrow. 

I decided to go out for dinner myself! However, I was too lazy to get the car out of the garage because I would have to park it back in there when I got home, so I walked! It was a twenty-minute walk, which was nothing for me, and I walked back home after dinner. It was a beautiful evening for a walk, and the sidewalks were very doable. 

Of course, the manager (Serge) was there - it was pretty busy because of the day, although there weren't many couples at the restaurant. I got a high five from the manager because I came alone! He even gave me a heart-shaped chocolate! We've known him for quite a while, and he is a very nice person. And I had our usual server, so all was good! 

I started with hot chocolate and whipped cream! 

Hot chocolate with whipped cream

I then had a yummy heart-shaped pizza. I only ate half and brought the other half home for lunch today. 

Heart-shaped pizza

There was a time in my life when I would have been horrified to sit in a restaurant on my own. Then, many years ago, I gave myself a shake and said, "Who cares if I eat in a restaurant alone." And on Valentine's Day? I love myself enough to celebrate by myself for myself. If I waited for someone to be available when I wanted to do things, I would NEVER get to do most of the things I do. Don't wait - don't have regrets - just get out there and do it. Like everything, the more you do, the easier it becomes. I'm almost at the point where I would prefer to do things alone (especially vacations) or, at most, with one other person. It is so much less hassle. I can't handle group decision-making. That's a nightmare. 

OK - so I lied. I'm not almost at that point. I AM at the point where I prefer solitary vacations and am happy to walk, shop, or sew by myself. I'm good company!! And I'm always positive! And when no one is around, I chat to myself and the girls, and well, there isn't room for anyone else to get a word in edgewise! 

It was a great evening out, and I walked over 15 KM yesterday! I had to walk to the bank earlier in the day. 

As if shoveling the windrow in the morning wasn't enough, the plow returned and shoved some of the snow my neighbor left in the street into my driveway. It's not much, but it will be a mess if it freezes there. That looks like a two-minute shoveling job. OK—give me five, and I can get that cleared up! 

More snow in my clean driveway

When I got home, Miss Lexi went outside, curled up into a ball, and was quite happy to sit outside. 

Mom - you must curl up to preserve body heat

Look at this picture my future SIL posted. The bald-headed eagles even celebrated Valentine's Day. 

Two bald-headed eagles

This is the mound of snow in the restaurant parking lot. Good grief - soon, there will be no places to park! But since I walk, I couldn't care less. 

Mounds of snow in a parking lot

I finished clearing out the windrow in the morning (a 15-minute job), and the weak sun melted everything down to the pavement in the afternoon. And now, as I said, the darn plow has partially filled that in again, but it's not bad. 

My "extended" driveway is now clear and dry

On our walk yesterday, we found some nice, clear sidewalks. But look how deep the snow is along the edges. I haven't seen snow like that in a while, and the forecast says we will have another significant storm tomorrow. 

Clear sidewalks

Then we cut through the park on the way home, and the path was clear until it wasn't. The plow veered left, and we went right. Nothing we tough Canadians can't handle. 

MOM - I need a sled to pull!

The one thing about me and winter is that I rarely wear boots. I only wear boots if the snow is deep and I have to walk through it. I mostly wear my running shoes. And yesterday I had ankle height socks. But it's no big deal. The socks are wool, and my feet were toasty warm in my HOKAS. The snow was gone from my socks as soon as I got out of the snow. Trudging on a sidewalk in boots? Just the thought of walking in boots, never mind walking in them, is exhausting! 

I know I've shared dozens of photos of how different the girls are, and here are two more. Murphy is happy to spread out on the snow as she likes to cool off. 

MOM - this is so refreshing!

Lexi curls into a ball to conserve body heat. 

Mom - conserving body heat is smart! 

But which one attempted to get to the pond? 

Did someone fall in? 

The pond is frozen, so it would not be pretty if they fell in. My guess is that it was Murphy. 

The other thing about shoveling snow is that most people use a scraper like this. This works like a charm if the snow is loose and not too deep. Filling it and lifting it can be very heavy and will kill your back in an instant. Hence, the snow spreads outward, not upward. As in the case of my neighbor, who uses an even bigger scoop to shove the snow into the street, and the plow then puts it into my driveway. Yes - I need a new one as the edge is getting a little worn, but it still works, as you can see by my driveway. 

