Friday, February 28, 2025

Machine embroidery marathon

The blog is a bit late today, as I was at the gym with Brooke. Oh boy—what an eye-opener it was this morning. When I had my massage this past week, Misty mentioned that my right leg was significantly more muscular than the left. I mentioned that to Brooke, so we did some testing. EEK!! Both legs are very weak, but the left one is worse! It's almost embarrassing to say this, but I've let my legs weaken.

Yes - I walk a lot, but it's flat urban walking, and well, I'm not sure I get any benefit from all that walking except a good mental break and the knowledge that I'm reducing my carbon footprint. 

Guess what happens when your leg muscles are weak? It leads to significant instability in your knees. I need to get this under control and hope to get to the gym or find some strength exercises for my quads at home. The other thing I've noticed is that when I stand up and sit down, I lead and often put more weight on my right leg than my left. 

Am I favoring the leg because of its issues? Probably, and I bet I do the same thing when I walk! "Well, we'll get that figured out next month after my MRI, and then we can figure out how to proceed. I do NOT want to lose my mobility. That is my biggest fear, so I will keep at it! I've already seen a HUGE difference in my mobility and stability. Stairs are easier, getting into and out of bed - is much more manageable, and going to the washroom is definitely easier! And it's only going to get better! 

This is what Lexi thinks of my paperwork! It's a good place to lie down, so Mom can't see it!! Good dog, Lexi! 

Mom - I'm hiding all your paperwork

On the other hand, Murphy just barrels in and walks all over it with her wet feet. 

Mom - it's better to destroy than cover up!

Just got up to let Murphy in the house. Remember to push more with the left leg than the right! 

It was a big day for me in the embroidery world. After doing my chores, I went downstairs to see why the embroidery machine had stopped. Oh dear, there was a slight issue with the top thread, but there were no broken needles, so a quick fix got it back in business. 

An issue with the spool of thread

Oh dear, then I ran out of top thread, but luckily, I had another spool, so I'm back in business again!

Ran out of the top thread

Good grief - am I ever going to get this embroidery done? I now ran out of bobbin thread! But I'm happy to report that the embroidery is done! 

No bobbin thread

I was on a roll, and as one project was stitching, I was prepping for the next one. 

The next project prepped

And while that one stitched, I got two more ready. 

The following two embroidery projects are ready

And then I added a third one. 

And one more project to stitch

I really should have fired up both embroidery machines, and I think I'll do that this morning as I still want to complete a lot by 3 p.m. today! That will be my last embroidery lecture for February! At the beginning of the month, it looked like a daunting task, but I got through it, got great feedback from everyone, and learned a lot. 

Yep - even though I'm the person giving the lecture, I'm constantly brushing up on my techniques and knowledge, and then I, in turn, pass that along to the groups. 

I'll share the stitching another day. I have threads to tidy up, trim, and so on before they are presentable. 

I keep looking at my calendar to see if there is a mistake, but this weekend is mostly free. Two almost entire days with zero commitments? How did that happen? 

It would have been the same in February, except for the machine embroidery retreat, which messed things up, but all the fun we had was worth it. I have a lot to catch up on, and I'll be up early each day. 

Yesterday, I completed more paperwork, but one urgent task still needs to be completed. The draft is complete, so proofreading shouldn't take too long. Once that is done, some of the pressure will be off. But it's all about being slow and steady. 

There's that Murphy girl. She just can't resist those two toy boxes, and every day, I'm finding more and more toys out of them. Then, I have the pleasure of putting them away for her. She really should learn to do that herself! 

Mom - Best toys ever!

And what was up with the gas price yesterday? When I first walked by, it was 151.9, and it continued to drop throughout the day. It's just weird and a lesson to everyone who buys their gas before 7 a.m. Don't! Buy it in the afternoon, when the price is always much cheaper! 

Fluctuating gas prices

Well, that's it for today. First thing in the morning, I have a meeting and then some writing, and then I can get to the embroidery machine. Wait—I can start the embroidery machine and do my work while it stitches. And if I'm smart, I'll get both machines going! That will save a lot of time. 

And yes - I voted. That was my "errand" for the day, and I walked there. It wasn't far. 

Have a super day!!!!


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Progress on my walking journey across the US

Oh my—I'm rereading these blog posts about keeping a quilter happy while on vacation, and I love this one! It has lots of tips for keeping everyone happy. 

