Sunday, January 5, 2025

Will that work for you?

Decluttering! A lifelong skill that no one teaches, but they should! Clutter creeps up because we don't have homes for the things we own. And we are notorious for buying MORE. For fun, look at this short video. Need I say more? 

Here's something that I've noticed about myself. Years ago, I would quickly get bored at home. I know -- how could that happen? It wasn't boredom so much as the need to talk to someone. So, who did I talk to? Diane and Susannah at Ruti's Needlebed. I'd go over and chat for a bit - it got me out of the house, I had a human conversation fix, and I usually bought something, whether I needed it or not! 

Now, I look at what needs to be done and ask myself if I have time to go to the grocery store to get something. Should I just go for a walk to get back to work sooner? Staying in touch with people via Zoom has helped a thousandfold with the human conversation fix. I can chat with many people, but I don't have to commit all day to visit. 

And now, back to decluttering. As you walk around your house today, examine various areas CLOSELY. What can go, and what do you want to keep? 

Perhaps someone else could use those things you really don't need. 

Like fabric, for instance! If you have many bright, colorful fabrics, including seasonal ones, you could donate them to Comfy Cases, and someone (or it could be you) can make beautiful pillowcases for children. I also hear that some nursing homes are also looking for pillowcases. You know you can't take the fabric with you, so figuring out how to reduce that fabric stash is good. Pillowcases for seniors and children are a great way to eliminate big yardage pieces. 

Check out Comfy Cases to see their requirements. Although their program has expanded, their main focus remains hospitals in southern Ontario. You should check that out, as I'm just guessing, and Grammarly does NOT like it when I say, "I think, or I believe." It wants solid options! 

I had a fabulous day! No - the samples are not done, although I completed a couple more, and it should not take long to get the remainder done. I swear, we think things can be accomplished in half the time they actually take! Why is that? Anyway, I did a lot of machine embroidery, but I can't share it with you this morning because we have a machine embroidery club this morning, and there are OODLES of show and tell, as well as loads of tips and learning. I'm so excited - I'm practically giddy! 

Again, I had great hopes that I'd be done by mid-afternoon. Nope - I didn't finish until dinnertime, and even then, dinner was late! I accomplished my goal in that area, so all is good. I finished my three priority tasks, and now three more are on the list for today. 

Let's go back to looking at some storage solutions. When I was much younger, I believed anything written down was true. I have since learned that is not true - not even close. I won't go into how telling untruths seems fashionable, and people want to win the contest for the biggest untruth! 

The same goes for anything. Just because someone says it's a good idea, you need to evaluate it before committing to it, whether buying something new or adopting a new habit. Just because I like things done a certain way does not mean they work for you! We all have our quirks and need to consider them when we do anything. 

Finding suitable storage ideas is one of those areas. Here's something I spotted last week. 

Practical or pretty?

This is a brilliant idea for storage. It's not so clever for practical use. What if you want the basketball on the bottom? WAIT - what if your teenager wants that ball? It's not likely that they'll grab the top four balls and hold them in their hands while fishing the bottom one out. The top four will get tossed, and they'll roll. It's a brilliant storage idea, but it's not practical at all. 

So, just because it looks good in the store or online -- THINK twice before you buy. How practical is this? That's important for gadgets in the sewing world or any other hobby. It looks cute, but will you make use of it? The pretty organizer that works for no one! The little scratch pads that you just can't use because they are too cute? All CLUTTER!!!!

I've become ruthless! 

I realized yesterday that the current magazine I'm browsing is about Getting Organized, not storage, so this one has more useful ideas. 

Secrets of Getting Organized 2008

The date is 2008, and I chuckled when I read this. 

We no longer need storage for either VHS or DVD. We can stream anything, and no need for storage of any kind. OK - I know some people like to keep that stuff. How many people have "many" Disney VHS tapes? We have NONE! A Spotify account (family is cheaper) gives you access to any music you want! Or almost. We had a year-end comparison of who listened to Spotify the most last year. I was in third place with 7,001 minutes. DH was at 17,351, and M was over 20,000 minutes. 

But here are a couple of ideas that I liked. This is often an unused space and look at all that storage. But don't just create storage to hide the mess. Clean up the mess first, then decide if you need more storage. Yes - kids will use this as a slide. 

