Sunday, March 9, 2025

Observations about mental health and the weather

Here's an interesting observation. I had a busy week last week, as have been the last several weeks. It's not so much about being super busy - two 2-hour presentations per day don't fill the day, but there's prep work for each and other bits of life. Usually, one of the two events would be held in the evening. 

While I had three shorter Zooms yesterday, they were more "casual" than during the week, and after 2 PM, the rest of the day was mine. What a huge difference that made in my day! I could actually relax. I could just read, nap, or walk and not have to keep the next appointment in my head. 

Can you imagine how "stressed" parents are when shuttling their children to numerous events every day and into the evening? And then their weekends are filled with activities as well? I'd go mad! Where's the time to recharge? Where's the time to just do nothing? I couldn't cope!

I was supposed to go out for a meeting and dinner later this afternoon (after two casual Zooms this morning), and guess what? I'm bailing! I see an entire afternoon ahead of me, and I will capture it for myself, as the next three weeks are jam-packed. 

I slept well and feel well rested this morning, and that downtime is VITAL to our well-being. So, if you're a parent running around like mad - maybe you're trying to fit too much into the day. And if you feel frazzled, imagine how your kids are coping? 

I can cope with this for a month (only three more weeks, but who is counting?), but to do this daily? I'd be brain-dead within a week, knowing that there is no end to it! 

That little bit of freedom yesterday got me rejuvenated. I did some work in Studio B, which I haven't done in a while. I tidied some areas up and set aside some things to deal with later this afternoon. I have some writing to do and some follow-up emails, but with a clear head, it will be easy. Then I looked at the calendar for the coming week, and most of it is a repeat of what I did last week, so not much new stuff to prep! And the coming weekend is relatively empty. Yeah!!!!!

Another observation and it's about the weather. As people get more experienced in life, there is less and less to keep them occupied, so they watch the weather channels. I never understood the purpose of that. Especially if you're going to be staying at home. Do you care that it's going to start raining at 3:05 PM? Some people watch multiple sources of weather. Oh boy! 

I don't think I've ever watched the radar; even if I did, I doubt I could decipher it. Why? Most of the information is not essential to the average Joe. I check the temperature before I go outside to know if I need extra layers. I look outside to see if it's raining because I'll take an umbrella or a rain jacket. But otherwise? 

Wait - that's a lie - I look at the forecast for the week, which changes hourly (or so it seems), to see if we're getting warm or cold weather. It's important to me because I spend 2 to 3 and sometimes more hours outside each day. And I would like to know if we'll see the sun! 

When I listen, two weather-related things about my radio station drive me mad. First, the morning announcer always announces the WIND CHILL as the temperature. That is NOT the temperature, and for those who just leave the house and pop in their car, what do they care? Say the temperature and then say the windchill. Or are they just trying to dumb that down, as people don't understand what wind chill is? I wonder if, in the summer, they'll ignore the temperature and just mention the "feels like" with the humidity. 

The second thing they have started to do is say the "guaranteed" high is 5. What does that mean? And why is it important? We have no idea that it could reach 5 for 30 minutes at 2 PM or 5 PM - so why is that such a big deal? And what happens if it doesn't? Do we get a refund on the day because the temperature did not reach the guaranteed high? 

I have no idea what the world is coming to, but some of these "new" behaviors are the most bizarre and don't make sense! 

I just hope the slippery sidewalks are a thing of the past for this year. They have been decent for the last two days, so that is good as Murphy and Lexi do not really get the concept of slippery sidewalks, and therefore, we need to take a bit more caution! 

When I went for a walk in the afternoon, I felt guilty as I looked at the two of them, so they each got a walk in the afternoon. I told Lexi (in earshot of DH) that if DH came, we could all go at the same time. Alas, Lexi had to wait. 

Speaking of walks, Murphy is completely confused. She insists on going first, and if I take Lexi first, Murphy will bark her head off so that even if she's in the house, I'm sure the entire neighborhood can hear her. So she goes first, then I come back and walk Lexi. This happens when I arrive back in the house and am ready to take my jacket off. 

MOM - I haven't been for my walk yet! 

Yep - she's waiting at the door for her walk. Ah, Murphy? We've already been - have you forgotten? 

So, we've barely seen a bird in the backyard all winter. No idea why, but yesterday, with the nicer weather, Mr and Mrs Cardinal were there. 

Mrs. Cardinal

Mr. Cardinal

And a squirrel is hanging out on a limb that overhangs the backyard. The squirrels do NOT bother my suet feeder. It wasn't cheap, but it's definitely squirrel-proof. It's so sensitive that the squirrels can't get a thing from it. I hope it's not so sensitive that the birds also have trouble getting to the suet. But the Cardinals seemed to enjoy it yesterday, and I thought I saw a chickadee as well. 

Squirrel hanging out in the tree

And Miss Murphy was enjoying the sunshine on the upper deck in the backyard. You have to appreciate the power of the sun. Not only does it melt the snow and dry up the wet, but the temperature difference between the sun and the shadows is incredible! I LOVE the sun, and I think we have a reasonably sunny week ahead of it - at least, that's what it looks like this morning. 

Mom - soaking up the rays

Speaking of the power of the sun, it's going to take a LONG time for the sun to deal with this pile of snow at the restaurant. When I drove into the parking lot last night, a good portion of the parking spots are taken up with the mound. It's now ice! It's wide and high! We were chatting with the manager last night, and he had a video of someone skiing down it. Yep - some guy came with his skies when it was "snow" and skied down the slope. Hilarious!

Snow in the parking lot

Back to some quilting stuff - I have completed three blocks for my Chatsworth quilt and only nine more to finish. I have one of twelve of the flying geese blocks done. Everything is cut, so it shouldn't take too long to get that all together. I have until the first week in May to complete it. I should be able to manage that, considering there aren't many events in April. 

Chatsworth blocks

I have some personal projects to work on starting March 31 - two challenges to finish, some quilt tops to complete, some class work for classes I'm following, lots of quilts to quilt, and so much more. 

In my tidying process, I found a bunch of half-square triangles that I used as enders and leaders. They needed to be pressed, so that is done. 

Pressing the half-square triangles

Ready for trimming

And I've left them on the cutting table, so I'll tackle a few each time I pass by. Every little bit of tidying is just one step closer to tranquility. And I'll get back to what it was. The samples will be put away as I finish with each of the Quilting Topics for March. It's a challenge to sew anything when I have one of the two machines I use in the film area, although I've been known to sew there. 

Hmm -- I should get my retreat sewing machine out and then leave both machines in that area. It would make more sense. DUH!!!!!!

We are getting down to the final posts of 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy While on Vacation. Here's the next installment. 14 - 13 - 12 -11   Oh my gosh -- that was such a great summer! How can I ever repeat that? 

Well, it's time to get the day started. I have two presentations this morning, and both are ready to go. I got some sewing done, which I'll share tomorrow. Do you know what? Life is good, and everything is going to be OK. 

Have a super day!!


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