Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mr. Bear!!!!!

For those who signed up for Spice Market at any time, YES—you are in. I'll be sending out an email tomorrow. I'm so sorry about that! I'm excited because I found my main fabric yesterday, and it's bright! I don't know if there are pink spices in the world, but I'm sure there are. Now, to find the fillers, which I'm sure I can find in the stash. 

As I sit here and write this morning, I have company. Well, not exactly company, but a companion. Yep -- Mr. Bear is sleeping under the covers! That little guy -- he's so darn cute!!!

I'll get back to him in a moment. 

It was another exciting day at the events in BC, and it was the last day. I get to go home today. The turnout at the stores was unbelievable, and there was so much energy in the room. I'd love to return to all three stores and look around, but there was no time. There was lots of cute stuff, and oh my—I'm chomping at the bit to get some embroidery done, and I need to be writing. 

I can't say enough about my hosts - Yvonne at Black Rabbit Fabrics in Penticton and Tom and Kerry at Tom's Sewing Center (Surrey and Chilliwack) -- who made the events so much fun for me and the attendees. The store in Chilliwack is called Country Folk, but it's one of Tom's stores. 

Oh shoot—I took a picture of what happened in my hotel room yesterday but didn't load it. But I brought my suitcases in one by one and emptied and sorted them. I had projects all over the bed, but they went into the suitcases in categories, so it was easy for me to unload them in the store. 

I tried really hard to keep track of things and put them in the appropriate boxes for the trip home. So it didn't take too long to pack up, and hopefully, I haven't left anything along the way. I think I'm good. 

I have a few more things to pack up this morning as I acquired a job along the way—a T-shirt quilt to make, so all the T-shirts need to be put in the suitcases. That is going to add to my weight, but I can handle it, so I'm not worried. That's what status is all about—airline status, that is. I don't usually care much about perks, but this airline status helps. 

After I checked in last night for my flight home, I was in the number 10 position for Business Class and number 6 for Premium Economy, so it looks like I'll be sitting in Economy as I'm too far down the list. That's OK—I can live with that. I'll probably sleep most of the way home anyway. 

And I'll confess that I found a Tim's for breakfast. I was so leery of what I would find in that restaurant that I didn't want to take a chance. Again, it was not so horrible that it was unedible, but it was so unappealing, and yes, there was a SKIN on my soup. Thanks to someone for mentioning that in a comment. 

So, I enjoyed Tim's for breakfast. But here's something I've noticed. They have those Dream Cookies, which are quite pricey and named after various chocolate bars. OK, so it's a treat. But have you noticed that you get a little dollop of the flavoring, which often sticks to the paper bag they put it in, and all you are really getting is a cookie?! Why can't they have oatmeal raisin cookies? That's my favorite. 

After the event, it was time to pack up and leave again. This time, I was traveling to M's new apartment. She and Dillon had been moving in all week and had just spent their first night together in the apartment the previous night. I know—Mom doesn't have very good timing, but it is what it is. 

I'm somewhat familiar with the area they live in since I was just here for the engagement party. But the hills! And some of those driveways are insane! I arrive at the address she gave me, and hmmmm—there is no house. I see a number 1130 and a number 1116, but there is no 1128. Oh, she made a mistake on the number, and it was in the next block!! Oh, dear!!

I expected to see a massive pile of boxes strewn around the place, but to my surprise, they were mostly unpacked. WHAT??????? Yep, they have been hard at work and hired two people to help them unpack and organize. OK, that might have cost a bit more than just moving, but holy cow, it was well worth it. Now, they don't have tons of stuff anyway, but still. 

M was out supervising loading some of the reusable bins they used for packing. Another reason they had to be emptied pretty quickly. But no damage to the goods inside and no collapsed boxes. Who did I see running towards me when he heard my voice? Yep -- that would be Mr. Bear. He was squeaking, and I picked him up, and he settled down and stayed in my arms for a very long time. Quiet as a mouse and content as a bug in a rug. He's so adorable!!!!! 

Grandma!!!! I missed you!!!!

They rented the top floor of a house, and this was the sunset view last night. 

Sunset in West Vancouver

This is their view of Stanley Park. This morning, I took a picture of the Lion's Gate bridge all lit up. 

Stanley Park

It's an older house, but it's very nicely done up. So they are madly trying to establish themselves in their own place. It's so cute to watch the two of them, as this is their first home together. I'll be gone by noon, and then they can get back to work. 

However, M and I had a job last night, and I got such a chuckle. There was a box of ODD things, and M's job was to sort it. It was such payback for all the crappy stuff (some of it still hers) that I'm dealing with at home. 

Sorting through crap

The worst is those silly little things that don't have a home, and you're unsure how to deal with it. There was a large garbage pile at the end of the exercise. I will confess that Bear and I only watched and offered some advice here and there. But we mostly cuddled and watched M do all the work! 

Then we tackled one of the bedrooms and got some stuff sorted out. I was itching to get some boxes unpacked and on a couple of empty shelves, but well—I'll let M do that later today. Mr. Bear would find himself a spot to rest, and he supervised the work.

The supervisor

I won't go into details or take pictures, but Dillon has a "few" pairs of shoes, and I think he would like his own dressing room like my brother. Holy --- more incentive to get home and cull!! I do not want to have all that stuff to manage. I need a new pair of shoes for work, and I've been looking. But if I were to count all my shoes and boots, I probably could count them on my two hands. And there are a few pairs that need to be culled as they may no longer fit. Hmm -- that's a good and easy thing to do when I get home. 

But first, I must get that writing done, or I'll get fired!!! I thought I would have more time here, but I've been so exhausted (which is rare for me), or more the case, I didn't have time. Even my walking has almost become a thing of the past (only temporary) because of the time constraints. I have a much easier schedule this coming week and should be able to get out. And then I can get back into my routine. I do NOT know how someone could do this type of job with this crazy travel for any length of time. I'd be dead! 

I love their new dishwasher. It's very silent—so much so that a red light shines on the floor to indicate that it's on!! How cool is that? Ours is quiet but not entirely silent, and we run it overnight, so we never have to worry about the noise. 

The sign that the dishwasher is on

And I want to say hello to everyone who reads the blog - OK -- that's a given. But I saw a couple of people yesterday and met Anne for the first time, and got to visit with Betty, who I haven't seen in a couple of years. I met with a few people that I knew from Zoom calls. But I had to laugh when Anne came up and introduced herself. Guess where we first met? On Zoom with Thimbles and Things, she even had a green bag to prove it. She now lives in Vancouver. Why? Her son and kids are here. OH!!! I'm unsure if this is a sign, but someone may be trying to tell me something. 

And that's a wrap for today. It's another whirlwind trip, and soon, I'll be off to the airport. It'll be a long travel day, but I'll be in my bed tonight. Mr. Bear poked his head out of the covers when he heard someone use the washroom, and now he's asleep again. 

Have a super day!!!


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