Great storage idea for a staircase

I love the idea of the dishes having their spots in a drawer, not above them. No heavy lifting. But we are definitely NOT that coordinated at our house. How easily can those dividers be moved?  

Great storage for dishes

I hate this idea. I get it - if you live in a small place and don't have a lot of storage, hanging pots is excellent, but right over the window? I'm not a fan of this concept. 

Not a fan

I'm still disciplined, so I set aside an hour to work on the puzzle while slowly eating my snack. Wait—it only took about 30 minutes to finish. That sky was a bit challenging. 

The 500-piece puzzle is done!

This is called Williamsburg. I haven't put it away yet because there was no plastic bag in the box, but I now have one, and I'll put it away later today. It's a 500-piece puzzle. I have the next one (also a 500-piece puzzle) out, and I'll work on that this afternoon. 

I had company while I worked. That dog is CLINGY!!!

MOM - I'm just making sure you're safe!

Now that Mujrphy knows her pictures can be uploaded to Bear's AURA frame, she's extra cute. I swear she just does things, so I must take photos of her! What a goofball!!

MOM - I LOVE playing ball

And look at her face? Is that the face of a goofball or an intelligent dog? 

MOM - I'm brilliant, you know! 

But both dog beds were tossed to the opposite end of the room more than once during the day! I don't know what she gets out of that exercise. Lexi just sleeps on the couch and ignores the whole thing. 

DH must think I'm a little kid, and I am because Murphy and I get caught up playing ball, and all heck breaks loose in our house! We were told to tone it down. He's a grumpy old man! 

The gym workout was great. Thanks to the personal trainer, I received a little assistance in stretching at the end. Then, I spent 15 minutes with the compression legs and 10 minutes in the steam room. I had a good long shower and then went back home! It was a great way to start the day. 

I asked Brooke about the Stand Up/Sit Down exercise. Was I doing it right? I felt I was leaning too far forward. Nope - I'm doing it right. You want to stand up as if you are being pulled by the top of your head, so your head is UP, not leaning forward. If you can, try the exercise in front of a mirror. And then she asked me if I was trying different heights. WAIT -- NO -- different chairs, which are mostly the same height. I have a stool, but I'm not sure I'm ready to try that yet. 

I see I have a lot to prepare for next weekend. We're starting the Chatsworth quilt, so if you haven't signed up yet, please do so. On Tuesday, I'll get the distribution list and send out the information to everyone. 


The signup is on the Hobby Horse website. If you don't have a copy of the book,  you should sign up online tomorrow so they can get it to you! The book has other options for the blocks, so maybe a table runner is good for you!

WAIT - before I go, I've been reading some disturbing books lately. These are books by women authors who write about EVIL women. I mean - really evil. Last night, I finished Verity by Colleen Hoover. I've never read her books before, but EVIL and very creepy, is all I can say. The other one is Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon. Another EVIL woman. Lots of plot twists in both. 

I swear women authors are trying to outdo themselves in creating evil characters! I'm not sure either scenario is plausible - too much happened at the spur of the moment. Are the villains great planners, or did they get lucky? 

Speaking of authors, I'm sure many of you are familiar with Louise Penny. Do you get her monthly newsletter? If not, here is a look at some of her best moments in 2024. Her books are great, and the publishing world also thinks so. No real evil characters, no blood and gore, but lots of suspense, great characters, and well-written!! 

And now I'm out of here. I have two presentations this morning, and both are ready to go!

Have a super day!!



  1. A great quote I read once, " Organized clutter is still clutter." I don't remember where I read this; however, every time I organize, I think of this and try to declutter before organizing! Thanks for holding yourself, and by extension, us, accountable! Torry

    1. Torry --- you are absolutely right with that quote. And that's what many of these storage magazines go for. Make it pretty and its no longer clutter!! Have a great day!

  2. I think on that ball holder the 2 front “bars” are elastic so you just reach in and get the ball you want.

    1. AHA --- That would make a lot of sense. You are very clever!!!! That never occurred to me.

  3. Murphy has to be the prettiest dog I have ever seen 😻! You are blessed to have her. Great info on organization and declutterring!

    1. Oh -- she's pretty and very demanding. But we love her! And you are welcome on the decluttering and organizing. If I have to agonize through it, I want company!!! Good luck
