Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 It's funny how the days just seem to jumble together. It's almost like Ground Hog Day when the same things happen repeatedly! I am somewhat "chained" to the house because of those presentations. They are all over the schedule, so I must watch the clock. But all is good! I had two presentations yesterday, and both went well. I'm back in the groove for the new topics, although I still have some samples and supplies to organize. 

Guess what I did with my "free" time this morning? I sorted and organized, and every little bit made me feel more under control. It's all going to happen. I will feel a lot better once I have the rest of the supplies and samples sorted for the other topics. 

This was the mess I left when I finished the first presentation. I had too much stuff, and some had fallen to the floor. I couldn't find a thing. 

What a mess! 

It's since been culled and sorted, and the second one went much smoother. I tidied up the area this morning and am ready for the next presentation later today. I got a chuckle while I was presenting yesterday, as the LOW battery alert came on my iPad, which I use as a monitor to see what the participants can see. I had 10% left. OH - I don't think I have enough power to make the end. I'm not sure why it had got unplugged. But luckily, the power cord was hanging there, and I could quickly get it plugged in and continued as if nothing had happened! 

The next presentation is ready to go! 

I have some sewing to do this morning, so I had to clear a spot so that could happen. Thread boxes were removed from the table and put away, thread ends were placed in the garbage, and presser feet were returned to their appropriate boxes. Bags of needles are back where they belong, and the extra quilts are waiting to be taken upstairs. Oh yes, it was a good tidying-up session. 

This is the result of my embroidery session last week, and those are in a bag to be donated. 

Empty spools and bobbins

Then, I tackled more of Diane's stuff I had brought into the house. I found two more quilt tops and put them in the storage room. I'm trying to deal with all the odds and ends as that is the hardest to find homes for. The fabric will be easy to deal with when I get to it. There are four boxes with scraps, and there may be one more bag of odds and ends. But slow and steady, it'll all be dealt with. 

Two quilt tops

I found numerous yardage pieces that will work for quilt backings. They are measured, labeled, and stored in the storage room. More fabrics were added to this pile, but I guess I didn't take a picture of all of them. I think I found six that were over two yards long. 

Fabric for quilt backings

There are some rogue fabrics, some scraps, and three project bags still to sort through, but those will have to wait for another day. I've done what I can at the moment. I need to get back to prepping for the weekend classes. 

I'm making good progress on the audiobook, although there seemed to be too many characters floating around all at once, and I may have missed something. The bottom line is it's all about scandal with the family. What else is new? 

Then, I went back to reading The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz. Apparently, this is a hot-selling book, but I struggled with the first part. Just too much whining, and I did NOT like the character. The bottom line is that I should be able to finish all the books I had out and let lapse last time. So that is good. Then I'll probably put the reading aside, although it's a good activity to do in the evening. 

The second I head to the living room for peace and quiet, guess who follows me? Yep -- both of them. And I didn't quite catch it, but the two of them had their heads together in the corner, and their tails wagged furiously. They looked like co-conspirators for some mischief!

Mom - NOTHING going on here! 

Ah - the fun and games those two come up with! You never know, and Murphy has developed some strange behaviors. She sometimes comes down and harasses me when I'm on a call, but not too often. I have to ignore her, which she doesn't like. So now there are times when I go upstairs from the main floor, and she goes downstairs. It's as if she goes to see if I left anything for her. Or she's mad!

I hope you are enjoying the 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy While on Vacation series! It was so much fun and hard to repeat. I have to laugh as it was originally written ten years ago, and some things, like using a GPS, are pretty outdated! Or searching for a magazine in a store. While magazines still exist, they are getting fewer and far between. 

I have some paperwork this morning, but I'm giving myself one hour to finish as much as possible. Then I need to get downstairs and sew! 

The temperature is above zero this morning, but it will likely be chilly because of the dampness, as we expect rain. Before we know it, all that snow will have disappeared! 

On that happy note, I'm out of here! 

Have a super day!! (squat, squat!)


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