Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Quilt Legends

HA - how do drawers magically appear? Well, I have drawers in several pieces of furniture in my house that I rarely use. So when I actually see them, I'm surprised. And I will confess that I need to go through them because I just don't remember they are there. I know these three drawers have junk in them or at least stuff that I don't use. That's for another day. 

I'm happy to report that the orange basket is empty!!


Even though I was the one who emptied it as I pressed those scraps, it still surprises me that in such a short time and with FOCUS, I was able to get through that task. I guess previously, it was overwhelming and uninviting. But by distracting myself, I made it a game—I got to watch The Quilt Show and limited the time each day. 

I'm reading a book right now on decluttering—more on that another day—but one of the things mentioned is trying to eliminate procrastination. I'm good at procrastinating, but that is one area I'm trying to eliminate. And it says to try and find a way to make those tasks we don't want to do fun!! And that's what I did, and it worked! 

So that messy bag of green scraps now looks like this. I put it back on the shelf and will deal with it another time. 

A shoebox of green scraps

Now, I want to tackle some cutting that's been hanging around forever. The first group will be the fleece bits. That's on the agenda for this evening. 

I took that final bunch of scraps out of the basket and put them on the ironing board. It was easier than reaching into the bottom of the basket every time. Slow and steady! 

The final bunch of scraps

Here are my two containers for the 365-day challenge. There's way more than enough fabric to finish the blocks, but this looks much more inviting than the bag of scraps, and I might want to cut something. I'd better get my act together now, as we have a class this weekend. 

The fabric for the 365-day challenge quilt

I thought I was done with the 700 series of The Quilt Show, but I forgot the 13th episode, which was hidden on page two. Oh my -- it was all about Yvonne Porcella. Does anyone remember her? I took a class in Houston with her in 1999. As I watched one segment of this tribute to her, I had to laugh. One of her best classes was the wild and wacky face. We were told to bring bright and bold fabrics. I brought beige for the background! I sold that piece, so I can't share it with you. I must have a photo somewhere, and I could easily find it if my photos were more organized. 

Yvonne's wild and wacky faces

It's hard to believe that Yvonne died eight years ago! She was a treasure to the quilting world and the founder of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates), which I did not know. And not to offend anyone in the quilt world, but I find the new or up-and-coming quilters (the famous ones) are not doing anything new - so much is the same old, and it's nowhere near as exciting as what the quilt legends have done. It's now all about marketing and selling the next book or pattern, which surprisingly are so much the same! And the quilt world seems to be about accumulating, not creating. 

I will try to eliminate some books that can be donated to that book sale. That made me get out a few more bits of paper sitting beside a couple of books. I got rid of some stuff, but I still have this to deal with. 

Dealing with more paper!

It's not a lot, so that's very helpful, but I'm not sure I'll have time to process it today as I have other things that must be done. What I need are boxes! One thing that happened because of the pandemic is the porch pickup! Luckily, we don't have porch pirates in my neighborhood. On my way to The Hobby Horse, I stopped to pick up some boxes from someone near me, and my chair outside my front door became a pickup spot. The chair is supposed to be sitting on the front patio, but it never made it! 

The porch pickup spot

While I got rid of a binder with many articles about quilts and the Underground Railway, I got three puzzles in return. They look like tough ones!

So thanks to everyone who makes the porch pick-ups such a success. It's a great system and lots gets picked up and dropped off. 

While putting the garbage out, I spotted this pile of boxes in the garage. They have been bundled up there for years. One of those scenarios where you have seen something so many times that it disappears. These will also be perfect for packing up books. 

More boxes to pack up books

I need to pull the books off the shelf and immediately put them in the box. I decided I didn't need the books on decluttering and grabbed those. Of course, I had to look. The one I'm currently reading was purchased TEN years ago - the receipt was still in the book. While it's a good book, I honestly think I'm past that stage - I KNOW how to do it and am motivated; I just need the time. That's not entirely true, but I think I've got this. 

I will browse them and look for specific topics—like digital clutter, storage solutions, time management, money, shopping habits, and some internal stuff. I could use more work in those areas. Why does it take the threat of getting rid of a book to motivate me to finally read it? And I must stop getting books from the library for a bit as I deal with what I have. 

On our way through the forest, we spotted this pylon. Why? There was no reason for it to be there, but Murphy quickly became possessive when I made her sit down! What a silly girl!

MOM -- is this for me? 

And Lexi? She's a princess. See that couple in front of us? They always stop to pet her when they see her, and she tucks right into them for a cuddle! I took the picture after they left - I didn't want to ask them while Lexi was sucking up! 

Lexi following her fans

I got my big car errand out of the way yesterday, and I think I'll be good for a while now. I have a short errand to do today, and it's supposed to rain all day. It's a perfect day to stay inside and write! My computer is acting up. NO—it's not the computer—it's the software, and I had to redo some of the editing I did last night. Why? I've no idea.

The other thing that drives me crazy is the "fight" to be my internet browser. I have set Google to be my default numerous times. I will get Edge to open on occasion, and I see that Yahoo has knocked Google off the list, and it is now my default browser. Why is that? Why can't we select settings and have them stay? If I want a different browser, I'll choose a different browser. 

Well, I'm off to spin class this morning and then back to the computer, and I hope it cooperates with me. 

Have a super day!!



  1. LOVE the empty Orange basket! Now it can be repurposed :-)

    Best way to tackle spending? Track every penny for 1 year. I have 15 categories that match our habits. I started this 25y ago and I still do it today. It really did change our spending habits. $1100/year on books to read once? Joined the local library.

    Love those buckets of pressed scrap!!!!
    Happy Wednesday :-)

  2. I remember Yvonne Porcella. Was fortunate to go to a guild meeting in the 80's where she gave a presentation. She was amazing with her energy and bright colors. Truly an artist with fabric.
    Sharon F