I need a new scraper

When the snow is deep, you need a shovel. You can be quick and fast, and the load is not heavy, meaning you can lift the snow higher. So you need a scraper and a shovel for the winter! 

There is one minor issue in Studio B at the moment. The filming area needs a lot of power, so both my power towers are in use. There are cameras, switch boxes, lights, and machines there. 

I'm even using a third extension cord. I could be more compact, but I don't want cords in the way. I should look at the situation and see if I can get back one of the power towers for the other set of tables. Now that I've got everything down to a science, I should check that out. 

So I'm running this extension cord on the floor. I plug my iron into it, but to do that, I have to unplug a camera or the iPad. And if I want to use the serger, I need to use this plug. It's a nuisance. Perhaps I can figure something out later today during the virtual retreat. I do NOT like running these little cords across the floor, as they are a tripping hazard!!!! So far, so good. 

A tripping hazard

AHA -- found this section in the organizing magazine. I learned a few things, but I've got a system down pat. OK -- so it's far from perfect. I'll share more of the ideas another day. Because we all know that paper is probably one of the worst culprits for clutter. It's just everywhere. 

Tips for busting paper

Don't forget we have a virtual retreat tonight. I can't wait as I have a lot of handwork stuff set aside. And I'll be using the filming area, where there is lots of open space to work. It's going to be a good night - I can tell. Be sure to stop by and say hello if you get a chance. You don't have to stay. Perhaps we can set a record - the most significant amount of new people dropping in to say HI. My Zoom account can handle 100 people. We've never been that large, but wouldn't it be fun if we were? 

Saturday, February 15th - starts at 6 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

Sunday, February 16th - starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

How is the decluttering going? What is your worst area? Do you need help? Do you need motivation? We are all in this huge mess together, and if we can help each other, it's a win-win for everyone. 

And on that happy note, I'm out of here! 

Have a super day!!!


PROUD Canadian!

Friday, February 14, 2025

The art of shoveling snow

An eagle eye spotted something in yesterday's post. Can you believe I wrote, "continue to CLUTTER," not declutter!!! I've since corrected that little error! Thanks for the note!!

I learned something interesting about my neighbors yesterday. Remember how I complain about those who do NOT shovel their sidewalks? Guess why? Because they ONLY use a snow blower, and if there's not enough snow, they don't bother. Those lazy so-and-sos!!!!!! As the street was digging itself out yesterday, EVERY HOUSE that never shovels had their snow blower out. I should have walked to all of them and said, if there isn't enough snow to warrant using your snow blower, you still have to clear the sidewalk. Sigh...........  And does it surprise you that ALL of them were men? 

Yesterday was an interesting day. I spent almost four hours shoveling the driveway. I thought I would be dead this morning, but I feel great—other than being tired and hungry when I woke up. The only sore spot is my right wrist, which doesn't hurt—it just feels tired. How did that happen? I'm in decent shape but thought my shoulders would be sore. Not so. 

I jokingly told DH that I shoveled tons of snow yesterday. Then I did a little math, which is entirely arbitrary, as snow can weigh anywhere from 7 to 50 pounds per cubic foot. We definitely had a foot of snow in the driveway. I have no idea how big my driveway is, but let's say it's 24 feet wide and about 30 feet long. Assuming 20 pounds per cubic foot, that's a lot of snow—and several tons, so I wasn't wrong! What the human body can do with the right mindset and breaking a massive task into bits or shovelfuls is impressive. 

This picture of the driveway in the morning is the same as yesterday. 

The view at 6 AM

I wanted to shovel the front step and a path to the end of the driveway before walking the girls. I confess that when I opened the garage door and saw the snow, I wanted to close the door and go back to bed. It was overwhelming. Where and how should I begin? So I did what all productive people do: I took the first shovel, the next, and so on. I went out four different times as I needed a break.  

