Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Cutting it close - AGAIN!

 OK - I really tried - I made an honest effort to get to the airport early. There is someone out there who is trying to give me heart failure!

My flight was at 5 PM. I live 20 minutes from the airport, so I left the house at 3 PM, which is loads of time to get to the airport in the afternoon. Not so! 

It all started badly when the UBER driver came to the door and sat in the front seat while I had two suitcases and a backpack. He did ask if I needed help, but seriously? Surely, you can't expect a tip and do nothing. 

We get on the highway, and there are HOV lanes, which makes it super fast. All is well until we get to the second highway and don't merge onto the right lane, but that's OK because there are really two routes—the express or the collectors. We stayed in the express, which is usually faster, but not always. 

Well, we didn't get lucky—the collectors were faster on this day, and the express was like a parking lot. It didn't help that he wouldn't move to the lane beside us. You see, there is an exit, and of course, everyone else thinks they are more important than those in the line-up to exit, so they come in at the last minute and cut the traffic off. 

The Uber driver would NOT move to the inside lane, which would have sped us up a wee bit. And I'm watching the clock. The minutes were rapidly being eaten up by the traffic. There was no accident, just stupid drivers, which in turn caused more stupid drivers. 

My only saving grace was that the airline still has 45 minutes for baggage drop in the app - I was going to use that as an excuse if needed. 

We finally arrived at the airport at 3:56. I had FOUR minutes—that's a lot of time. So I took my bags out of the car—no help from this guy—and made my way to the kiosk. Of course, the first kiosk would not scan my passport. I have this issue almost always—is it me? or the kiosk? I went to the second kiosk, and it worked just fine. 

Printing the bag tags

One of the attendants in the area came over to help me put on my tags, which was very helpful, although I'm getting good at it. But they are different at every airport; you must figure out which end to pull. 

I went to the bag drop-off and had to try THREE different machines before the silly thing would scan my bags. Why is that? 

Anyway - the bags were gone, and I was good. It was 4:02. 

Through security, and of course, there was some lady in the wrong line, and I'm not sure how she got there, but there were no issues as it wasn't very busy. I put everything in the tray, which is great. It was a pain having to take out laptops, etc., in the past. Then I realized my phone was still in my hand, so I had to toss it over the plastic barrier into the bin just as it went into the X-ray machine. All was good. 

I had enough time to get to Tim's to get something to eat and then onto the plane. No time was wasted, but that was cutting it a bit short. OK—next time, I will have to check the traffic first. But seriously, I gave it loads of time and still almost got caught. 

My flight was 30 minutes late leaving the gate—there was no reason—and I was meeting a colleague in Montreal who was a bit early, so she ended up waiting for me. No worries. We made our way to St Hyacinthe and settled in for the night, but not before meeting Paul in the hall. Of course! Paul is everywhere!!!! Someone asked a while back who Paul is. He's a retired veteran - I don't think that is right. You can't retire from being a veteran. He's a guy who picks up quilting and hangs out everywhere. More on him another day. 

I popped out for a quick bite at Tim's around the corner. 

Tim's for a quick bite to eat

This has to be quick this morning as I slept in. And now I have to meet someone for breakfast at 7 AM. Did you see the new Cherrywood Challenge? OMG—I love the colors and the theme. I've already asked for a kit. Sigh. You can buy them at Stitch by Stitch in Kingston and also at The Cotton Mill Harvest store in Seaforth. More on that another day—I'm rushed for time this morning. 

The Cherrywood Challenge

And seriously? Someone is drilling in this hotel, and it's not even 7 AM. 

Remember to check out QUILTsocial this morning. Loads of great stuff for the Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER EPIC 3. 

I'm off to set up our booth and then four days of the show. If you're in the area, I'll be in the PFAFF or Husqvarna booths, so be sure to stop by and say HI. 

Have a super day!!!!


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