How do you handle a task that you dread doing? You procrastinate, you learn about it, you procrastinate, you talk to friends about it, you procrastinate, and then finally months later, you attempt the task. You hate it. The next time that task comes around, you still procrastinate, but you're not so leery. You may still need to get the instructions out. But here's the good news - there will come a day when you don't think twice about that task.
My task, believe it or not, was binding a quilt. Now I've bound a lot of quilts in my time, but at the beginning, it was an ordeal. And if the binding had to be hand-stitched? Well, I'd have a stack of quilts a mile high sitting here. I learned to do binding by sewing machine and I won't look back unless it's a super special quilt - then I'll break down and do it by hand.
These days, I could almost bind a quilt blindfolded!
Going for a walk was the same thing. I love to walk, but I would never consider walking the distances that I'm currently walking. That's too far! I used to think I was giving the girls a good walk by going to the library and back (maybe a 20-minute walk total). Then I started to expand that a little bit to get that stretch goal of mine. And now? I have no issues going for more than one hour at a time.
I used to think that I could walk the girls to the dog park (we haven't been in a long, long time), but that's far away. Well, yesterday, we walked to a major street, then turned left, walked down to the next major street, turned left, walked to the next major street (walked past the mall and then walked past the dog park on the far side from my house), turned left and up to the next major street and back home. Over 7000 steps. I think even Murphy was feeling a wee bit tired when we got home - just a wee bit.
Here are some observations from that walk. Oh - and this is what I'm grateful for today. The ability to WALK. Walking is a skill that one needs to do every day to keep up that skill. Yep -- some people can't walk for whatever reason, and many people can walk, yet choose to walk very little. And as we get older and it's comfier to stay inside and we walk less, we can lose the ability to walk. I know - that's darn scary.
As I get older, and walking further, I'm not a fan of walking when the sidewalks are the slight bit slippery so when I'm stuck in an apartment or wherever I end up, I'll be walking those halls! Do I care what people think of me? Not in the least.
So the world is experiencing a pandemic at the moment. In the beginning, people were desperate to get gloves and masks, although gloves don't seem to be as important anymore. But why or why do people who are freaked out by the germs enough to get gloves, feel it's OK to just toss them on the sidewalks???
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A used glove |
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Another used glove |
I've seen masks in the past, but I only saw one yesterday so I'm not sure what has happened to the other ones that were tossed. But the same thing - if it was important enough for you to get a mask to protect yourself or to protect others, why toss the used mask on the sidewalk?
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Used mask |
I'm fascinated by some of the buildings near me. This one in particular and it's so hard to really look at it when you're in the car so I stopped to snap a couple of pictures. I know I've posted before, but it's just a beautiful building.
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The Arc |
And here's my favorite view of it.
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The end of The Arc |
Other than an hour very early in the morning, I didn't turn on a single sewing machine yesterday. Not the long arm, not the serger, not a sewing machine. I had a couple of calls that went on for a wee bit of time in both cases. But that's OK - both calls were with friends and we talked for a LONG, LONG time to catch up. I managed to solve two problems that they were having. One with EQ8 and the other was with QuiltPath which is the software that drives the long arm.
I just sat in front of my computers and was able to run them through their questions and a lesson or two. It was great.
But once that was over, I decided it was time to do something that I was supposed to do before Christmas. My QuiltPath computer needs to be updated. I have put it off and put it off and I decided that since the computer was NOT on the long arm (having removed it for the phone call) that this was as good a time as any.
The computer is a very simple thing. It's just a tablet. Yep - a Windows-based tablet. Hard to believe that something so small is so powerful.
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The tablet that runs the long arm |
I had received the documentation which looked daunting which is why I put it off. So I bit the bullet and got started. I had to back up all my digital quilting patterns onto a USB - just in case something went wrong. Then I had to download and install the latest upgrade for Windows 10. Now here's the thing about APQS (American Professional Quilting Systems). The document to do this upgrade and get all the settings back to normal BEFORE I start upgrading the actual software to run the long arm is FIFTEEN pages long. See what I mean about daunting?
Well, most of that was pictures - very clear and explicit pictures on what the screen should look like, etc. It really wasn't that big of a deal. But I love how you get these big messages on the screen - I'm guessing that's because people are impatient and then really screw things up!!!!
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Waiting for the tablet to restart |
I'm on page 10 of the Windows upgrade instructions. Only five pages to go, but I ran out of time last night and I'm sure that most of this is just checking the settings so it shouldn't take too long to finish off those instructions. And then I'm going to tackle the second upgrade. Hopefully, it'll all be done today and I'll be good to go.
