Friday, March 21, 2025

Tight spaces

Elle gave me a quick little lower-body exercise routine in the comments. Feel free to grab it! These are simple exercises, but they are essential for keeping us limber and independent. Some of us have good genes, and some of us do not! It's up to us to keep things moving. I cannot imagine depending on someone to get me out of bed or dressed. Hopefully, that day will never come, but it might. The thought scares me! 

So you all know how inquisitive Miss Murphy is and how she loves to push her way into some of the smallest spaces. Although big, she's pretty capable of curling herself into a tight little ball and sleeps in a dog bed that is probably too small for her. Remember the other day when she tried to squeeze her head through the arm of my chair in the gazebo? 

MOM - I need to be with you! 

So can you tell me why this is a problem? 

MOM - can you open the door? I need IN! 

It was a nice day, so I decided to leave the door ajar so she could come and go as she wanted, but I didn't feel the need to keep the door wide open. It was nice, but not that nice. No - that is a problem for her. I even put an incentive - a treat that works for anything with Murphy. NO - she would NOT push the door enough to get in. I even put my hand, with the treat, outside, and she's standing right there. But that wasn't good enough. I literally had to open the door wide so she would come in. 

Oh - the mysterious world of dogs! 

My calendar is a funny thing. I have one more week of the presentations, and then we are done with all our Zoom presentations for the year, and I'm starting to get booked for in-person travel. I expected a nice, quiet week that first week in April. Alas - that is not the case. A few things had to be moved around; a couple of guilds requested presentations, and I now have an event in person or on Zoom for four nights in a row that first week!

However, that is only one event a day, and they are all shorter than what I'm currently doing, so it will feel like a vacation! I need some sewing time—I'm a little bit behind in my projects, and it's going to take some dedicated sewing to get things completed in time for the show and tell. 

I did a naughty thing yesterday. Instead of working on the presentations for tomorrow, I read that book. It's a war story but compelling, and I need to know how it finishes! Thankfully, it's not too long, but I still have 75 pages to go. It might be a late night tonight! 

OK—I took a few minutes to download some of the pictures from Facebook in preparation for one of the presentations! 

Now for something exciting! I spotted this book, and I wanted it! YES—believe it or not, quilted jackets are BACK! I've made several over the years, and all of them are slightly large. Mind you, I was slightly larger when I made them, so I need a jacket that fits! 

I'm teaching an INPERSON class on jackets using this book as our bible. You can find the signup on the Hobby Horse website. I'm not sure how many spaces, but sign up today -- this class will fill up very quickly. 

Book about quilted jackets

It's going to be a fun class (two parts). You can start from scratch, use a quilted bedspread, which seems to be a dime a dozen in the thrift store or cut up one of your quilts. OK—the ones at the thrift stores cost about $20, which is an excellent deal. I have "several," so I will use my least favorite bedspread to play with the size. Then, I'll make several using the nicer quilted bed covers. 

That's also a project for April. Yep - April will be a busy sewing month, but at least it'll be on my schedule! 

On that happy note, I'm out of there. I'm off to meet Brooke for our early morning workout, and I can hardly wait to see what fun things she has planned. But here's the good news. When I started with her, the thought of getting on the floor (and then getting back up) was not pleasant. Also, some of the exercises she presents seem impossible when she demos them. However, they are just fine when I try doing the exercises! 

That's the power of getting down to business and not saying no! 

Here are the links for the Virtual Retreat this weekend. 

Saturday, March 22 - Starts at 6 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

Sunday, March 23 - Starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

Have a super day!!!


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