Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A new respect for caregivers

I have a new appreciation for caregivers! Especially those looking after a loved one in the house! 

I got absolutely nothing done yesterday. I didn't even make it downstairs except to find a bag to put something in and add to the stuff on the cutting table. 

I had an appointment first thing in the morning, and the doctor was on time and I was out of there before I knew it, so that was good. 

Then, because DH had some issues with the pre-op tests, he needed to get to his doctor, who is also my doctor. So, in the afternoon, I had to drive him back to that medical building and make that happen. The one thing I'll say about our doctor is that when we want an appointment, there is ZERO waiting. He called in the morning, and he got an afternoon appointment. When I dropped in with DH, I got to see her as well—basically without an appointment. 

The good news is that my shoulder (yes, I am very behind in getting that information) is relatively fine. There are NO TEARS in the rotator cuff, so that is good. The bad news is that there is some calcification (is that the right word?) from overuse and minor injuries (like falling when climbing a tree), and it could use some physio (specialized exercises and limiting lifting heavy things) to let it heal properly. 

I don't understand how the doctor works, but I feel that the receptionist is very good at scheduling and doesn't overbook the appointments. That is done, and now we are waiting for the calls to see the specialist. 

Then it was the pill dispensing! DH has six different pills that have to be taken at different times, so I was in charge of that. The nerve blockers wore off in the afternoon, and that was a game-changer. I think he now has a bigger appreciation of the magnitude of the surgery and the fact that he can't move that shoulder for three weeks. 

What he had was actually NOT a new shoulder, but a reverse total shoulder replacement. They reversed the shoulder socket and ball. Even when I look at the pictures, it still doesn't make sense to me. 

I have to make lunch, dinner, and whatever else he wants! We haven't even moved on to the hygiene part yet, and I can't wait! NOT!

This is a temporary thing - hopefully, just the three weeks he has the immobilizer on. I can't imagine having to care for someone who needs constant or almost constant care and there is no end in sight. I spoke to a neighbor yesterday, and her husband is not well. He doesn't have long to live and he seems to be in constant pain. I feel for her as she is frustrated with the medical system and dealing with too many people. 

I took time to read my e-book, which I really need to finish, but then he started talking to me. Oh boy! So it was an interesting day. I hope he feels good enough to work even for a couple of hours each day soon (he's on the phone a lot), but the doctor told him to take the week off. Personally, if it were me, I'd be sleeping and reading all day. 

There are appointments on Thursday and Friday, so the entire week is gone! I'll just write this week off as well. I want to get to a local fiber art show, and hopefully, I can do that on Saturday. 

I managed to complete part of one important piece of paperwork, so that was a bonus, but there is much more that needs to be done, and I have to start working on classes for this year since we are now in October, and they start this month. 

It doesn't help that I'm still not 100% myself. I am still sleeping in and losing two hours each day because of that and another hour-long nap, so a huge part of my productive day is lost to sleep. But my body is telling me that I need it, so I'm not worried. I love this change in weather and could stay in bed all day with lots of quilts and just relax.

I now need to catch up on all my errands in the neighborhood. I made it to the grocery store yesterday, and the girls got their walks, so all is good in that department. I'm not even checking how many KMs I'm walking each day. I'm in the ballpark of what I need to end the year's challenges, but certainly not like I was doing there a while back. That's OK -- it's good to take a break! As for spin class? It's not even on my radar at the moment. I'm hoping by next week, things will have settled down. 

Oh boy -- here's a picture of Murphy. I swear, when I get my camera out, and we are in the forest, she refuses to look at me. Everything else is more interesting. If I change directions, so does she! She is trying to tell me what we are doing is NOT interesting. We need to be on the move - that's where the interest lies!! Silly girl. 

MOM -- STOP taking pictures - let's GO!!

Pictures never seem to do justice to the changing of the colors, but I noticed the trees in the area are starting to turn. These will be spectacular as they go through several color changes. 

Leaves changing color

On that note, I had better try to make today as normal as possible. But it's totally beyond my control! 

Have a super day!!!



  1. I wondered if he would have a reverse given his non-repairable rotator cuff. It is definitely a strange x-ray. I'm glad he's on this side of surgery!!!

    1. Yes -- they called him a week before the scheduled repair to say they would do the reverse procedure. It seems very strange but apparently the best thing for providing strength to the tendons and muscles. I thought of you the day he had his surgery!!!