I think I've discovered why those links didn't work last week. When a link comes up and I copy it, I need to ensure the "https:/" is included, or it will redirect back to my blog. How do I know that? I'm experimenting! 

Today is election day in our province. For anyone eligible to vote, please get yourself out there and vote. And for those who think their vote doesn't matter, it does! It's all about the numbers and majorities and so much more. EVERY SINGLE VOTE is important! A good part of our lives revolves around decisions that governments make, and if you rely on the next person to make the decision, you are losing a massive privilege in helping elect the officials that govern our lives! The right to vote was severely restricted years ago. Imagine, women were NOT allowed to vote - they were not considered knowledgeable people. GASP!!!! So get your butt out there and vote!!! 

Speaking of vacations, I booked part of my big summer vacation. Oh gosh! I'm not telling you anything yet, but it's another grand adventure requiring much more prep work than walking in Spain. 

Speaking of walking, I logged all my January steps onto my map of the US. This includes all my daily KMs and any spin classes I've done. I must include the spin class distance, as this route is too long for me to walk in three years. So, in January, I made it from Detroit to just past Chicago. I should be where the red marker is, but I haven't entered the February data yet. I think I'm on track! 

My walking for January

And here's a picture I stole from a video about QuiltCon fashion. Oh my -- without a doubt, there is a resurgence in quilted garments! And from the little video I saw on IG, it's HUGE. I found this video on Youtube from a quilt store, but OH MY GOD --- coveralls decorated with quilt blocks -- HUGE!!!!!

Oh - here's the photo I stole from a different video. 

QuiltCon fashion

I don't know why that does NOT appeal to me. Coveralls? That doesn't appeal, either! 

Oh dear. I'm already running out of time and haven't even covered my regular stuff for today. 

As I struggled to resurrect a Surface tablet, I had a moment. Yep, I found a Solitaire game. I was good. I played about five games, but I didn't win any, and that was it. I had no time to waste; I had work to do. 

Playing Solitaire!

I managed to get a critical piece of paperwork out the door. We are working on a "puzzle" quilt, and oh boy, it's a puzzle since, in the first section, I assigned the group to sew together; THREE of the ten pieces of background had incorrect measurements. THREE -- and there were no corrections. So, after many calculations and a nine-page PowerPoint, they got everything they needed to put this section together. I made ONE error, which was caught quickly. The hilarious thing was I put the total measure on the left side, which was supposed to match the measurement on the right side, and it didn't. I was out by a ¼". It was in black and white, but by then, I had looked at it too much. All is good. 

Figuring out the correct dimensions

Let's pray the other sections are better!

As I wind down on my Machine Embroidery sessions for February, I have one session that requires some samples. It's hard to make samples when your machines are everywhere. But I was getting ready this morning. 

Preparing for machine embroidery

I was about to press START when I realized the machine had no bobbin thread! Oops! I hear the machine has stopped, so I must investigate. 

No bobbin thread

It was working when I left Studio B to come and write the blog. 

The Designer Epic 3, hard at work

I also started the great sort! This will involve putting away all the samples for machine embroidery and pulling out all the samples for quilting, which is the theme for March. 

Sorting tubs for lectures

I need to finish organizing the calendar to nail down the number of topics, which will help. Then, those tubs will be called into action. I've already started two of them. I must empty the others before I can put new stuff in them. Those tubs have saved me during this crazy month. 

Great, Scott! I see it's snowing outside, just when the sidewalks were dry and mostly free of ice. I wonder how much ice is under that little bit of snow. Ick!! 

I hope you are enjoying the 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy on Vacation series. It was so much fun, and I'm trying to think of something new!!! 

One more presentation today and more paperwork. Yeah! 

VOTE - VOTE - VOTE for those of you in Ontario!!!!

Have a super day!!!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

How to keep a quilter happy while on vacation

 So, did you have a chance to read the 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy while on Vacation? I had a blast writing that series, and my mind is spinning to develop a new, fun theme. 

If you didn't check out Numbers 50 - 49 and 48, here's the link again. 

And here are the next three. Numbers 47, 46, and 45. 

Two more presentations are finished for this week. The Machine Embroidery series, honoring National Embroidery Month, is winding down. I have a few more this week, and most of the weekend is free, so I have time to regroup for National Quilting Month. 

Thank goodness there is not much happening in April. That will be a time to regroup, catch up, and relax! 