After I shoveled a path to the street, there was still about 20 - 30 feet of deep snow before I hit the tire tracks. It was NOT a pleasant walk with the girls as things had been plowed, but still loads of snow on the ground. We didn't go too far, but they were happy. I laughed at Murphy because she was bounding down my path, and when we got to the end, she stopped and looked at me. Mom? Now, where do I go? 

The path to the end of the driveway

When we returned, they had fun lying in the snow and protecting their space. 

MOM - snow bathing is so refreshing!

Mom - I'm a Husky, and we love snow! 

Just as I returned from walking Lexi, my very kind neighbor had just passed with the snowblower and cleared the sidewalk! THANK YOU. I sent them a text because I was very appreciative of that gesture. I laugh as he goes up a good part of the street with the snow blower, even when there isn't much snow. He always stops one house to my left because those people NEVER do anything, and I don't blame him for not helping a non-friendly neighbor. They've lived there for 2½ years and barely said hello. 

Looking at the end of the driveway, you can see how far I had to walk with the dogs through the deep snow to reach the tire tracks!! Our street was plowed late in the afternoon—more on that in a moment. 

The driveway is clear at last

Here's another fun fact about snow removal. If you use a snow blower, you can't totally clear the pavement, so snow remains in the driveway or on the sidewalk. If you shovel by hand, like me, you can get down to the pavement very quickly, and with the sun's power yesterday, my driveway is bare and dry. It was still wet when I took this picture, but it's dry now. I even shoveled the bits left by the snow blower on the sidewalk, and it's dry as well. 

So this senior lady shovels the driveway by herself while all the men are out there with their snow blowers. A couple used shovels to clear the steps, but they did not clean up the leftover snow in the driveway. I have to say that I am pretty proud of my shoveling efforts. As a reward, I canceled my gym appointment this morning. I didn't think I needed more weight training after that episode! 

The other thing is anticipating what the city will leave when they plow the street. They use a big excavator to do that, and we often get hammered with a huge windrow at the bottom. It wasn't too bad, but still, another five feet across the entire width of the driveway had to be shoveled. I managed to get half of it done before I had to start my Zoom call. It will be tough to remove today, but I want to get it out. We have MORE snow coming, and I'm unsure I can lift it enough to get over the current banks. 

Half the windrow left to remove

We live on a curve, so the fronts of the two houses beside me are small, and there is little space for them to put their snow. They usually get bigger windrows than I do. Unfortunately, they push a lot into the street, so the next time the plow comes around, some goes into my drive! I don't push it into the street - I pick it up on a shovel and walk it to a place to get rid of it. I clocked MANY km yesterday, most of them in my driveway. I did NOT go for a walk. 

The windrows in my neighbor's drives

You can see what I was left with at the end of my driveway. I've seen much worse, but instead of texting, could that driver not have dropped his blade and just scooped that out of my driveway? Perhaps if I went out waving a $100 bill - would that have helped? 

Don't just sit there - remove that snow for me! 

Well, it's Valentine's Day. Since I'm on my own, I decided to treat myself and purchased a container of cookies the other day. Oh dear—these are deadly to eat, and I won't repurchase them for a long time. They are the best cookies around, and I have a couple left for later today. 

Valentine's cookies

I made a little heart block for my demo last night - piecing in the hoop. 

A heart block

And there is Murphy with a rose! How thoughtful! 

MOM - Happy Valentine's Day from Lexi and Murphy!

I found this in those boxes of stuff upstairs and decided to take the photo. The rose will be donated! It's like a plush thing. 

I have one more presentation today for the day job and five more on the weekend. I have been doing small things to organize them, but I need to put the pedal to the metal today. The snow shoveling took a considerable toll on my available time yesterday, but that's OK. It was nice outside, and I didn't mind it once I started. 

I will have to stop listening to the radio station in the morning. They are becoming very pessimistic. They always state how bitterly cold it is outside when it's not cold at all. If you continue to tell people it's cold, they will believe you! Dress for it, and you'll be fine. Then they talk about how stressed people are and say that January and February, March and April are brutal months. Good grief --- if we live our lives that way, of course, we will be stressed. 

Yes - life sucks at times, but if we don't put our positive thinking hats on, we are doomed. With all the challenges facing us in the next few years, we better have a positive attitude or - well, I won't get into that. Think about what you say and how you say it because negativity from multiple sources in a day will pull you down. 

