Friday, July 12, 2024

Time wasters!

Instead of putting the group of decluttering books into the donate pile, I decided to read one. I should be finishing a library book. I should have read this book ten years ago when I bought it! 

I'm past some topics—like career goals. I don't have a career—I have my quilting—but I know where I'm going. I just need to pick a date to retire! I don't want to get bigger or better—continuing the way I am is fine. 

But there was a section about email. OK, I know I have a problem. My computer files have almost filled up my hard disk again! It's that darn ONE DRIVE and how Outlook sends the files that are creating that issue. 

So before classes start again in the fall, I MUST figure out how to arrange things so this doesn't happen. But I had to chuckle at some of the tips: 

1. Save large attachments and delete the email. 

That sounds like the simplest thing in the world. But have I done it? Nope - so there's a tremendous amount of space being taken up by unnecessary stuff. 

2. Create a folder for those emails that you must respond to. 

That sounds like a perfect idea, and the thought crossed my mind several times, but have I done that? I did yesterday, and now I need to ensure I use it! I'm very good with other folders, and I'm getting very good with the search tools. 

3. Delete emails that you will never read from mass mailings. 

Guilty as charged! 

There are a few other areas—particularly in the paper world—that I will read, and then the book can go in the donate pile. 

I must NOT get more books from the library until I've had a chance to check out my library. I packed two boxes of books to donate, and browsing my shelves, I found some interesting books. OK—I must read those as I'm still interested in them. Once I read them, they can go. 

Can you tell me why we do that to ourselves? It's insane. It's a hoarding tendency to have stuff and refrain from using it. I don't get it. But the more I do, the more aware I am; hopefully, I can fix it!

I'm getting to the paperwork regularly now - before, I procrastinated, and it was terrible! 

But two things happened yesterday that took up a lot of time, which I'll never get back. I'm not sure if I mentioned that we were getting a utility bill in our name, and then, from time to time, we'd get information in the name of the previous owner. We've been here for over 20 years, and I'm proud to say that we do NOT have 20 years' worth of junk in the house. 

Anyway, a while back, I called the company to get the other name taken off the list. I spent much time on the phone that day, only getting a case number to follow up. Yesterday, it was time to follow up and deal with another issue. 

It appears that the utility company split its bills—anything related to equipment (rental and insurance plans) is now on one bill, and the actual product (gas) on another. Seriously?? I missed that notice, so I was getting overdue bill notices in my name and the other name. Anyway, it's a total mix-up and total chaos. 

I managed to find the necessary information in my massive pile of unfiled stuff—it was on top, thankfully. And then I called. I got a nice person who explained what was happening and that some extra names were in the database because of the change. So that took a half hour, but everything is fine. My bills are now online and will be paid automatically; hopefully, everything will be fine, and I'll no longer get information in the previous owner's name. 

And then I went to the bank to order foreign currency for an upcoming trip, and good grief—that took 30 minutes because their system wasn't working. Seriously? I don't have time to fiddle around with this kind of thing!!

However, as that organizing book said - if you do things in advance, there is room for hiccups, and there's no rush. And even though I'm writing blog posts this week, I'm not rushed! Now, the trick will be to keep it that way. 

Something disturbing happened on the morning walk. Lexi and I were walking along a residential street when we heard some birds kicking up quite the storm. The next thing I knew, a hawk was swooping through the air, and well, it had something in its claws. A couple of birds gave chase, but they were not as fast. It is the circle of life, after all, but why couldn't that hawk have gone for a rabbit or a squirrel? 

Speaking of birds, we have a cardinal in our neighborhood who thinks it's his job to serenade everyone - all the time. I'm starting to get annoyed at his tittering. Can you see him at the top of this tree - singing his heart out! 

The street Cryer! 

Thanks to Murphy's self-prescribed bathing habits, she looks pretty and clean! 

MOM -- I know how to take a bath!

She loves a puzzle, especially when we throw the ball into that bush, and she has to search for it! 

MOM -- I'll find it! 

And sometimes, a dive is required. Thankfully, a dive into the bushes, not the pond! 

MOM -don't worry - I found it! 

We've had a lot of rain lately, and the forest floor is littered with fungi. Some areas are covered with different varieties, but this area has all the same type. 

Fungi in the forest

I had to go to the vet to get Murphy's medication, and I spotted a pair of ducks in a big puddle of water on the vet's property.  

Temporary home for the ducks

AH --- this is the bag with her meds. She has a bladder issue - a weak sphincter, to be exact, and she needs this to prevent her from dribbling in the house. So far, so good. I'm not looking forward to the day when she's old and develops further bladder issues from age. Fingers crossed! 

Sweet Murphy's meds

This is my new go-to spot when I lose my phone. I don't know how often I look for that phone in Studio B, only to remember that I put it under the long arm!! It will go seriously missing one day, and I'll be in trouble. 

This is where I usually find my phone

I was upstairs looking for something, and instead of finding what I needed, I found a small container of thread. So all that thread got brought downstairs and put in its proper home. I'm sure it was set out for some project, but which one? No worries—I know where it is. 

A few things to put away

However, I found the tiny item I wanted in Studio B. What a handy little tool! You'll see this in the blog posts. I have a second set, but I need to figure out where I put that one. That's the problem with some stuff—you give it a home, but it may not be the most logical one, so you can't relocate it! 

I finished a small customer quilt and will trim it today. The next one is loaded for later today. 

Customer quilt - DONE

I got less done than I would have liked, but according to the organizing book, I should aim for THREE main things per day. Anything else is a bonus. I wish!!! That's in addition to all the small things we do without thinking.

But when you reflect on the day, quite often, only a few things get accomplished. I have a few more than three on the list today, but two are big ones - well, bigger, and the amount of paperwork is small, so I should be OK. And I'm trying to tidy up Studio B a bit. By that, I  mean keep it in check and do not let it get out of hand. However, putting things away doesn't take long because everything has a home. 

I did not watch an episode of The Quilt Show or tackle the fleece. My neck was tired, so I went to lie down and read instead. And I'm OK with that. 

I think that covers it for today!

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Don't forgot to unsubscribe from the mass mailing lists that you aren't reading and don't want to be on, too.