I am banning myself from the thrift store on Senior's Day. I do NOT need to go back! I need to get busy and start doing something with the items I have carried home. And that's all I'm going to say about that! 

I went for a massage yesterday, and I thought Misty would kill me. As she released my shoulders, pains shot up into my head. For some strange reason, I never get headaches (knock on wood). With the tightness in my shoulders, I should be experiencing something bad. This tightness came from all that snow shoveling! But surprise, surprise, I do not feel sore today. 

I need to get that water intake up, especially with all the chatting and exercise. 

Then, I spent part of the afternoon reading this book, which I picked up at the library the other day. It's an action thriller. Some characters are based on a couple of colorful and well-known people, and that's all I'll say about that. I'm twenty pages from the end, OK - I peeked to see the ending. And now I'm off to spin class. I'll finish the rest after I walk the girls. 

Speaking of walking the girls, the sidewalks were a bit icy in the morning, but they soon became nonslippery as the temperature rose almost to double digits. The girls will be so happy when the snow trenches are gone. It's pretty dull to walk a straight path! 

MOM - staying on the sidewalk is boring! 

Now that the snowbanks are a bit more solid, Murphy is venturing onto them, but not for long. 

MOM - this snow is ugly and soft

And this one house in the neighborhood with a terrible roof was getting a new roof yesterday. They started by shoveling all the remaining snow off the roof. I don't know if they were attached to anything, but I couldn't stay and watch as those workers looked very precarious up there. 

A new metal roof going on this house

When I got back from walking one of the girls, the big ice damn on the roof was gone. There is still some ice along that ridge, but the ice damn is history. There's still a bit of snow on the roof, but most of it is gone. It's hard to believe that in two days - poof - gone! 

The ice damn is gone

As you can see, it has a crazy roofline, but the water is running like mad and in all the right places, and let's hope it stays that way. 

Once I finish the last twenty pages, I won't be able to read today, as I have some urgent paperwork. However, there is only one presentation tonight, and it's a repeat of the one I gave last night, so all is good. 

On that happy note, I'm out of here! I am off to spin class and need to get my FitBit steps into the tracking program. I manually enter the data as I wasn't happy with the translation between my Fitbit and the tracking program. I felt I was being cheated. Then I had the SNAFU with the membership renewal, but all is good. All I need is some time to get caught up. Then, I can see if I'm on track for the year, which is not good, considering we are almost two months into the year! I had better be on track!

Have a super day!!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Walking down memory lane is so much fun!

 When we were at the retreat this past weekend, we discussed many things, and you know what they say—what happens at the retreat stays at the retreat. But I wanted to share a couple of things—only because they are super fun! And some great memories!

One of the topics discussed was the Row by Row Experience, which I will share at the end of this post. 

We also chatted about the first time I met the owner (Laurie) of Stitcharie, which at the time was located in Wyoming, Ontario, but has since moved to Petrolia. 

That summer, I wrote a series of articles for QUILTsocial titled "50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy While on Vacation." Can you believe that was ten years ago? That summer, I planned to travel extensively to various parts of Canada, so I decided to write the series. There are multiple posts, and I will start sharing them today. 

Oh my—when I reread the post, they reminded me of the fun I had that summer. And yes, I did all that traveling and visiting solo! As I've said before, if I had waited for someone to be available when I was and had the time, I would NEVER have done most of the things I did. 

So, without further ado, here is the first post. It' may be slow to load. I started at 50 and counted down to 1. Don't worry—there are not fifty posts. There are 14, as we grouped multiple things together in each post. Anyway - be sure to check out that first one, and I'll post a new link every day until we reach Number One. 

Hmm --- what other fun topic could I write about this summer since it's ten years! I wonder how many of the shops I mentioned are still open? 

Oh my --- what memories! 

So, two more Zoom events are done for this week, so that is good. And I've got two more today. I tried to tidy up Studio B this morning, but my brain seems to be in a fog. There is so much sorting, and I'm also trying to start prepping for next week. This week finishes the embroidery series, but next month (March) is National Quilting Month, so I have many quilt-related events. There is some overlap (embroidery and quilting), and I need to get started putting the samples in the correct spot, putting away ones I no longer need, and digging out new ones. 

I have more time tomorrow to do that, so I might just let it all go for today and work on it tomorrow. Once this weekend arrives, I can do a significant reorganization, which will make my brain happy. 