People get caught up in the little details and aim for perfection. Guess what? Perfection does NOT exist in our world. Screw up, make mistakes, who cares if your kid is running around in mismatched socks or clothes that don't match. Who CARES? If a bit of dirt, mud, and snow come into the house - big deal - clean it up! We just need to focus on the fun and happy things instead of living in a world of doom and gloom. 

Imagine conversing with someone concerned about things they can't change, always aiming for perfection, and just a general malaise in the tone. I hate talking to people like that -- it's depressing, and I don't want someone like that to suck the life out of me! I wonder if they realize just how negative they sound?

On a very happy note, there is minimal snow shoveling today. I just want to clear the remainder at the bottom of the driveway. Then, I can sew for part of the day as I prepare for my presentations. I can sew for myself if there is time, but I doubt that. 

And don't forget the virtual retreat this weekend. Here are the links:

Saturday, February 15 - starts at 6:6:00 pmST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

Sunday, February 16 - starts at Noon - EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

And on that happy note, I'm out of here!!!

Have a super day!!!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Winter Wonderland

I should mention that we live on a court, so there's no sidewalk plowing. The street that our street joins is also not cleared by the city. However, the next street over the sidewalk is plowed. It all works out, but it's annoying that homeowners can't do some work. I wonder how I'll get to the plowed sidewalk this morning with the girls. I'm walking on the street, I guess. 

So when I was in BC last year—Penticton and West/North Vancouver, to be exact—I would NOT want to live there if there was snow and ice, as there has been this year—at least in Vancouver. M lives at the top of a steep hill, and it's been icy for days. Little Bear does not cope well with walking in one direction and turning around. He needs a circular route! 

Speaking of snow - there's LOTS outside this morning. It started at 3 pm and became nasty as I walked to the grocery store and back. It was not terrible, but the wind was brisk, and the snow was more icey pellets than snow. I put the car in the garage when I got home, and I don't need to go anywhere today. I don't expect anyone, so I'll tackle the driveway and sidewalks a bit at a time. 

Car parked in the garage

The girls are beside themselves with a desire to get out and play in it, but we have to wait until 7 am because a certain someone can't contain herself if she spots anything to bark at. This is what it looked like at 4:00 pm yesterday. 

The calm before the deluge

This is what it looks like now. The best gauge is the electrical box in the middle left of the top photo. And now, look at it. The forecasters say we got 20 cm, and I suppose that's about right. Thankfully, our driveway was made smaller a couple of years ago! Now, where's that neighbor of mine with the snowblower? If he at least does the sidewalk, I'll be happy. And if he doesn't, that's OK. 

The front after 

I can do other things because Studio B and my day job events are under control. What did I do? I struggled with the mess in the upstairs hallway, so I did this. 

I got some smaller boxes and sorted the ten boxes that were too heavy to carry. 

Sorting through boxes

I found many fashion-related books, now in smaller boxes at the front door and ready to be dropped off at the high school. I must email the teacher to make arrangements. 

Boxes of stuff to donate to various schools

The empty boxes went into the office's box storage area. Because of all the decluttering, I don't throw boxes away, at least not now, as I always need a box. So these are tucked into a corner, and no one knows. The pile was a lot higher a couple of months ago, but I needed a lot of boxes lately. 

Storing boxes

 I tell you, there was so much stuff in those boxes that M had collected over the years, and much of it needed to go. So, I've started refilling my recycling cart. What kills me is how universities are screaming for money, yet I found this very fancy and thick book for course offerings at a school. How do they pay for this? It is a waste of resources; hopefully, all their stuff is online. 

University course book

Oh my gosh -- my local radio station discussed whether getting a 10% discount or a free gift is better. Many women who called in wanted the free gift, while the men said the discount. I think you know which one I voted for. Seriously? Why would you take a free gift of something that you'll likely never use and that will become clutter? Gym bags with logos and mugs and glasses with logos on them. PLEASE say no - stop making it "cool" to want these free gifts. They become CLUTTER. You know it - I know it - the companies need to know it. Take the discount, and you'll save enough to buy a coffee that week, and there's nothing to get rid of!