Speaking of computers - I'm doing it again. You can't really see in this picture (oh yes you can), but I have a LOT of windows open along the top of that screen. I can't help it - I find something that I want to investigate further and it sits there for a day or two. It's just hard to get to all of them. There's so much to see and read and check out.
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My computer screen |
I will say that if you're looking for something to do and you have some Creative Grids rulers, you should check out their YouTube videos. They have a TON of very good information about how to get the most use out of their specialty rulers. I was very impressed when I was reviewing a video for the Wonky Triangle Ruler.
So what else did I find in those two cabinets beneath the sewing table? The User's Guide for the H|Class 100Q that I sent to M. Of course, I couldn't find the book when the sewing machine went, but I have it now and I'll be sending it to her.
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User's Guide to the H|Class 100Q |
That machine doesn't have all the bells and whistles of my big ones, but it's a great little sewing machine.
I found some practice quilt sandwiches which I think are totally used up. Time to let this one go.
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A practice quilt sandwich |
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Sewing machine cover |
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The cover is now on the sewing machine |
The cover that was on the Mega Quilter, is very pretty, but it's NOT huge. I tried it on the Husqvarna Viking Ruby deLuxe that is sitting in my small cabinet in Studio B. It barely fits.
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The sewing machine cover barely fits this machine |
Hmm - I also found a stash of plastic pellets and some crushed walnut shells that you use for filling a pin cushion. Funny, I had found two other packs of pellets somewhere and didn't know what to do with them. They are all together now in the drawer. The trick is going to be remembering that that stuff is in that drawer. I'm not sure that it's the best place for it, but for now - it's all together.
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Plastic pellets and crushed walnut shells |
I guess I'm going to have to make some stuffies or something to use up those pellets. I've got a LOT of them. Again - seemed like a good idea at the time and cheap - so why not buy MORE.
Let's see - I also found all this. What the heck??? Oh yes - this is for the Featherweight sewing machine. Oh boy - I had completely forgotten I had this stuff. It's all now in a box and I put it in one of the drawers in one of those cabinets.
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Supplies for the Featherweight sewing machine |
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Bits and pieces that belong to several sewing machines |
I have four drawer units in Studio U and none in Studio B. I might empty one of the units upstairs and then take it downstairs with some basic supplies so I don't need to run up and down, although that's amazing exercise!!! I'll see how it goes - for the moment, things are neat and tidy and together so I'm not worried about it.
I got another inspiration board hung up the other day. I really need to go through all the stuff hanging on it and see what can be tossed. For the moment, it's hanging up and stays as is!
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One more inspiration board hung up |
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The binding is now on this quilt |
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One more quilt - DONE |
Here's the picture of the quilt.
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Community projects quilt - DONE |
As I've been cleaning up, I've come across several quilts that needed a sleeve attached. This one had a temporary sleeve pinned on. It now has a permanent sleeve that is hand-stitched in place.
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Prepping the hanging sleeve |
I couldn't find any of that backing fabric, but I found something that works just fine. I watched another episode of The Quilt Show while I stitched that in place.
Here's one more quilt on the Princess bed. I think I have most of the lap-sized quilts on the bed now and starting to put some of the small ones on. You would NOT believe how high that bed is.
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More quilts on the princess and the pea bed |
As I was messing around with the computer yesterday, I came across this photo which I have to share with you. What is this? OH MY GOD - it's STUDIO B. I don't know when the picture was taken, but look at that mess!!!!! We've come a LONG WAY from that mess.
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What Studio B used to look like |
I just laugh and shake my head that I could even work in there. If only I could find some of the very early pictures of the heaping cutting tables. It's shocking that I put up with it and that I even allowed it to happen in the first place. NO MORE.
If you're looking for something to do, here's a virtual art show from a gallery. There are loads of these virtual shows out there so we can never be wanting for something to look at.
Now - I've got a question for you - has anyone participated in an online class using Zoom technology or other technology?? If so, can you send me the link or e-mail me?? I'm going to do some more investigation about this as I really think that many of the classes and venues I teach at, will NOT be hosting group classes for a while.
On that note, I'm out of here. More admin work regarding upcoming quilts, more computer work and hopefully some sewing time.
But first, it's a walk with the girls. What's with this weather??? I'm a patient person, but even I'm getting tired of this cold, windy weather.
Have a great day!!!!
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