Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Driving through the mountains

I hope you also check out the comments, as there are some good ones. When it comes to decluttering, there is an excellent comment on the blog yesterday. For memories like high school or any other topic, designate one box as the memory box, and when it's full, that's it!!! I need to do that as I have two medium-sized tubs with stuff from high school and a few other mementos from when I was a kid. I don't really have a home for two - I have a good home for one. I need to consolidate those tubs! 

Thanks for the great tip!! 

So yesterday was a long travel day! Regarding travel days, this one was boring as everything worked as it should have! DH dropped me and all my luggage at the airport, so that helped.

My luggage

 Then I zipped through the business class check-in, where they do all the tagging and whatnot. Within a few minutes, I was through security and in the lounge having oatmeal for breakfast! 

I was right—one of the bags was over 50 lbs, but it was 55, so I easily could have distributed it to the other two, but since I didn't have to, there was no worry. 

The boarding for the flight was 7:10, but when I arrived, they were already boarding Zone 3. Not that it mattered, but they were on the ball. I goofed, and the seats were NOT the lie-flat beds. Don't worry- I still had a great seat. I slept a bit on the flight as I was tired. I watched a movie (not a great one), and then I started watching some episodes of Modern Family. When I watched TV, it was one of my favorite shows, and it might be fun to go back and watch them. Like I have time!!!!

The flight path was one that I don't think I've ever been on before, or I didn't have a window seat. But we flew over the northern US states. I didn't have my map on when I took this picture, but I suspect this was North Dakota or Montana. 

The view from the plane

Then there were the mountains. Again, this was more in the US, as we did not fly over the Canadian Rockies. 


I should mention that the plane backed away from the gate about two minutes early, and then we were off. 

When I arrived in Vancouver, my luggage was there. Of course, I had to wait a few minutes, but not long, and then I was off to get my rental car. 

I was actually at the car rental place before I was supposed to be. What the heck happened? I asked if I could get a car with Android Carplay as I needed it for navigation. He couldn't guarantee that as he didn't know what cars it was in. Sigh....... So I took my chances. I was offered an electric car. I said, "No thanks." Can you imagine me driving an electric car through the mountains, and it being my first time with an electric vehicle? Nope!

I got into the car, connected my phone, and VOILA --- Android Carplay!!!!!

Android Car play!!!

This made my day!!!! I was a little concerned about the next leg of the journey as I had to drive to Penticton, which was about 4 1/2 hours away. Through the mountains! But it was a super drive, and I stopped briefly twice just to stretch my legs and have a potty break. It's been a long time since I haven't driven through the mountains, and some of the roads were roads I rode my bike on years ago. And the weather was glorious!!!!! It took me five hours, not 4 1/2, to make the journey, as traffic was a bit congested for the first hour and with my two stops. But still, that worked well. OH -- I had downloaded an audiobook, but I guess it wasn't sitting on my phone and I was streaming it. Well, guess what? In those mountains, I didn't always have a signal and I couldn't listen to the book at times!!! 

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the store, dropped off my samples, and checked the store out. It's called Black Rabbit Fabrics, and it's located in a funky converted cannery, which is amazing!!! I think I found the main fabric for my Spice Market quilt, and it's on sale!!! 

Then off to my brother's house. I haven't been here for many years and they have an amazing view of the city from their house. I haven't seen my SIL for a number of years and we all had a great visit. 

I try to ignore the time change when I travel because it just messes me up. So I went to bed at my usual time and up at my normal time, but by the clock HERE, not back home. Which is why the blog is late today! It's a three-hour time difference! 

So, as for travel days? That was a good one. 

Now, it's time to get a few more computer things done before the day, and then I'll be ready for my presentations today. 

Have a super day!!!


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