Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Revenge on the skunk

It was a decent day, but I've been feeling tired lately. Perhaps the heat, although we've had hotter days. I know I'll need a nap today, as I was awake for part of the night. I'm off to spin class but think I'll nap when I return. I hate when that happens, but it's life!

The last blog post needs one last quick read-through, and it's gone, so that is good. I need to take one more picture, but I should have that out of the way by noon—even with a nap. 

Then, a couple of unexpected things plopped on my plate, and I'll have to deal with them over the next couple of days, including organizing my fall class schedule. But I have time, so that's OK. I have two more quilts on the board, and then it's time to take a break from the long arm.  

At one point, I was all excited about decluttering the office, so I moved a few things up to Studio U. There was loads of light, and it was more inviting and had lots of space. When I was up there the other day, I brought a bucket down to empty it. Oh, the things I found, but it's much easier to deal with them this time. The office supply cabinet is neat, so that makes putting away any further supplies I find a snap. I might get to finish that bucket later today. 

However, I found a bag. What's in the bag? Keys! What are the keys for? NO IDEA!!! 

Keys to what?

So they went in the bag with all the other keys that I've accumulated! As time goes on and I can't find a key for something, I'll check the bag, which I know exactly where it is. But we do NOT use keys for anything. Wait -- we do use a key for the mailbox. I have two keys on my key ring, one for the mailbox, and I need to figure out what the other one is for. We do NOT carry keyrings around any longer! I haven't for years. 

More odd keys

We need a key fob for the car, but as long as it's on my person, the car starts. So it stays in my small pouch, and I grab it when I want to drive. The insurance and registration are also in the pouch. It sure beats hauling around a huge purse! 

I made and stitched on two quilt labels. Now, the quilts can be washed, packaged, and mailed to their recipients. They are going to M's niece and nephew—well, her fiancĂ©'s niece and nephew, so they get to be the good aunt and uncle! I hope the kids like them. But it's two more quilts out of my house! 

Hand-stitching a label

A few things have accumulated on the cutting table that need to be put away. I didn't have time yesterday, so hopefully, today will be the day. 

I did get to the long arm, and I got my quilt quilted, but not before I had a learning curve to tackle. It was a double wedding ring quilt, and it was easy as pie to set the block design in the big white section. But when it came to putting the small design in the melons, I was stumped. 

The quilting on my double wedding ring

However, when I posted a question to the Facebook group, I got an answer within minutes. Then, I had to translate their answer into my software, but I figured it out. 

Which buttons do I touch? 

 Oh my, I'm thrilled with the results!! It's a small quilt—well, a wall hanging, really—but it's practice for two lap-sized quilts I have, and I have another double wedding ring wall hanging to quilt as well, so it's good I learned how to do this. NO—none of the wedding ring quilts are for M. I have ZERO intention of making them a quilt as a wedding gift. Unless I'm asked for one, they already have quilts. 

My double wedding ring wall-hanging

I even found a design for the 4-patches at the block centers and figured out how to make that happen. There is no quilting in the dark purple rings; I'm unsure if I'm OK with that. I had to take it off the long arm last night, but it's easy enough to put back on. I will at least stitch in the ditch around the dark purple but after that? It'll come to me. 

It's hard to see the quilting in that picture, but it shows up on the back. See what I mean about those rings? It needs some quilting there. 

The back of the quilt

So, back to Murphy and the skunk story. After posting the story to my Monday Sewing group about what happened to her, someone suggested I wash her with Dawn dish soap. So I got a soapy bucket and took her outside. She knew what was coming, and while that dog likes water, she doesn't like having a bath. She was NOT impressed. 

MOM - WTF????

OMG—she looks hilarious and only got a bath on the front. It's hard because the attack was on her face, not really her body. I left it like that, and she got some treats, and she was OK. However, that sneaky Lexi was all over the treats! That dog lives for treats and couldn't care less about her dog food. Treats, yes; dog food, no!

However, before the dog-washing incident, it was near dinner time, and I looked out the kitchen window and saw this. 


Oh!!!! I don't know how long it had been there, but the flies were buzzing around. I know that flies and other bugs are very important to determining the time of death—at least that's what happens in the books! Think The Body Farm series by Jefferson Bass—they are all about the bugs! 

Who killed the skunk? Murphy as revenge for spraying her? Lexi, to help out her sister? Both dogs are hunters and not afraid to show it. Oh gosh! The sight of it gave me a fright until I realized it was dead. So I got my handy "wing the dead animal over the fence" tools out and disposed of it! How many animals have gone the same route from our backyard? Thankfully, we have a forest back there and we can do that. I don't think any neighbor would appreciate finding a dead skunk in their backyard. 

Our house doesn't smell of skunk, or perhaps my nose has become accustomed to it. Murphy smells of dish soap rather than skunk! Poor thing. I wonder what the next Murphy adventure is going to be! 

Well, on that note, I need to get moving to get to the gym on time! 

Remember, there is a Virtual Retreat this weekend. It takes place on Saturday evening and Sunday starting at Noon. I'll post the links tomorrow. 

Have a super day!!!



  1. Why throw things (dead skunks) over a fence? Do you not have proper garbage disposal?
    Someone has to deal with your garbage. Disgusting!!

    1. Helen--- I'm a bit taken aback by your comment. Surely you have seen from my posts that directly behind my fence is a woodlot. A NATURAL environment for animals to die and decompose. That is where the skunk now resides. I would NEVER put my garbage on someone else's property. I am not a rude neighbor! As a matter of fact, I help my neighbors clean up their yards, shovel the snow, etc. Sorry if that didn't come across right, but if you look at the picture of the dead skunk, you'll see TREES behind the fence. Elaine

  2. What a silly comment! There's a forest behind her. The dead skunk will decompose naturally there and return to the earth. Much better than using it to fill a landfill.
    Sharon F

    1. Thanks Sharon!! That was exactly my thoughts!!!