I quickly went through the boxes and sorted out the fashion stuff. Some stuff went into recycling, and some belonged to me! Five boxes are still in the hallway, but it all looks and feels neater. They are not full and much more manageable weight-wise. I'll still get smaller boxes and pack the books for the thrift shop. Then, I'll deal with what else is left. I don't want the boxes to get mixed up, so I didn't go further. I may end up bringing them into the office to clear the hallway. Yep - the office is the dumping ground, and I'm OK with that. 

Boxes in the hallway

So what's left? Most stuff, including teen novels, can be donated to the thrift store. But I wanted to sort it further, and I didn't have time for that. I know life would be better if I could complete a job, but I'm OK with my progress. It's almost like I need to savor the process of decluttering. But all the steps, even the tiny ones, are huge, and I'm happy. 

The giveaway area in my house is becoming HUGE. This needs to go to the local school. 

A donation box

Part of the Pony Express staging area. 

Stuff for the Pony Express

And more stuff for the Pony Express and that massive pile of boxes you saw earlier. Not my orange cushions, of course!
More Pony Express items

There's only one big problem with all this. As much as we've sorted, culled, recycled, and donated, there still seems to be a vast amount of stuff in the house. Imagine if I hadn't started. What would it be like to deal with all this when I need to move? Thank goodness common sense popped into my head ten years ago, and I'm on top of it. 

Once the Pony Express area is cleared, I can restart. I hope each new project will be less challenging, and I should have less stuff to sort through—I can only hope! But I've donated boxes and boxes of stuff. 

I will tackle areas of Studio B, but I'm not quite ready yet. I also have a lot of Diane's stuff to deal with, so it's a slow process. 

While organizing the box area, I remembered this wire mannequin. M bought it years ago, and it's been waiting for a new home. Does anyone want it? It's more decorative than functional. If there are no takers, it's going in the giveaway pile. 

A decorative mannequin

While I was getting ready for my evening presentations, I spotted my cutting mat for my digital cutter. Oh, I guess I had better clean it. We talked about how people cleaned their mats before putting them away so they would be ready for the next cutting session. It's on the cutting table! 

My filthy cutting mat

I was messing around with files on my computer the other day. I have no idea what I did, but Outlook is now syncing like a charm. When I send an email from my phone, it almost instantly appears in my inbox. How did that happen? I have no idea, but let's hope it stays that way. And, of course, as soon as I said that, it didn't sync right away!

These girls are going to drive me mad. They start around 6:30, pacing and pacing and bothering me because they want to go out. They know they can't go before 7 am, so don't ask! They are worse than children!

Yesterday, I had fun puttering around Studio B and doing some machine embroidery. I also put things away and made decisions about things that had been sitting for months and are now gone or put away. Why haven't I been doing that? Sometimes, we are our worst enemy when not achieving things. 

My sorting bins under the tables in the film area are working like a charm. I needed some stuff at the last minute, and I could get it all out without getting off my chair! 

I needed another bag this morning, and imagine my surprise when I opened it and found a missing thread cone! When I unpacked from the retreat, I did NOT do a great job! 

A missing cone of thread

So I have something else to give away if anyone wants it. It's a heavy stiffener, like Peltex, but I'm not sure it's Peltex. It came from Diane's stash.

Heavy stiffener

There's an entire bag of it. What would you use it for? It's great for making postcards and anything else that requires structure. I have some and will likely keep a bit more (I also use it for machine embroidery), but if anyone can use it, again, you MUST have a purpose for it, not just take it for the sake of taking it. 

Structural interfacing

And there's my cutting table - almost cleared off and ready to cut some fabric for Spice Market this morning. 

The cutting table

While this may still look like a horrible mess, it's neat and organized. Of course, my supervisor was watching the entire process! 

Studio B is looking much better

I have some things to prepare for my lecture tonight, and tomorrow has already been prepped, so I'm good. That will give me time to prepare for the weekend classes. Some show and tell, so there is not much prep other than putting pictures in the slide show, and others require a bit of work to get them done. All is good.

