Sunday, July 21, 2024

What do you see?

 Before I forget, here's the photo of the reorganized books. 

Reorganized bookshelf

The top shelf is all the quilt-themed novels, which I'll deal with another day. The middle two rows (and there is a double row on the second from the top shelf) are all series books. I'm a stickler for reading books in the order in which they were written - at least in a series, and so if I want to read a particular author, I check my shelf and correlate it to the order of books and what I've read and I either grab from the shelf or from the library app. It sounds complicated, but it's a job that takes less than one minute! Easy as pie!!!

The books on the bottom shelf in the right-hand corner are stand-alone, so I can grab one if I'm too lazy to do quick research. 

I'm back to reading the decluttering book. OH MY—I should have read this book 10 years ago when I bought it. It's actually an excellent book. The book has 52 "chapters" and several on paper and email! If I remember correctly, she says we don't use 80% of the paper we keep! GUILTY! 

Paper clutter! 

I should be tackling my filing for about 10 minutes a day! I could do that, but I think the filing cabinet needs to be emptied first. OK -- it's not that bad, but it should be done. So what comes first - sort the stuff to be filed and then pull that file from the cabinet? I won't have time to deal with it until the fall, so I have loads of time to contemplate it. But it needs to be dealt with! It's a mess, and I want it gone! Now that I'm motivated, I'll get there. Slow and steady!!!

Years ago, one of the higher-up managers where I worked had a spotless house—not a single paper in sight. Now I know why. She was all business and kept everything under control from the get-go. I wish I had taken more notice of that at the time! 

Oh my gosh, look at this deep ravine. It looks like a washed-out riverbed, right? Do you know what it actually is? 

Washed out!

I put my camera into the deepest ruts (on my way back from the grocery store) and took a picture! It's incredible how different a perspective we can get when we get close!! I'm constantly reminding people that we do NOT know how to use our phone cameras, and let's face it: that's why we pay so much for phones. It's not the telephone stuff - that has stayed the same for years - it's all the stuff you can do with the camera and, well, some of the other apps. I have FOUR lenses on my camera, and I use them all. I often switch between them depending on what I'm taking a picture of. 

I need to buy Murphy hair clippers. I'm now of the mindset that, YES, I can clip her hair. I love the feathers on her legs, which are now very long and messy. I don't want to keep taking her to the groomer, so I grabbed the scissors and chopped. 



She just patiently stood while I chopped. But she said it would be faster for both of us if I had clippers! What a goof!! 

Another quilt is done! This one just screams bees to me. Perhaps it's the colorway? I used black fleece for the back and black batting. It quilted up very nicely, but I didn't get a chance to trim it. That's a job for today and the pile of quilts to be bound gets higher! I'm almost done with all the quilts I had planned to do before I shut everything down for the summer, so that's good news. 

Community projects quilt

I had a lazy day and spent much of it outside reading. I was NOT even in the gazebo. Nope, we have a tree hanging over the shed, and there's a beautiful tree canopy, so I sat there. 

Tree canopy!

Of course, I had my trusty companions. Lexi was hanging around making silly faces, and then she was under the shed. She's digging a nice hole, and the dust is flying out of the opening. I have no idea why she is digging, but it's getting to be quite the hole under there. 

MOM -- I'm a silly girl!!!

Murphy couldn't care less about digging - at least not under the shed. She just wants to play ball. 


If you wonder why I always wear a hairband, I've ALWAYS worn one. This is me (oh god—I look like a baby!), and I'm wearing a hairband! I hate when my hair touches my face, and I hate it touching my skin. I hate anything touching my skin! As you would suspect, I still have that hairband! I need a new one. 

Me and M

How about this? 

A possible replacement? 

Perhaps that's a bit much! 

I have my last two presentations this morning before I shut things down for the summer, and both are ready to go. There is a virtual retreat next weekend, so watch for the links. 

On that note, I'm out of here. I have the next quilt on the long arm and some writing to do. I made samples yesterday afternoon, and everything is ready to write! 

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on organizing the bookcase! The colorway of the lovely quilt gives me a buzzy bee vibe. And, I love the contrast of the hairbands - there's another one out there for you, somewhere.
