Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Oh Murphy!

Poor Murphy had a good news/bad news kind of day. I'll tell you the quilting stuff first and then what happened. 

We had Monday Sewing, and I love our conversations. Between the group, we know EVERYTHING! Plus, we get to learn about tools (both old and new), and everyone has a different view of them. It's all good. OK—I confess that I'm VERY opinionated about many things. I'm also the first one to compliment someone on their skills, but sometimes, they also have some very bizarre ideas, and what is that all about? 

I managed to work on that stack of quilts that need binding. 

The binding was finished on this one, and now I need to make a label, then wash the quilt, and it is going in the mail. 

Binding number one of the day

I also got the binding on this one, which I hope to deliver this week or early next week when I complete the group of ten quilts. I still have one to quilt and several to bind. 

Binding number three of the day

I got the binding on a small wall hanging that belongs to me, but you can't see it yet. 

One more blog post is gone, leaving one left. I hope to get that out of the way today as I need to move on to other things. 

I did not get to the long arm, but I hope to get there today. So I had a good day. Murphy did not! 

When I drove DH to the train in the morning, I decided to let Murphy come along. She loves the car and is generally a good passenger. However, when he got out of the car, she wanted to go with him (imagine that!), and she cried. But she soon settled down.

MOM - I LOVE the car

When we got home, I opened the car door and told her to go to the house. HA! She bounded over the front step and ran between our house and the neighbor's. When I followed her, she was peeing, which was OK. Then she ran through the small garden, and I lost her. When I walked around and into their driveway, she was sitting pretty as punch on their front step. 

Looks good, Murphy, but that's the wrong house! She bounded off the step and ran through the next neighbor's front yard and around the corner towards their gate. The gate was open, and she bounded through. OH - I almost lost her amongst the weeds in that yard. And there's a dog at that house, but with the gate open and the mess, I wonder if they ever use the backyard. It's a shame because this is a huge and, at one time, gorgeous backyard. 

After she had her romp (bounding through the weeds to see), she came back, and we walked back to our house together. I swear she lay in the front hallway with the biggest grin. As if to say - I listened, but not before I had a little fun! 

And the rest of Murphy's day was great. However, when they should have been in the house later that night, the two of them were outside, and, well, remember that skunk that lives under the porch around the corner? Perhaps he was out for a stroll, or this was a neighbor. But poor Murphy got hit in the face. 

MOM - my eye stings!!!!

She was very unhappy and kept trying to rub her eye with her dirty paws. I've no idea what she was doing outside - DH NEVER pays attention to them in the backyard, so they could have been doing anything. If he had been more aware, this could have been avoided! Oops. She was rubbing her eye with her paw or in the dog bed to relieve the pain. Poor thing, but I didn't feel much sympathy for her! 

MOM - help me - I'm dying!

Thankfully, she was OK and didn't get a total blast in the face. Within a short time, she was finished rubbing her eye and is just a bit stinky, but not a huge deal. Lexi got off easy, but then she had been sprayed years ago and perhaps remembered! Let's hope that Murphy learned her lesson. I doubt it!

This morning, her eye is still a bit wonky, so I might give her an eye bath outside. It'll probably take a day or two to get back to normal. 

Speaking of neglected houses on our street, here's another one. This one has been a mess for years. A huge tree on that lawn was cut down several years ago, but they left this unruly shrub, which has now grown up. The driveway is filled with cracks, and weeds are merrily growing. The grass rarely gets mowed. 

A neglected house

I wonder why people won't take care of the outside of their property. If they can't or won't, why don't they move to a condo or a place where someone else does the outdoor maintenance? Or hire someone to do the work. One person lives in this house, and to my knowledge, they are very capable. But we rarely see that person. It's a mystery house!

So, it's time to start prepping for my big trip. I've been walking in my clown shoes for a couple of weeks, and it's time to dig out the socks I will wear. These are the Injinji socks with individual toes. 

Walking shoes and socks

I like these socks even though getting each toe into the right spot is a hassle. I have to chuckle because other people who have done this walk or other hikes swear that these are the best socks and will prevent blisters. I got blisters wearing these socks, but only on one foot. There are so many variables as to why you could get blisters; the type of sock alone is not enough! 

The best part of these socks is that if you have to bandage a toe because of a blister, the bandage stays nice and snug in the separate toe! At least one pair of these will be coming with me. 

I still need to book my ticket home. I had enough points to book a ticket there, but not back, and the security team in Spain may not want to let me in if I don't have a ticket out! So, as I wind things down here, I can start packing for next month. I'm almost done with all my commitments and even working on those for September, which I won't tell you about because it's scary! My life seems to be feast or famine some times!

Well, I have to run. There are lots of things on the agenda for today, and I'd better get started, or I'll never get them done. 

Have a super day!!


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