Wow -- I'm shocked at how much I can get done when I'm at a retreat. I'm focused and there are ZERO distractions. I'm thinking this is going to be the new norm at my house. Have everything super prepped and then isolate yourself with no distractions. It's great!!!
Just so that no one thinks I've snuck off into the dark and am at the retreat house, I'm NOT. I should be there - I want to be there, but I can't. We have a Messenger group chat going so we can always chat with someone during the day. We can send photos and we can have a video chat. It's not the same, but HEY - we have to make the best of a bad situation.
I'm still walking as I would be doing while at the retreat house. I saw two things that warmed my heart when I was out yesterday. The first is a Canadian flag that a neighbor hung outside their house. You know what? That made me feel extremely PROUD to be a Canadian and so for everyone else - if you have a Canadian flag in your house - get it out and hang it up! We are all in this situation together - let's show our support for each other. I must dig mine out - I meant to yesterday and then forgot.
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Hang your Canadian flag |
The second thing that warmed my heart is I saw BUDS on some of the trees around here. That's exciting. Spring is on the way!
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Buds on the trees |
Here's the thing. We are NOT restricted to staying in our houses (not yet anyway). Get outside, go for a walk, ride a bike, get out your rollerblades. Get out your lawn chairs and sit in the backyard or in your driveway. So what if you need a jacket and a quilt. That's OK. Get out and get some fresh air. Change up your scenery. I try to be out at least a couple of hours every day. And YES, everyone in my neighborhood is practicing physical distancing. It feels a bit like you haven't showered for days as people pass by without wanting to be close to you! Most people do that anyway when they see the two girls, but it's even more pronounced now.
Speaking of showers, we're going to all need underwear with the days of the week on them so we know what day of the week it is. It was bad before this all happened, but now I'm totally lost. But I do know that it's day three of the retreat. Let me share with you what happened yesterday.
I see my retreat mates are NOT taking this retreat very seriously. I don't have a lot to show you of their accomplishments. Ronda (who has been working during the day) got the binding on this table runner that she quilted a couple of months ago. Way to go!!! I know she has the next quilt basted and hooped and ready to go this morning. She likes to quilt using her embroidery machine.
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Ronda's table runner - DONE |
Katheleen finished her jigsaw puzzle. An extra border piece and missing two pieces in the puzzle. Hey - I see she has the same friend as myself. Hello Alexa!!! This is one of those mystery puzzles. I wonder if she solved the mystery???
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Jigsaw puzzle - DONE |
Lynn got two Retreat Bags by Emmaline Bags made. They look awesome. It's a free pattern on that web site but you do need the wires for the top.
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Retreat Bags |
Susan completed this quilt top that she was using as an ender/leader project. This is similar to the one I'm supposed to be making with my batik squares. I'm glad I chose white as the background. It looks awesome Susan!!!
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Susan's quilt top |
She's also sewing Vintage Christmas blocks. She's not part of our sew-along group, but that's OK. She's doing one block a day and here's the block from yesterday.
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Vintage Chrismtas block |
OK - so that's what the others did. What did I do? Like I said - it was a very focused day. The other thing is that darn audiobook. If you get a good audiobook going, I focus on listening to the story and NOT on what I'm doing. I'm listening to W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton. ACK -- I'm almost done the series and there will be no more books!! I need to find another book. I only have a non-fiction book waiting for me when this one is finished.
I had packed the bag of blue scraps from our community projects group. It took up a LOT of room in the laundry basket. While I had loads of strips already organized, there was also this huge pile of scraps that needed to be sorted. I stood at the ironing board every so often and picked out the strips, pressed smaller pieces for the corners of my blocks and by the end of the day, the pile was gone.
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Pile of scraps to sort |
I started the day off with my friends on my iPad and my project by the sewing machine.
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Ready to start the day with friends and a sewing project |
I had wound five bobbins to get me started and I had part of one in the sewing machine. I've now gone through 3 of those bobbins. It's so nice to have bobbins ready to put in when you run out!!
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Another empty bobbin |
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Portable design wall |
I realized as I got most of the blocks on the wall that it would look better if I started with a full diamond and not a half diamond. That was easy to fix. I moved the first column to the last column and everything was perfect. I didn't even rearrange the blocks. It's a scrap quilt - changing the blocks wouldn't have changed much.
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Almost done all the blocks |
It pays to put things up on the design wall. My goal was to get the quilt top together by the end of the day. Who knew that it was going to take TWO days to get this quilt done? I was hoping to get it done in one day. That's why I end up taking so much to the retreat. I think a project will take no time and it ends up taking forever. I was very focused all day as well. This is going to be a good lesson for the next retreat. ONE laundry basket and ZERO panic packing!
Here's the final quilt top. I LOVE it, but then I love scrap quilts!!
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The completed quilt top |
That top will be added to the pile of community project quilts that need backing and binding. At this rate, it's going to take a long time before we can get back to that. But that's OK because I still have a lot of quilts to quilt so it's not like I need more added to the pile at this moment in time.
AS I said, that bag of scraps took up a LOT of room in my laundry basket. However, I was able to NEATLY pack all the strips and the few small pieces that are left for the corners into this much smaller bag. There's probably enough strips to make two more string quilts. I only have 10 foundations left and I need 48 for each quilt. So I'm putting this aside for now. I've got a sheet that I can cut up to make more foundations. Once the new foundations are cut, I'm putting this back into the laundry basket for the next sewing retreat. It's a perfect thing to work on. And it'll take TWO days to make another quilt.
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The blue scrap bag |
Let's see - if I could get the rest of the scraps this organized - well. I think I might do that. Thre's a bag for reds, greens, browns, miscellaneous and two smaller ones for blacks and purples. The blue one was the largest. I felt so good after this exercise. Like I said - it was extremely therapeutic and I'm going to keep right at it! But after the retreat is over! It's now time to sew something for me. The best part? Slow and steady is the ONLY way to get things accomplished.
Here's my ender/leader project. I didn't need that when I was sewing the blocks, but I needed it once I started to sew the quilt together. I was working on this a while back. It's a MINI block of the month that I started YEARS ago. I haven't worked on it since July of 2019.
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Mini block of the month |
So you can appreciate how small those little pieces are - I'm trimming one of the half-square triangles in the block. Yikes - those pieces are TINY. I had to sew them very carefully to get the block to turn out the correct size.
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Trimming a MINI half square triangle |
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Mini block for the Block of the Month - DONE |
Before I went to bed, I tidied up the sewing room. As I was sorting through the scraps, I found colors that weren't blue. They got pressed and this morning, I snuck everything down to Studio B and put it all away. I got the next project ready to sew this morning once everyone gets up and it's OK to turn on the sewing machines and make noise. This one is my UFO for this month so I'd better get myself organized and get it done. Everything is cut and ready to sew. The sewing machine has been threaded with dark thread.
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Project for today |
I know that everyone is coping with our self-isolation in different ways. I'm just trying to have fun and keep myself entertained. I'm also getting some admin work done. I had tried to clear everything up before I "left", but I didn't quite have time so I'm spending a bit of time first thing in the morning to get things done. So far, I'm on track. I'll get back to e-mails as soon as I can, but my priority is to sew for the next couple of days. I'll get the urgent ones responded to.
On that note, I'm out of here.
Have a super day!!!!
I love that ya'll are retreating together. Making lemonade!
ReplyDeleteI think I will try to organize an online 3d retreat with my peeps for Sat-Mon.
Cheers ladies!
Hey -- did you get your retreat organized?? Oh - shoot - I need to be reading your blog. What's the address again??