Monday, March 3, 2025

Progress is progress!

Oh gosh—I messed up that link again!!! I went back and fixed it. I try to be very aware when copying links, but I don't remember having to be this careful. Sigh. So here are two more of the 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter (and her family) Happy While on Vacation! Enjoy!!!!

Here is that one again, so you don't have to return to yesterday's post. 

And here is the series's next one (37, 36, 35, 34)

Hopefully, both work! I double-checked that the https:/ was included in the link, but it seems to disappear if I don't copy it immediately. Why is that? It never used to be an issue. It's another mystery of the internet. 

OK, so at dinner last night, I was looking up something for DH, and within minutes, I started seeing ads for that item. Wow, the internet is getting pretty invasive with everything. It almost makes you want to turn it all off and return to the simpler days when we had only print!

I had the best-laid plans for yesterday: quilt a quilt and finish all those blocks for Spice Market. Well, I got some of that done. I didn't slack off; everything just takes much longer than we think it will. 

However, I'll just call any progress progress. That's all I can say about that. It shows that even with a computerized long arm, you still have to be there for it. You can't just press START and expect to return in four hours, and the quilt is done! 

Here is the customer quilt I completed yesterday. I need to trim it this afternoon so it can be picked up! 

Customer quilt - DONE

As for making the 30 small blocks for Spice Market? I got seven done! Seven is better than none! Those are the ones in the leftmost column. 

Blocks for Spice Market

I must set that aside because I have prep work for five weekend classes. This week, I also have a full slate of presentations on quilting. It's going to be a busy week! 

AHA—I know why DH gave me that article on being bored to read. He thinks I'm too busy! He doesn't realize that I spend a fair share of time alone and "bored." I walk the dogs and go for my afternoon walk, and I rarely work past dinnertime. My brain and body just don't want to work! 

Since I finished the other ebook that I had let lapse, it was time to tackle the second one. The first part of the book was whine-whine-whine on the part of the character. I let it lapse at the end of that whine fest. What the character did is returning to haunt them, so hopefully, this second part will be more interesting. I have 17 days to figure out what will happen to the character. Even with my workload, I should be able to finish the book. 

Then, I only have four books on hold, with the first scheduled to arrive in nine weeks. By then, I'll be way past the busy part of my annual calendar. Again, it was a book I let lapse. I don't usually do that, but I just couldn't get into reading for a while. That's OK - Libby, the ebook reader, knows precisely where I left off. I start back a few pages to refresh my memory, and then I'm good to go. 

We all survived the cold weather over the weekend. On Saturday, while it was cold, there was also a very bitter wind that would take your breath away. That's gone, and we are back to some almost springlike days. 

I have a morning presentation, and I'm not quite ready for it, so as soon as I get back from spin class, I need to finish preparing it. It will all be great, although I had a dream about it. For some reason, several of us were streaming from the same room with a huge audience. What was that all about? 

I'm off to spin class and get ready for a crazy day! 

Have a super day! (Get those squats or stand-up/sit-down in! It's important!)


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