Here are a couple of things to contemplate today since there's too much snow to go anywhere: 

  • Take the discount, NOT the free gift
  • Continue to declutter. Are you done with the drawers? Start on some of those boxes or shelves. It's a snowy day—perfect for clearing out junk. 
  • Shovel your sidewalk if the city doesn't do it. 
  • Be neighborly and help someone with their shoveling. If you live near a sidewalk that fronts a park or the entrance to a woodlot, shovel it. A few extra feet won't kill you. 
  • Be thankful. If I see someone shoveling their sidewalk, I always say, "Thank you." They need to realize that their efforts are appreciated! 

Lastly, here are the links for the Virtual Retreat this weekend. 

Saturday, February 15 - starts at 6 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

Sunday, February 16 - Starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

And on that note, I'm out of here!!! 

Have a super day - take it easy shoveling if you have health issues! 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Thrift store finds

 AHA -- we have it from a produce manager that bananas come in the box in bunches, NOT singles. So, can you tell me why people remove one banana from the bunch and leave it behind? If I were a produce manager, that would drive me BANANAS. I would stand there and watch the consumer and then ask them why they did that. If you want five bananas, pick up a bunch with five; don't pick up one with six and remove one. That's just silly. I still think the grocery store should give us a discount on those singles, but how would they manage that? 

It's like my neighbors who refuse to shovel their sidewalks. They will throw a ton of salt or whatever they use on the sidewalk. OK -- that's good, but if you shoveled it in the first place, you wouldn't need that. Then it gets all slushy and hard to walk on and freezes again. What is wrong with people? 

And the number of people who don't shovel their driveway so they can safely get to their car boggles my mind. Has the world become so lazy (I couldn't think of a more polite word) that they no longer care about their personal safety? What about the safety of the delivery person who delivers to your door (they should just wing the item to the house if the driveway is a mess!)? What about the safety of anyone else who comes to your home. I don't get it. 

I confess that I'm a fanatic about keeping our driveway clear. Even the street in front. Some ice had frozen right along the curb edge of the driveway. Well, with the power of the sun and my shovel, the ice is completely gone. I totally get it if there are seniors (depending on how you look at it - I'm a senior) only in the house or those not able to do the shoveling, but all of the homes with unshoveled sidewalks on my street have able-bodied people living in them. I'm tempted with the next snowfall (well, maybe not this one since it's supposed to be significant) to shovel the damn thing and show them what it's supposed to look like. 

I'm also tempted to call the bylaw officer because I've had enough. This happens winter after winter. Do they not realize what a sidewalk is for? It shows how unaware people are of their surroundings and have no clue that schoolchildren, dog walkers, and walkers use that sidewalk. WAKE UP, PEOPLE—you do not live in a bubble!

OK - I'm off my soap box now! 

Remember the dolls from yesterday. 

Medical dolls

I already received a bag with fabric and fiberfill—that's how quickly the Pony Express (or a neighbor) works! Thanks for the donation—you know who you are. 

A donation for the doll-making group

When she called to ask if I was home, I was NOT. I was at the thrift store! DRAT - because I had a puzzle to give her. Oh well - next time. 

I scored two puzzles at the thrift store. I don't know who sets the pricing, but they are usually $4.99. However, the one on top was only $2.99. It's a 500-piece puzzle, which should be less than 1,000. It was senior's day, so I didn't really care. 

Two puzzles from the thrift store

I found some napkins and table runners that will serve my purpose just fine. Then, I looked at the bedspread section. OH MY - I spotted two gorgeous ones that would be perfect for cutting up and making into a jacket. This was a lilac color, which isn't my thing, but the quilting detail was beautiful. 

Quilted bedspread

The other one was brown and also had glorious quilting. Both were $20. I could have gotten a 30% discount on these items, but I decided not to buy them as I already had three here. But darn—they would have made a nice jacket! So will the ones sitting on my railing. 

A brown quilted bedspread

I had a chance to sort through more of Diane's fabric, looking for bright, kid-themed items. Although she wasn't into kid stuff, I found some bright fabrics that I'll offer up. If they want it, it's theirs. If not, it goes into the donation pile. 

