Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Pony Express is alive and well!

And there was yet another learning curve yesterday, and I succeeded! It has to do with email. I almost have the blog post ready that lists my classes for the fall. Writing the post was easy, but finding the dates and times took work! For one of the classes, you have to sign up with me, and I know people like to receive an acknowledgment of their email. I won't be able to do it for a couple of weeks. However, I can set that up via email, and I did. I tested it, and it seems to be working. 

The process was not without issues. I Googled the instructions, which were straightforward; however, the directory where the email needed to be saved was hidden. So I had to manually type in part of it, and then the appropriate folder popped up. Why is that? While help is helpful, it's sometimes more complicated than solving the problem. 

So yes, I can make email work better for me. I just have to learn what tools are available. That second blog post should go live, hopefully, before lunch today. 

This is not in the blog post, but if you're wondering how many new projects I'm starting, there are two and possibly a third—if I can find a couple of dates. Both projects start in October and end in June, so they are long projects. The other one will only have two or possibly three dates if we go ahead with it. The rest of the classes/lectures I'm taking are all about learning, finishing, or perfecting. No new UFOs to create! 

I'm trying very hard to practice what I preach, but it's still fun to start something new—but only if I intend to finish it. I will NOT begin something new just because! My goal is to finish! 

The Pony Express is alive and well. This was the staging area at my house in the morning. Well, except for Lexi! She gets to stay!

The staging area for The Pony Express

Two people came to pick up stuff, and I dropped off some stuff; it looks different this morning, but the large stack of quilts is still there. I have to make arrangements to drop those quilts off. I MUST do that this morning. (E-mail sent!)

I sure like those flat-rate boxes from Canada Post. I had two quilts to mail, so I went online to check the dimensions of the large box. Then, I folded both quilts so they fit that footprint. When I got to the post office and got the large box, the two quilts slipped into the box like a hand into a glove. 

A perfect fit

The box should be delivered by Thursday morning. M is excited to gift the quilts to her new niece and nephew—well, new by upcoming marriage, not new babies. I'm excited because two quilts are gone!

Then, it was down to the long arm to get that last quilt done. This is the 10th community project quilt, and it's done. It's actually a gorgeous quilt, all done in red flannels. I'd keep it, but I do not need another quilt. 

Community project quilt - DONE

It's trimmed, and I'll put the binding on it later today. Now that I don't have another quilt to load or quilt or make the backing or the batting, I will have loads of time on my hands today! Which is good because I have a bit of sewing and applique that MUST be done. I want to finish it, so I'm a bit ahead of the game. 

Sometimes, when I join the batting, I don't always get it as secure as it should be, so I keep the iron on the floor by the long arm. I only burnt my leg once! 

Ready to secure the fusible tape

The binding is on my small quilt, so that's good. And leaves only the red one that needs the binding put on. 

A binding on my quilt

Keeping on top of that process is enormous. Making the backing, finding the batting bits and joining them, trimming, dealing with the leftovers, and adding the binding consumes a lot of time. I was going to continue with a couple more of my quilts on the long arm, but I decided to stop and get some other stuff done. It will be a pleasure to focus on one thing and not have to babysit the long arm while trying to sew. 

I have my snacks organized for my trip. These are 12-gram protein bars.

Snacks for travel

Yes, I know they have food in Spain, but they eat at unusual hours, and sometimes, you won't find a cafe open until late in the morning. I need something in my stomach before then. Last year, I found some bars at the airport before I left—the flight was delayed, so we got a food voucher. I spent it all on bars, probably two or maybe three. But they came in very useful. 

Sometimes, a rest stop isn't where you think it is. I remember the first year I ran out of gas, and when you hit the wall, it's not pretty. So, having something like this on hand does the trick. They are small, and I'll only need half a bar or a bite or two at a time. Also, they are light in weight! 

I need to get my medical kit and toiletries in order today, and then I'll shove everything in the backpack. Then I'm ready to go! I just have to wait for the plane to take off. 

Should I say, I'm playing the lottery with my ticket. I still need to book a ticket home, and I need to do that before I leave. Air Canada will love me before the end of today with all the flights I have to book. Anyway, I booked my flight to Spain on points. So, technically, it didn't cost me anything. I have a Premier Economy seat, which provides more room and a better chance at upgrading to Business class, where I can have a flatbed, which would be excellent for the flight. I am waitlisted for the upgrade, and 13 seats are currently available. DH is encouraging me to cough up $1,200 for a guaranteed seat (his take is that it's cheap since I did NOT pay for the seat to begin with). Or do I gamble and go for a free upgrade? It's all about how many people like myself are on the waiting list and where I fall within that waiting list. I don't get an upgrade if I'm number 14 or greater. I will know that 24 hours before leaving. Hmmm.... These upgrades are fun, to be sure!

And now, the story of Murphy. She is always getting into trouble. Yesterday, I was sitting at the computer when I heard some water turn on. At first, I thought it was DH having a shower. But it didn't sound right, so I went into the backyard and found the hose running. Thankfully, it was pointed at the pond. 

Who turned on the water?

We installed a new tap earlier this year to make it easier to turn the water on and off. Murphy accidentally turned it on as she ran by or was foraging for rabbits she suspects are under the deck. Sigh.

The lever tap

Thankfully, I was home and could recognize the noise. It would have taken DH a long time to realize the hose was running. 

I completely forgot about the Olympics, but DH turned the TV on, and I watched a wee bit of it. Murphy was fascinated. 

MOM -- the Olympics!!!! 

It would appear that she does not sleep. Early this morning, I was downstairs working, and she started to bark. Now what???? I came up and saw her peering intently out the front window. 

MOM -- there's something out there!!!

At first, I didn't see anything, but then I spotted this. That coyote has no issues about walking down the center of the street like he or she owns the place. And we only see one, never more than one. 

A nocturnal visitor

The mound of paperwork to tidy up before I leave is getting smaller, so that's a good thing, and I hope to get a good portion of the rest done today. Some stuff has to be done before I leave, and some can wait, but it would be nice because I hate to say this, but the minute I get off the plane on my return, it will be insane for five very intense weeks! It's just how it worked out; my schedule seems to be a feast of famine! I have enjoyed the relative quiet of July and will continue to shut things down in July and August every year, regardless of my travel schedule. I might even leave September open, which was great for this year and what is coming. 

I'm so excited because there are no classes this weekend—not today or tomorrow. But there is a Virtual Retreat, and I've got loads to sew while we chat. 

Saturday, July 27 - starts at 6 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, July 28 - Starts at NOON EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Come on by to say hello. We'd love to chat with you.

Have a super day!!!



  1. Good luck with your walk on the Camino. Are you starting at the beginning again, or starting where you left off last year?
    Sharon F

    1. AHA -- that is a secret isn't it. Let's say that in the past two years, I flew into Paris. I'm not flying into Paris this year. Can you imagine with the Olympics?

  2. I don't know how you do it but I wish I had half your energy!! Will be following along with your walk.
    Slowly - ever so slowly, I'm purging my work areas as I read your progress.
    Shirley J.

    1. Oh Shirley --- it's such a slow process to pitch and purge. Baby steps and soon you'll start to see some changes!!! Good luck

  3. I'm so excited for you to complete your 3rd leg of YOUR Camino. You've accomplished so much since your return last year. You have much to contemplate and celebrate through each day as you put one foot in front of the other :-)

    1. Thanks so much!!! Let's hope that I can be as productive ON the Camino as off. Good body management is required!!!
