It's a different day and a different time zone - again!!!!
And here is why I hate traveling with DH. It's very early in the morning here, and he's asleep, so I'm in the lobby with my portable office. It's not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. Renting a condo or a house is an excellent way to get around this, but it wasn't an option for this trip. However, we are staying at a very nice Holiday Inn. Although, weirdly, they do not have a business center, so a sofa in the lobby is my desk!!
I'm OK with that.
OK—about the picture of the pants with the bell bottoms—I know that picture doesn't really show it, but they were labeled bell bottoms—and I don't think I took a picture of the label. But they were bell bottoms, as were many other pairs of pants in that department. Here's a link to the trend.
I saw one pair of jeans in the changing room, and I swear that each leg took up an entire meter (or yard) of fabric. I did take a picture of those, and I'll post it another day. As we always say, there is nothing new these days!!!!
And yes, I can confidently say that the flower I posted the other day is a sunflower. For me, sunflowers grew on a single stock and had one main head, with the possibility of a few extras. Those are the ones I've seen grown here in Canada and the kind I saw all throughout the Meseta in Spain.
However, some research tells me there are many kinds of sunflowers, and the ones I spotted were bush sunflowers. They grow like a shrub and are native to the desert states in the US. Think southern California and Colorado, amongst others. So I learned a new thing. I was so focused on the blooms that I didn't bother getting a good shot of the plant. It has the fuzzy stock and all the appearance of a sunflower, but the blooms are smaller, and it grows on a shrub with many heads (blooms). Thanks to everyone for their comments and questions about what kind of plant it was.
I had to take the girls out for an early walk yesterday, and when we passed the park bench, Miss Murphy had to jump up. So, I snapped this selfie of the two of us.
MOM -- I LOVE YOU!!!! |
There are several things about this photo that I love. First off, she's a cutie, and we just love her to death. She's always so happy. This was a selfie that I took in almost complete darkness and look at the quality. It took three tries to get one where she wasn't moving because the camera had to process the shot for three seconds, and for Murphy to be still for three seconds is a big deal.
Of course, the girls still got their separate walks, but short ones. And this was the excitement on Lexi's walk! Thankfully, she was on her leash, and the skunk was far away, and we had no incidents.
A skunk |
Then we were off to the airport, but not before DH realized he had forgotten his wallet and had to return. Thankfully, we were just at the end of our street.
We went to the lounge instead of getting into the line for Tim's. Well, that was OK, but it certainly didn't equal having tea from Tim's! Our gate was right by Tim's, and had I known that the boarding was going to be delayed, I'd have gotten into that line. But everyone was lined up at the gate waiting to board, and then we were delayed in boarding.
When we were on board, we were told that boarding was delayed by about 40 minutes because the plane was too hot. Seriously? I've never heard of that. But they sure made up for that by having the air conditioning blasting for almost the entire flight. I was a frozen block by the time we got off. I had mentioned this to the flight attendants, and I could feel the temperature increase. But, as they had turned up the heat. Then someone must have complained that it was too hot because I felt that temperature go back down.
DH was sitting in Business Class with a significant down duvet. I was going to ask him for it, but I didn't. Then he sent me back his chocolate bar, and at the end of the flight, I realized he did not use his duvet. GRRRRR --- Next time we fly, and he's upfront, I'm grabbing that duvet first thing.
I also didn't want to make the others around me feel bad, so I stuck it out. The weather is wet and cool here, so hopefully, I'll manage!!! I'm sure I will.
We met with friends traveling to Vancouver for the big engagement party. They were on a separate flight, but their flight was delayed, so we chatted a bit in the boarding line. Then, because we were late, they ended up arriving before we did.
There was a huge line for the rental car, which I had a reservation for, and of course, DH was looking for a fast way out. Seriously?? He doesn't get it—he thinks that status buys everything. We were visiting with our friends, so what's the big deal?
So I got this Ford Explorer, and guess what? It doesn't have carplay in it. What the heck is that all about? Later in the day, I found it -- but only Apple CarPlay. Who in their right mind makes a vehicle with only one version of carplay in it? Next time, I will insist that my vehicle has Android CarPlay, or I won't rent it.
Thankfully, I had two very good navigators in the car, and we got to the upscale Holiday Inn without a problem.
DH had some business, so the two friends and I were off to find something to do. The first stop was to see my Instagram "friend." I've never met her before, but I know her quite well because she has a super IG account. I also follow her on Patreon, where you actually PAY money to follow them. I know—it's super crazy. I know --- with all these influencers and IG superstars, it's like following the stars, but they are regular people!
They bought an abandoned home in this area, and I managed to track down where the house was located. OK—don't ask, but with the internet these days, it's pretty easy to find most things. So, I knew where the house was, and I had it confirmed from several other sources. I won't provide more details than that. You don't need to know.
We showed up at the house, and OMG—it's just like on the videos. Well, of course it is!!!! But it's a big construction site, so we weren't able to get inside the gate, but Jenna came out to greet us, which I'm sure was a big shock. How did these random people appear at her gate, and we know who she was?
We chatted for a few minutes - it was starting to rain, and they were still working. We snapped this picture.
Jenna and I |
I look like a dork in the picture, and she is super skinny! After we left, I bet they wondered how we knew where their house was!!! But it's very close to where M is having her engagement party, so that was partly our excuse for being in the neighborhood!!!
Then we drove around, and holy -- there are oodles of houses for sale in this city. So, of course, we had to check that out online. I could sell my house and move. Some of the views were spectacular. Although we couldn't see the view from Jenna's house, the view is stunning - I can see that in the videos. But the streets in the area? Let's just say it's a good thing they don't really get snow here. It would be pretty treacherous. I wouldn't be leaving my house.
When we finally arrived back at the hotel, I was wiped. I hadn't slept well the night before nor slept much on the plane, so I read, napped, and didn't even get up for dinner.
And now- of course, with the change in time- I'm wide awake!!!!
Now that we have some free time this morning, I'm not sure what we'll do, but the big event is tonight.
Have a super day!!!!
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