I see my computer rebooted last night. I had scheduled it to do so. So all my Google windows got closed down. Oh well...... None of them were important and most were just for fun reading or whatever. I'm sure it won't take me long to open more. But I really should at the end of the day or every two days close everything down.
Now I see there are "new" features coming in Outlook and other programs. Oh, goodie - something new to learn. There's also a new format for Blogger which I've looked at but it looks scary!
What a big chicken I am. I'll wait and wait until I'm forced and then I have to figure out how to make it work. Whereas, if I started to poke around NOW, it would be no big deal.
You would think that this time would be good to learn something new or get up to speed on some of the changes in software or other technology, but I'm so darn busy that I don't have time.
I don't have a lot to share today. I was busy all day getting the homework assignments completed for the classes this weekend. Two are due today and two are due tomorrow. I'm completely finished one of them. Guess what I'll be working on all day? And we have a couple of test video chats as well to make sure everyone is on board.
But this is what I worked on that I can show you.
Oh yes - it's the pieced border for that mini-quilt. Seriously??? These pieces are SMALL.
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The pieced border for the mini-quilt |
Those little half stars are 1 ½" by 2 ½" UNFINISHED. The half-square triangles are 1" unfinished. I think I need to do a video on how to work with small pieces as I know some of my students were struggling with pieces for a 5" block.
The smaller you go, the less room you have for errors. I'm sewing those units into two four patches which I then trim to 1 ½". I sew the two halves together and then check the size. I'm not trimming much off, but I'm trimming.
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The trimmings from the mini-blocks |
As I'm sewing these, I'm looking at the little quilt. TWO blocks ended up being slightly larger than they should have. I should have trimmed the units as I went along.
This bloc
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This block ended up being slightly larger |
It's not a huge deal, but I can see the seams bulging outward. It bugs me and I did think about taking it apart and fixing it. However, I looked at the back of the block.
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The back of one of the two blocks |
Hmmm - I don't think so. I'd probably damage the little tiny pieces so much that I'd have to start over. It doesn't bug me that much!!!
We have a new resident at our house. A bird has made a nest in the tree at the front of the house. Right in front of the window. This happens every year, but now that the tree is trimmed back, there is less protection for the bird from onlookers in the house.
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Mommy bird on her nest |
Of course, it drives Murphy crazy if he sees the daddy bird come by. I need to start putting up barricades everywhere it would appear. That dog has no manners!!! And sneaky? She loves to stop by when I'm on a video call so she can get in the picture!!!
I've got ONE more quilt to design and then I'm done for the moment. Yeah!! But the space around the computer is not looking too good so after my test calls this morning, I hope to get the mess on the floor cleaned up. It's all for phone calls to be made, documents to write, books to log in the database, and silly stuff like that.
Here's a link for you to check out. There is a VIRTUAL quilt show happening next week. With classes, vendors, and quilts. Not sure how it's going to work, but you can check it out here. I'm tempted to sign up for a class - just to see how it works. I certainly do NOT need a new project, but if I can find a technique class, I might do that.
I also need to find a data cable for my cell phone. NOT a cord to charge it with, but one that's made specifically for DATA. Now, where the heck will I find that? So maybe next week, I'm going to try some cool stuff with technology, the sewing machine, and the computer and see if it works. But I need that darn data cable first! Off to search for that.
I see the temperature is a bit warmer today and so far no wind. I swear, I'm getting windburn from all the walking. And I see that I'm about 2.5 miles behind on my Cross Canada trek, so I'll be taking an extra walk over the next couple of days to get back on track. I can't let it get behind because it'll take forever to catch up.
On that note, I'm out of here. It's going to be a busy and crazy day around here and I'd best get started.
Have a super day!!!!
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