See what I mean? The place is a disaster. While half of the table is now clear, it's still a mess, and I want it to be tidier. 

The cutting table

The ironing board, which never gets messed up, is also a massive dumping ground. And it still looks like that at the moment. Sigh.............

The ironing board is a mess

All the quilting events will be hosted by a Husqvarna Vikiing or PFAFF dealer in Canada. Check with your local dealer to see what events they are hosting. You can always ask me, and I can help you figure it out. I will NOT post the events online. I prefer you go to a dealer's website and check there. I can provide a list of dealers hosting the events I'm doing. I'll try to put the dealers up tomorrow. 

As if that weren't enough, a massive box of supplies arrived yesterday. What does that mean? It's time for more experimenting and writing. But I love doing that, and this is an interesting topic, so I'll get started this weekend. It's a quiet weekend, which I am thankful for. I can't share what's in the box now, but let's say it's an exciting topic, and I'll share it with you when the posts go live. 

A big box of supplies

The weather has turned significantly warmer, and we have had a lot of snow melt or compact into the snowbanks. But what's the best? The sidewalks are mostly clear! I feel like I've lost 50 pounds! No more slogging through slush. They are also primarily DRY, which is glorious. Plus, going out and feeling that warmish breeze on your face is HEAVEN!! It's for days like yesterday that I love the change of seasons. YES - we could still get snow, but there was a feeling that spring is coming. A sense of renewed energy and, well --- I guess it's just one of those things you must experience. 

Clear sidewalks

During Monday's Sewing, I was sitting at my computer at the far end of Studio B when I could hear something rolling on the floor. WHAT? Nothing had dropped that I was aware of, and I glanced quickly but did not see anything. The rolling seemed to go on for quite some time. 

Later, when I went upstairs, I got a chuckle. Look what I spotted at the bottom of the stairs. 

What's this? 

Do you see it? 


That is a magnet from one of my metal embroidery hoops. I was sorting the hoops at my computer when one magnet popped off and rolled over 20 feet to the stairs. Then, it had to curl around to land like this. What are the chances? I also found another magnet stuck to my metal stool! 

OK -- so I almost died laughing when I spotted Murphy sitting near the table at lunchtime. 

Mom - just leaning against the table so I don't slip

That dog is so intelligent. The floor is slippery, so to help prevent herself from slipping, she parked her ample butt against the table leg. Oh, Murphy - there is never a dull moment when you are around. 

And then she went outside to sleep soundly in the snowbank! 

Mom - I'm exhausted

Speaking of Row by Row, I have oodles of license plates, and I was looking for a specific one, which I found. You'll see that another day. But this is the one that hangs on my design wall. Appropriate? I think so!

Row by Row License Plate

As usual, I have many emails to contend with, many follow-ups to complete, and, of course, sewing and quilting. But it doesn't matter—spring is coming, the temperature is getting warmer, and life is good! 

It makes me think of this quote I embroidered on fabric. 

On that happy note, I'm out of here!!

Have a super day!!!


Monday, February 24, 2025

Running on EMPTY!

And I'm home again! That was the shortest "retreat" I've been on for a long time. But it was also the correct length for what it was! We only went for a weekend when we started going to retreats in 2006 - almost TWENTY years ago. That was too short, so now we go for six nights. Neither the machine embroidery workshop participants nor I could handle six days of learning machine embroidery! 

We were learning design positioning, and I was hopping around the room like a crazy person. But it was all good. 

The most important thing for me was how much people learned about their embroidery machines and how confident they were when they left. They also learned a ton about tools and supplies. I will send them one last email this morning and tell them about the "homework." Why not? They must regularly do machine embroidery, or they won't retain what they learned. 

The checkout time was 3:00 PM, and these girls were so excited that they didn't want to leave! I was just locking the door and walking to my car when the owner showed up to start cleaning. Only once before did I stay right to checkout time. 

The machine embroidery workshop was a resounding success. Will there be another? Yes, one is already scheduled, and I think we are full, or perhaps there is one spot left. Ten is a nice round number of participants. I'll take a waitlist for the "intro" workshop, and this past group is already clamoring for advanced techniques! Who knew? I might schedule some dates for next year, as space availability is challenging! 

I almost had an incident on the way home. Thank goodness for warning lights on the dash. 