I believe I have sorted through all the greens, but I'm unsure. Maybe I can drop them off with my Quilts of Valour ladies next week. None of these pieces will do for backing as they are much smaller than 2 yards. But that's OK. I'll be fine even if I only get a few pieces for the backings. If one makes scrappy quilts, I find it best to work by color family. Making a quilt with all green squares (different prints and values) is much better than throwing in anything. It's way more cohesive! 

So, if anyone is interested in a stack of GORGEOUS green batiks, let's talk. However, the catch is that they NEED to be cut into squares and made into quilts for Quilts of Valour. The fabric is perfect for that. NONE of you need to add this to your stash. So if you agree to make tops (like Diane did), I'll find batting and backing and quilt them. Or even if someone would cut it into squares and someone else can sew them. But I do NOT want this fabric added to anyone's stash. 

I found these panels, which are up for grabs if anyone likes them. There are five of one and 7 of the other. I don't remember which is which. These are pillow-size, so if someone wanted to try making a one-block wonder with the panel, the group of seven would be great for that! 

Panels up for grabs

The panels can also be used to practice free-motion quilting. I'll be doing MANY lectures on this in March, so if anyone wants these, let me know. Please do not take them because they are free. I do not want to clean your stash out in several years and find these unused! 

My leg has been funky the last few days, so I did not go to spin class this morning. I'll give it a break - see - I listen to my body! I was also tired when I woke up, so I stayed in bed a bit longer. But I managed to get more paperwork done once I got up, which was a good use of the time. I'm still behind, but I think I'll always be behind. In the organizing magazine I'm currently reading, I spotted an author who wrote several books on using Outlook to become more efficient. Hmmm - I wonder. So I downloaded the book, but now I need to find the time to read it! 

At lunch yesterday, I browsed that magazine and found some great quotes. I agree with the first one. Decluttering is horrible—you want to just walk away, but sticking to the task is worth it. I'm not feeling those positive vibes now, as the house seems "full" of boxes that need to be dropped off. 

And this next one—oh boy. When you see those decluttering shows on TV, they remove all the trash and clutter. If you don't teach people why it got that way, it will return to the same state. 

I saw some clips on IG, and oh my—how could people live in that filth? Houses are almost filled to the brim with garbage. I think some extreme cases involve mental health issues, but once the house is clear of waste and clean, it will just return to that same state unless there is a follow-up. 

And what about this? Remember, the magazine was written in 2012. I don't think this will fly any longer! Toss your magazines! 

We have the big recycling cart, and I don't put it out until it's full, about once a month. Thank goodness a truck, not a human, picks it up because it was HEAVY. I almost tipped it over as I walked it to the curb, and that would NOT have been a pretty sight!

Oh, Murphy -- she's just got to be close, not beside you, but RIGHT beside you. She gets her big nose in there and ensures that not just one body part is touched but that your arm is around her. She's very needy. 

MOM - I woof you!!!!!

As mentioned, I did some more puttering in Studio B and prepped some stuff I'll machine embroidery later today. So much needs a little attention, and it could be put away. So that's my goal during the virtual retreat this weekend or doing some downtime during the day. 

I also finished a customer quilt. If all goes well, it will be trimmed later today. 

Customer quilt - DONE

Here are the Zoom links for the Virtual Retreat this weekend. 

Saturday, February 15 - starts at 6 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

Sunday, February 16 - starts at Noon EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

I swear I had one last thing to share, but POOF - it's gone! It'll have to wait until tomorrow. WAIT  - I remember. Have you noticed how LIGHT it is in the mornings? Spring is on its way! Says I, as we have a significant snowstorm forecast for tonight. 

I haven't mentioned the decluttering and organizing lately, but I hope you are still on that journey. It's a slow process. As that quote mentioned above, if you clean it up quickly, as in moving, you have NOT learned how to prevent this from happening. Slow and steady - drawer by drawer - but keep doing it! Your children will thank you and say so at your funeral. If I didn't do what I was doing, I bet M would bitterly complain (and rightly so) that I was a disaster in life and couldn't get my crap together and out of the house! I don't want anyone to think that. But a clear, calm mind also strongly encourages me to continue. 

Hmm - I might call the high school and offer to drop the books off on Friday. That deadline will FORCE me to go through those boxes upstairs! 

Have a great day! 
