Thanks for all the suggestions on taking the pill! Well, not THE pill, but my weekly pill. I will try my new alarm and see what happens. Quite frankly, I'm a dunce, and why did I do what I did? Well, there are wonders in this world, and that was one of them. It's not my most brilliant move, to be sure. If that doesn't work, I like the idea of these other medications that don't require a weekly pill. I'll definitely look into those.
So there is some GREAT news this morning. The last quilt in the ten-quilt marathon was pulled off the long arm just before lunch. That was a great feeling, and even though those quilts aren't huge, there was a lot of pressure to get one done daily. It'll be easier now that I'm down to one a week. And I'm excited to get started on that group. I have pulled enough backing and batting to prepare the first one later today. I have to make the binding for all those quilts, and you'll see the progress as the week goes on.
Community project quilt - DONE |
Then to really say that I finished ten quilts in ten days, I needed to get my butt in gear and finish the bindings. And here they are -- all ten quilts now have the binding on them. I probably won't arrange for delivery at this point; they are hanging out on a quilt rack, and closer to the end of the year, when there are more, I'll arrange to get them delivered.
Binding number 7 |
Binding number 8 |
Binding number 9 |
Binding number 10 |
Finishing those quilts took a fair amount of my afternoon, as I'm much slower when I'm chatting on Zoom. However, I then moved on to the applique. I refuse to let myself down on that commitment. This has nothing to do with the financial commitment to the UFO Club, it has nothing to do with peer pressure, it has to do with myself and what I want to get done. So I persevered, even though I was getting tired and I completed my daily quota for applique.
By that time, I was getting pretty tired, and there were only three of us on the call, so I shut the retreat down early—well, after 7 PM.
So yes, this new focus in my life is pretty amazing. I'm getting so much done, yet I'm not working all day. I still get in my walks, I'm still reading—more than I ever have in the last couple of years—and I'm enjoying my cup of tea on the front patio in the mornings.
The other day, I removed the remainder of the "junk" magnets from the fridge. That left these as the ones I want to keep, which are all keepsakes from some trip.
The keepsake magnets |
I've since rearranged them so they look like this.
The magnets are now arranged in one corner |
Our fridge feels positively empty, but I like the new look. I have yet to finish sorting the items I took off the fridge to see what works to give away and what needs to be thrown out. That is a job for later today. That is one area where I could improve at finishing the job. But I'll get there.
Someone gave me a book the other day, and rather than just throwing it on my bookshelf, I looked at my lists to see where it belonged. Since there wasn't any room where it needed to go, I found a book that was next in a series and pulled it out to make room. Because I had taken the time to sort and organize, that task was fairly simple. It's all about keeping things organized, and I have to say that I love it!!
Keeping the bookshelf organized |
I am supposed to be sorting through my boxes of novelty prints to find something for a friend. The boxes are still strewn on the floor, and I need to get that accomplished today so I can put the boxes back in the room and close the door.
Sorting through novelty prints |
When Miss Murphy and I went for our walk two days ago, we spotted this fairly large tree that had "fallen" overnight. No—the tree did not fall, but it was hit by a car. It was hit so hard that it pulled the roots partially out of the ground. The tree was more forgiving than the concrete light post the car barely missed. But how can the car (in a 60 zone) go so fast that it jumps the curb and mows down a tree? We won't go there.
MOM -- someone pushed down this tree!!!! |
When we went by yesterday, this was all that remained. The tree is gone, and the stump is a huge mess.
MOM -- where did the tree go? |
Speaking of Miss Murphy, I think she was trying to tell me something yesterday as I was sewing.
MOM -- STOP sewing and play with me!!!! |
And Lexi? Soon, there won't be much left of her. I'm trying to keep her brushed, but it doesn't matter how much hair I take off each day; there is more the next day. I swear it's like her hair multiplies, and I can do nothing to keep on top of it.
Lexi getting her daily grooming in the forest |
See, I've just removed three huge brushes full of hair, and she doesn't look neat at all. Her fur is a train wreck!!
MOM -- enough - let's get walking!!! |
Here's the Pony Express Depot at my house. It's looking pretty empty at this moment, which is a good thing. I've since added another item to the pile, and all will get picked up or delivered in due time.
The Pony Express Depot at my house |
I've had this cordless iron for eons. For some reason, I stopped using it, and then I resurrected it again. But now, it's totally done. I finally gave up on it the other day. It's in the electronic waste pile, and the plastic cover is in the garbage. It would no longer heat, so I guess that means the end! It's not like this is a huge issue, as I have six or seven more irons in the house, and I believe two of them are brand new. But like a true pioneer, I'm "struggling" with the almost-dead ones. I need to give my head a shake and move on.
My cordless iron has bit the dust |
I have a few other items like this that must be thoroughly evaluated and tossed. I think—OH—I might get a little more use out of that, but I need to be more realistic.
Here's my tip for the day: When you sew, make sure that you use the proper stitch length. If your stitch is too long, the threads will start to pull out at the end of a seam, which looks ugly and can affect the integrity of that seam.
The threads are pulling out at the end of a seam |
Your seams should look like this!!!
Good stitching all the way to the end |
People say they use a longer stitch length, so it's easier to rip out. Well, that is just wrong in so many ways. What is the correct stitch length? It's about 2.0. But you can easily test. Sew a seam right to the end. Then, gently try to pull that seam apart at the end. If nothing happens, the stitch length is excellent. If several stitches come undone, the stitch length is MUCH TOO LOOSE. Fix it!!!!!
FYI- the next Virtual Retreat is set for September 21 and 22.
And now it's time for spin class, so I've got to get myself organized, and then there's an exciting day ahead. Not only is it Monday sewing, but I don't have to quilt a quilt. I have quilts to quilt this week, but I might just load the next one and wait to quilt it tomorrow. I must also work on my projects for the upcoming filming session, continue with the applique, work on the blog posts, and I cannot forget my Many Blocks homework! Good grief -- that applique just seems to go on forever, BUT there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Have a super day!!!!
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