Yes, I have my Task Master and yes I'm crossing things off the list. But this is the second weekend in a row with a massive project to get done. Not that it's boring, but there are deadlines and so I MUST be focused. Yesterday, I spent almost the entire day between the cutting table, the ironing board and the sewing machine. It truly was a pleasure as I didn't have to move anything in order to work at any of the stations. I didn't have to step over or around anything to get to any of the stations. The design wall was clear and well - it was a good day.
In order to avoid this time crunch situation, that means keeping things up to date and NOT agreeing to things if there is no time. Some of these projects got delayed because of meeting another deadline and since I'm not flitting from project to project, a couple of things are DUE in the next couple of days. I want to get to the position where there is a smidgen more room between finishing and the due date or not have so many things due on the same day!
Yesterday was a day for focusing. So much so that as I was working, I was listening to the radio. It's 2:00 PM. Oh really??? And next thing I knew, it was time for the 3:00 PM news update. Then 4 and 5. I mean that is real focus and has NEVER really happened to me.
Here goes with a few things that are happening in the studio.
I made this quilt last Saturday. It's a modern quilt with loads of negative space. The design wall was busy so I couldn't hand it up for a photo.
Modern quilt - almost made in one day! |
This is one of three quilts that will be raffled off at one of my guilds. Oh yes, I had every intention of quilting it and well - when someone called and offered to take it off my hands??? I thought about it for 1 second, then said YES. I pieced the top, made the binding and the backing and then delivered it.
The backing and the binding are also made!!!! |
This was one of those scenarios where I needed to check with my schedule and reality and well, there just wasn't time to do justice to this quilt.
Originally I wasn't involved in the raffle quilts at all. I've done many of them over the years. However at one of our retreats, I was asked to help with these blocks that had been made by the guild members. Hexagons with Dresden plate style piecing.
Hexagon quilt |
This one was pieced a while ago although I don't think I shared a picture with you. Because various guild members had made the hexagons, they were NOT all the same size and needed to be trimmed. YES - how do you trim a hexagon??? I found a ruler and it worked perfectly. I think I had to make three extra blocks - NO - Ronda and I made extra blocks. I don't remember how many. Anyway - this is what the quilt looks like. I was also supposed to quilt this one - again lots of negative space.
Same person offered to take this quilt. DONE!!!! I really didn't have time to get it quilted in the time frame it was needed. But I did manage to get the binding and the backing done.
Binding and backing - DONE |
I didn't want to hand off these two quilts in various stages of completion. But I was OK with giving the top, the backing and the binding!! Maybe I shouldn't put this on the blog because I know you'll hold it to me, but the one with the hexagons will be a pattern - hopefully SOON! And I must say that my pattern writing skills are getting put to the test lately. I seem to be cranking them out fast and furious. Watch for it - when they are available, I'll let you know where. I think there are three or four going to be out this coming week. But if you want to check out what I have so far, please check the resource page at
This is another quilt that I'm putting in the finished book. Although technically, it's been done for a while. But it's for M and she happens to be visiting at the moment so I can finally give it to her. Yes - it has a label, no sleeve as it's a snuggly quilt. It's got minky on the back.
V is for vegan! |
The quilt is made up of vegetable fabrics. I must remember to take a picture of the quilting on the back. And yes I stitched in the ditch around each of those little squares. What was I thinking????
Detail of veggie quilt |
And what am I working on this weekend??? I've got blog posts for Quilt Social that MUST be done by tomorrow. I'm working on my 150 Canadian Women blocks. I think I'm on number 22? of 27 so that's not bad and parts of the remaining blocks are cut out - the red bits.
Block used as an ender and leader |
But I have another quilt that I need to get pieced. This is what it looked like last night. It took me ALL day to get those blocks with the little squares done. They are in a very specific order and well, I wasn't as logical as I could have been about the process. I learned though when I did the smaller blocks and it went much faster.
Blocks for the next quilt |
I have two more blocks to make (12 of each). The first part of one of the sets is complete.
Next batch of twelve blocks |
And two of the blocks are already made, leaving 10 more star blocks to make. And that last set of 12 blocks.
Two more star blocks |
I hope the final assembly isn't going to be too challenging. Because of the colors, everything needs to be in a specific location. I think assembly is going to happen tomorrow. I also have two quilts to quilt today. Ah - going to be a tad busy, but I'm happy with the progress. I will be happy for a weekend with NO deadlines though!!! This quilt is NOT my pattern, but I'll tell you the pattern source, when I'm done.
On that note, I'm out of here!
Have a super day!!!!
And on that note, I think
Lexi (and Murphy) have something to say this moring.