Low fuel warnings

I had completely forgotten that I needed to get gas at some point on the trip. So, not only did the orange fuel light come on, but I could also see the distance to empty (16 km). There was a big sign on the dash, and a pop-up message came on the entertainment scene. Oh boy - I'd better stop for gas. That picture was taken at the gas station. I was 5 KM from home. I've been told there is a reserve of about 50 km of gas, so I was good. 

I was only 5 km from home but stopped at the first gas station off the highway. Good grief—I paid 5 cents a liter more than if I had gone to the gas station near my house. What a ripoff since I had enough gas to make it to the second one. Oh well. And in some provinces, the gas price never changes and is the same everywhere!

I went for a walk in the morning before we got started. The weather has certainly warmed up compared to what it has been. And the snow is beginning to melt, and the snowbanks are compacting! The creek at Spring House Retreat is completely covered with snow drifts! I'm sure after this week, with the above-freezing temperatures, the water will be running again. 

The creek at the bridge on the farm

Here are the red chairs from another angle! Just the tips of one are showing. That's a lot of snow! 

The red chairs

The ice damns are enormous in some areas. I spotted many of them on the houses in this area and got this photo of a church. We have a huge one on the front of our house. It's how the roof is designed and, of course, the heat in the roof. Well, let's just hope there is no further damage inside. It is the design of our roof line that is the problem because almost all the houses with that design have ice damns in the same spot. 

Ice damns!

But guess who was happy to see me? DH had left shortly before I got home, and they were beside themselves. Dad left with a suitcase, and Mom was already gone. Who is going to feed us? 

MOM - I missed you!!!!!

Mom - thank goodness you are home! 

I unpacked the car and put the groceries away. How did I come home with more food than when I left? Well, not exactly, but I have enough cookies and fruit to host a tea party! 

I was going to sit and read for a bit to relax, but I needed some bananas for breakfast. I think the box had just been opened, as all the bunches were green, and there were no singles! Enough about the bananas! 

Then I walked each girl to the end of the street and back because the minute I put my jacket on to go outside, they were at the door. I swear they did not care that I came home—they just wanted to make sure they got a walk! 

Anyway, I read after dinner, and all was good. 

Today, life is back to the craziness. I'm off to spin class, and then we have Monday Sewing and two Zoom presentations. 

But all is good in the world, and that's all that counts. 

I have some follow-up homework to catch up on, and I must get that out the door today. 

Have a super day!!!!


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Machine Embroidery Workshop

Thank goodness those links worked. I even tested them myself, but that was a weird situation. It had never happened to me before, and then it happened twice in the same post! 

I'm pleased to report that the machine embroidery workshop is a rousing success! Even the more experienced are going home with some new knowledge. It's been loads of fun, and we have another exciting adventure this morning. I will adjust the schedule for the one in May, but that is all. 

I usually sleep like a log here, but I was awake the night before for a bit longer than I would have liked, and I was drained at the end of yesterday. But that's nothing that a bit of sleep can't cure. I hoped to read some of my book, but nope—it was lights out for me! And all is good this morning.

I've had a chance to stitch some things early in the mornings before everyone gets up. I'll share those in a moment, but first, let's see what the group did. 

They worked on projects in the hoop, the first of which was a little card holder. They all did a fantastic job; everyone learned something new about their embroidery machine. 

The cardholders 

We even had some fantastic learning moments. One of the machines had a significant jam, and we had to figure out how to recover the project. It involved shutting the machine down completely, but everything worked out just fine. There was lots and lots of learning—let's say they kept me hopping with all the questions. 

The cardholder they did is a generic one from the mySewnet Embroidery Software. I stitched one out and used the blank one to add my design. It's made of cork, and I might have to use it instead of the one I got from someone years ago. I'll share it with you, but I use this as a purse. I no longer use cash, so these cardholders work for me. 

My cardholder

The second project was this cute little mug rug from Designs by Juju. Do not worry - I had bought them each a design. We did not share one design! 

The Busy Bees mug rug

Aren't they absolutely adorable? And it's incredible how different they look - the same pattern but different color choices! Again, they learned a lot while they stitched this one. Lots of questions and learning more about how their embroidery machines stitch out. So far - I think we've had a very successful workshop. 

This morning, I had the opportunity to stitch this feather out. It's a prototype, as I had a few issues with it, and it's not related to the machine - just learning how to use thick (12-weight) threads in the embroidery machine. Now that I've had a chance to play, it's time to perfect what I learned and stitch it out again. 

