Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Upcoming classes for learning

GASP ---- I cannot give up Outlook! As a matter of fact, since I did all that switching of files around, the darn thing has synced just fine. I'm not sure what all that was about. 

Old habits die hard, and I've been using Outlook for years. Yes, I could go directly to the server to get those emails, but I like how Outlook works. Yet, I use Samsung Mail on my phone. It acts differently, so I can never find anything in my phone email, especially if it's in a folder. I hate responding to emails on my phone because it's so tiny. The biggest thing about Outlook for me is the folder system. 

Can I create folders on the server? Without those folders, I'd be lost. I've neglected email for two days, and I'm now in trouble because MANY emails are waiting to be dealt with. I haven't used Outlook much in Windows 11, and it feels very different, so I need to sit down and understand how it works. Perhaps I should use Outlook on my phone so all three inboxes are on the same platform. However, they will look different because the OS is different. 

Thanks for the suggestions about giving it up. When it works, it works like a charm—and it rarely doesn't. It's just the issue of syncing, which sometimes takes a while. I can still access Outlook and that inbox on ALL my computers, so it works! 

A lot happened yesterday, yet I barely have anything to show you. The quilts are trimmed and ready for delivery, and the machine embroidery projects are being trimmed. I hope to finish those today. 

Here's the next customer quilt. 

Customer quilt - DONE

So, everything is going according to plan—just not fast enough! This week's list of things to do is still long, but some items are not time-consuming. I'll do what I can.  

Here's some information about classes that you might be interested in. Please note that all of these classes are NOT about making something. They are about learning tools (software) you have or improving skills to finish your existing projects. That's all keeping my word: not to offer NEW things to make but to help you finish existing things. 


Crossing the Finish Line (on Zoom) through The Hobby Horse Quilt Shoppe

This class is about finishing your quilt - different binding styles (and there are MANY), labels, and quilt sleeves. This is the second offering of this class, as the first one sold out quickly. It runs from January to June; the first class is this weekend!


mySewnet Embroidery Software (on Zoom) through Needleworks Studio (Cochrane, Ontario)

This is about learning to digitize and edit in the mySewnet Embroidery Software. The software will work for ALL embroidery machines, as you can select the appropriate file extension when you export the files. You should be familiar with the software's basic tools, and you'll need the Platinum level. 


Machine Embroidery IN-PERSON workshop

Date: February 21 - 23 

Place: Springhouse REtreat (New Hamburg, Ontario)

Cost: Approximately $300, including two dinners (must work out the details later today)

This will be an excellent opportunity to get hands-on experience with your embroidery machine. We'll be talking stabilizers, and you'll have a chance to experiment with them and learn which ones to use when. Tools to exactly position designs are a huge feature of many embroidery machines, but many people do not know how to use them correctly - you will after this workshop. Project in the hoop, and learning all about embroidery hoops! What's nice is that you'll be using your embroidery machine to do the learning. It's going to be loads of fun!!!!

Only a few spots are left, so let me know if you are interested. 


And YES, there is a Virtual Retreat this weekend. I don't really have time, but I will make time. Well, I'll be working while on the retreat—that's OK!! The links will be posted later this week. 

And that's it! Today is going to be a ridiculous day. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have THREE appointments this morning and one this afternoon. So that is going to eat into my work time considerably. But it must be done, so let's start by meeting with Brooke at 6 AM. But it's all a good thing because the more I stretch and the deeper I can stretch out that left leg, the better it feels. It still tingles, but the pain is now down to a dull ache. I feel amazing! 

Have a super day!!


1 comment:

  1. I miss Outlook tremendously for the reasons you list but my IT dude couldn't make it work and asked me to give it up. I hope you figure out a workaround :-)

    Happy Tuesday to you!
