I have been totally neglecting my e-mail. Once I check it on my desktop computer first thing in the morning, I glance at it on my phone throughout the day, but I rarely respond to anyone. Then when I try to sync the desktop the following day, it takes a LONG time for the e-mails to go through, including the one where I've e-mailed myself the pictures for the blog. Sigh..............
It is supposed to sync automatically throughout the day, and not sure why that isn't happening anymore. I think I have figured out how to force it to sync -- well, force is a strong word, and how to initiate the sync might be a better way of saying it.
So a bad thing happened the night before. I was finishing up one of the quilts and broke a needle because I wasn't babysitting the machine at one end. It broke into three places and pulled the end of the needle right out of the needle bar, which had never happened before. Since the long arm now stitches left and right, I seem to get caught right at the end on the way back, and I need to pay more attention. It doesn't do this all the time, and I will confess that my backing was on the skimpy side!
This happened because I was chatting on the Virtual Retreat and forgot to go back and check the end. It was my fault, but fortunately, the quilt was not damaged. So that was a learning lesson for me. Make sure the backings are LARGER, or be prepared to babysit more.
However, the thread kept breaking when I went to stitch the remaining stitches. I managed to stitch the last bit of that quilt and prayed that it would fix itself overnight. Alas, that did not happen. When I basted the quilt to the backing, it stitched with no problem. The minute it had a curve, the thread broke.
Hmm --- could be a couple of things. So I got out the Maintenance Manual to have a read.
When in doubt -- read the manual |
It looks like the needle plate got a burr when the needle broke. Do I have anything to file that down?? It doesn't look like much, but there was enough that when the thread changed direction, it caught and broke!
The burr on the needle plate |
As I explained the situation to the Monday group, I remembered this small filing set I found while searching in my scrapbook supplies a while back. It had been sitting on the cutting table so I could use it for something else. This will be PERFECT. I didn't want to bother with it during Monday sewing, then I went for a walk, and when I returned, I got myself to work.
Scrapbook filing kit |
Before I knew it, the burr on the needle plate was gone. Yes --- I scratched the surface a bit, but it was tough to get at the burr. The scratches don't matter!
The burr is GONE |
As I was reinserting the bobbin, I felt a rough edge on the bobbin casing, so I filed that down as well. I might as well, rather than testing it after the one burr was gone. You can't see the burr here, but it was on the side. And YES --- I need to clean the bobbin case before I start this morning.
The messy bobbin case |
Then I hit start, and away the long arm went -- happy as a clam. One more quilt for Quilts of Valour is done! I was going to do another one last night, so I could do my two of the day, but it was dinner time when I finished this, and I was too tired. The next one is loaded on the long arm and ready for this morning.
Quilts of Valour quilt - DONE #5 |
So what did I do during Monday sewing? I put bindings on quilts! When I started, my sewing table was covered with quilts that needed binding.
My sewing space at the beginning of the day |
And by the end of the day, this is what I had.
Binding on quilt #1 |
Binding on quilt #2 |
Binding on quilt #3 |
Binding on Quilt #4 |
I seem to be missing one photo as all five of the Quilts of Valour quilts I quilted are now bound. NO --- I think I showed you that fifth quilt yesterday. I still have to do the RCMP quilt, but maybe I can get around to that one today. I'm making excellent progress, and hopefully, this will encourage me to do more along the way, so I can get up-to-date with what needs to be quilted.
We had to have our alarm system serviced, and they were here for several hours while all that happened, but now everything is back in good working order. Lots more technology for me to mess up! I have located the second WiFi booster, which needs reset by the provider, so I must call for that today.
Security panel back in operation |
Speaking of technology, do you use the Libby App for your library books? There are a number of us in the Monday sewing group who use it. We have some features we would like to change, and I learned some new things yesterday. It's incredible how collectively we can teach each other, even at our "advanced" age!
And sometimes, people get frustrated with things in an app, but once you know why those annoying things are happening -- you can prevent them from happening. Someone complained about getting a notification that X number of people are waiting for a book. That ONLY happens if there is a waiting list and you are NOT reading the book (i..e have not started or you haven't touched the one you are currently reading in more than 24 hours). So it doesn't just pop up randomly --- it's a gentle reminder that if you aren't actively reading the book, perhaps one of the waiting people could read it!! The 24 hours is my guess -- I'm not actually sure what the time frame is.
Speaking of books, I stopped at Indigo on my walk because I like to check out the books and magazines, and I needed a fix. I did NOT buy anything as I mostly shop with my eyes now.
Oh my --- a Bob Ross Cross Stitch book!! That's too cute! Oh -- I didn't even open it up to look inside!
Bob Ross cross stitch!
But on the entire crafts shelf, there were TWO books on quilting, zero on scrapbooking, and tons on knitting, crochet, and drawing. Times have sure changed!!! The two books on quilting -- one by Kaffe Fasset and the other by Jackie Gering.
The crafts section at the book store |
So much of that store is now gift and homestyle items, where it was strictly books and magazines once upon a time.
Well, the princess is moving up in the world. I caught her sleeping on the couch without her Dad, as he had to get something, and she was pretty happy to stay put! Oh, Lexi --- you little princess!
Sleeping on the couch -- solo! |
I have some e-mail to take care of today, but I'll be on the long arm for most of the day. I need six more to finish my first grouping of 11 quilts for Quilts of Valour. Then I think I'll get the following 11 ready, and I have until November 11 to finish those. I'll take those a bit slower as I need to hit the sewing machine for classes soon. Although technically, I'm still "on vacation" as I wasn't scheduled to arrive home until Sunday!
OH --- it's my week to blog on
QUILTsocial, so be sure to check that out. I'm taking a new sewing machine for a test drive, and if you need a small machine for a second machine, this is a good one to look at.
That's it for today ---
Have a super day!!