My embroidered feather

From the front, it looks absolutely stunning. The back? Not so much, and even if that's going to be inside something, I need to figure out a better way to stitch it. 

The people on this retreat are a mix of my friends and a group from a store (Stitcharie in Petrolia). The group has been to this house before, and they do what we used to do for our previous retreats. The amount of food is unbelievable. It reminded me of the old days when we had so much food there was barely room to bring our sewing stuff. Those days are gone for us! 

This is their fixings for breakfast!

Breakfast for the "other" group

A note to my group -- do NOT expect this to happen. It's too much work on the part of the organizer, and I'm not doing it. And you have to bring to accommodate many people's likes and dislikes, especially for breakfast. Bringing our own breakfast and lunch will continue! And the "no extra" sweets rule also stays in place. We could cater an afternoon tea for a hundred with all the sweets in the house! 

But that's OK. Everyone does what makes them happy, and the two groups are getting along just fine. We're all meeting new people, although I know some of the others from Quilt Canada and Zoom sessions. It's all one big party! 

One of the ladies ventured out yesterday for a walk, and it was stunning! I think I'll go out to the end of the driveway myself before we get started today. But I don't think I'll have any takers in a campfire setting, and I'm not sure I want to either. 

Looking closely, you can see the TIP of one of the red chairs. They are buried! 

Yes - there is a red chair there! 

Well, that's it for me. We go home today, and my only goal is for the group to stitch out one more project or part of a project - three hoopings! Then they can go home! 

I'm off to do some work. I have some calculations to do for a monthly quilt project. I hate it when a pattern has mistakes, and no one has published corrections on the designer's website. Sigh.

As usual, the Spring House Retreat is a fantastic place that works perfectly for this kind of event! 

Have a super day!!!


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Machine Embroidery Workshop

OK  -- that is so weird about the links. Something is happening that reverts them back to my blog. 

Let me try this one more time. 

Quiltcon Winners

If the link does not work, search for QuiltCon Winners 2025. The link will pop up. 

The same with the Dignity Sculpture. Google search that topic, and the link will pop up. 

I have no idea why the links are reverting back to the blog. If they don't work today, that's three days in a row that the link has been reverted back. Do you have any suggestions, my IT friends?

So here I am back at Springhouse Retreat but with a different crew. Actually, NO ONE here is a regular retreat goer! I don't think there will be anyone sitting by the campfire. The big question is, where have the chairs gone? 

Where are the chairs?

Before I left, I knew the weather would get warmer, and the sun was out. I was a bit worried about the snow along the side of the house. It was banked up against the windows into Studio B. The last thing I want is snow leaking into the windows. So I was out there shoveling them out. 

Shoveling out the windows

Murphy just thinks anything new is worthy of a bark fest. I'm sure the neighbors were impressed!! What a vocal dog! 

But I cleared three of the four windows, which made me feel a bit more comfortable. 

Shoveling the windows

The girls were not too impressed as I packed the car. I think they were hoping that they could come with me. 

Mom - we want to come!

Alas, there was no room for them in the car. But I managed to get it all in the back of the vehicle. Nothing was in the front, and I could see the back window! 

Packing for retreat

We're only here for two nights, and this is what the room looks like. It's a bit different from the usual because we're doing a machine embroidery workshop! 

The sewing room

Oh my --- we had so much fun yesterday and met people I usually only see on Zoom. We had great fun chatting about all things machine embroidery, and I think everyone learned a few things about their machines. They are all Husqvarna Viking, which makes it easy for me, but all brands were welcome, and it worked out this way. 

By the end of the day, I was pretty tired, so I went to bed first. I was also the first one up this morning. Today, they get to stitch, and let's see how many remember some of the tools and tips we chatted about yesterday!

I'm super excited about another day of fun and laughter, which is what this is all about. And yes, there's a little bit of learning going on. This is a workgroup; they were still working when I went to bed. 

The best part is that I am sure everyone will go home with a better understanding of their embroidery machine, techniques, tools, and supplies. Even better, they will no longer be afraid to experiment!

I'm hosting another workshop at the end of May, and I think there are still a few spots left. If you're interested, please let me know. 

On that note - let's hope those links worked - if not - just do a Google search. It's out of my hands, as I've correctly linked them THREE times now. 

Have a super day!!!
