Here's a quick update on the internet situation at my house. It's NOT good. I've called I don't know how many times this past week to complain. Finally, yesterday we got escalated. Why? Was it because I threatened to move my service to another provider? Not that that would have been a guaranteed solution - I could get just as bad of service from the other provider as well.
I was very polite but very clear on my position.
Here's something to contemplate. If you're wary of how much information is out there on the internet, did you know that once you have a connection to your service provider that they have 100% control of those devices within your house? Yep - I've not rebooted the modem once, but it's been done MANY times by the service people. They've run tests on the equipment, they can see what's connected, they can control the services - all from wherever they are sitting and I don't think they are sitting in Canada!
So my call got escalated and then for the SECOND time during this whole fiasco, they can't hear me. I haven't touched my phone but why can't they hear me? Anyway, back to a new call and get escalated right away and this time, they can hear me.
We're getting a new modem today. The person I spoke to said they could see some issues with it and so a new modem is supposed to arrive this morning between 9 and 9:30. I have the instructions on what to do and we'll see if that makes a difference.
Let's say that with the pandemic and working from home, that we NEED that thing to be working properly. Why did the modem start to act up once we upgraded the service? I've no idea and let's just pray a LOT that this is going to fix it. I know it went down many times yesterday that I know of and I wasn't happy. It was suggested that I watch my language in the event that the link didn't go completely down! Good point!!!
Someone else is going to host Monday sewing today!
I want to share the show and tell from our UFO class yesterday. It's amazing how much is getting done, but I have noticed one thing. Some people are using it to get CURRENT projects done! Well, I guess that's OK if it motivates them to do that. But I also noticed that a few people are not paying attention to what they say they'll get done! I even send them a confirmation note. I let a couple of things slide yesterday, but since I had to pay money, that's it - no more Ms. Nice Girl.
Katheleen finished her Snow Days (Crabapple Hill) quilt! It looks GORGEOUS!! It's a bit hard to see in the picture, but the cream border surrounding the center part is filled with hand embroidery. Her goal for this month was to finish a section, but she was on a roll and went ahead and finished the top. I love it.
Katheleen's Snow Days |
A few blocks didn't make the cut for the front and so they got pieced into the backing. Yep - the backing and the binding are also DONE!!!
The backing and binding for Katheleen's Snow Days
Her next project is Quilter's Patch (Laundry Basket Quilts). As you can see there are a few blocks missing. So she'll be working on this for the next couple of months.
Katheleen's Garden Patch quilt
I hate to confess that I taught both of those quilts as ongoing classes at The Hobby Horse. The year? Well, it was several years ago. I don't have my list handy, but somewhere around 2015 or 2016. That's the intent of the UFO club. It's to get motivated to finish up those big projects that have been hanging around for a long time. The ones that someone else will not know what to do with when they arrive at your house when you're no longer there!!
But for those with no UFOs, I guess you can work on a new project, but there's not much satisfaction in that since you'd likely be doing that anyway. The UFO Club is above and beyond what you would normally do. Stretch goals!!!
Shelly is working on a UFO! She hand embroidered these two blocks this past month. Wow - that's a lot of hand embroidery and it's perfect. I've seen her work in person and it's amazing! These blocks are from Winter Wonderland (Crabapple Hill).
Embroidered block from Winter Wonderland
Embroidered block from Winter Wonderland
She committed to embroidering part of another block for next month. I see from a text last night that she already has the block traced. I think we should make her do the entire block! It's huge.
Susan is working on a Halloween table runner. She got the two rows of the center section completed. Next month is to get the top done. I think it should be finished since Halloween will occur shortly after our next meeting!
Halloween table runner
Dede ripped out the quilting in the border of this flannel quilt and then requilted it. It's now bound and ready to be used. I see that Quark, her hairless cat, is inspecting it to see if it's worthy of him.
Dede's cat, Quark, is inspecting her UFO homework
The goal for next month is to finish this small project. That's the beauty of the club. Some people can handle a large project each month, others cannot. A lot of the members of the UFO club still have full-time jobs and still have to juggle their time between work, family, and hobbies.
Dede's UFO for next month
Lynne is busy with embroidering her Dream Big panel. It's looking gorgeous!! If you have the right technology, it's a snap to position those machine embroidery designs on each of the petals. If not, it can take a fair amount of time to make that work. We encouraged her to use the technology that she has available to her. I got a text last night. She tried it and it worked!!! Way to go Lynne!!!! You'll be done that entire project by next month!
Lynne's Dream Big panel
We also have a bit of other show and tell, not just our UFO project and that's what it's all about. Sharing of ideas, projects, and just life!
Lynne got the binding on this project.
Lynne's Wolf Abstractions by Violet Craft
But look at what else she does with her finished projects. She makes a bag/cushion cover for EVERY quilt. See how she uses her embroidery machine to embellish the cover. It's a great way to use up the leftover fabrics from the project. And I love how Smoke is surveying the cover. Perhaps, he's thinking of pouncing on the wolf? It's also her label as she put her information on the pillow cover. It's a brilliant idea.
Lynne's cover for the Wolf Abstractions quilt
Jane was working on a quilt top and the intention was to finish the complete top. That didn't happen because of a fabric shortage. I gave her partial points for completion. I LOVE The colors of the quilt. Guess what Jane will be working on this coming month?
Jane's partially completed quilt top
Linda worked on a Scandinavian style Christmas wall hanging. She bought it as a kit some time ago. The top is done and ready to be quilted!
Linda's Scandinavian Christmas wall hanging
Well, that's only half of the show and tell from yesterday! It's so exciting to see people make progress on their projects and some of these projects are HUGE and have been hanging around for quite some time. I love how motivated we are to get some of those old projects done!
Just as we were saying goodbye, my internet dropped. GRRRR. Then we had a family Zoom and I got to see Little Bear! He got a face trim! He's so cute. Well, M is cute too! But of course, the internet dropped on that call as well. Breathe Breathe Breathe!
I spent the rest of the day puttering in the studio - and well, you'll just have to wait to see the result of all that puttering.
I'll finish off the Show and Tell for the UFO club tomorrow.
So if anyone is interested in getting some motivation for completing projects, I'll be opening up the sign-up for the club in a bit. I already have some new sign-ups for 2021. We're going to start the new club in January. Those that currently in the club will most likely just get re-enrolled. That's what happened last year. If there are too many for one hour, then I'll split the group.
The classes will be via ZOOM so ANYONE, ANYWHERE can join! How's that for crazy! Should we be able to get back together again, I'll still run a Zoom session. Yep - the Zoom thing saves a lot of time. I don't have to tidy up, I don't have to find chairs for everyone and no travel time! Remember, the cost is $125 for the year. You get $10 back for each month you complete your homework! If you know someone who would be interested, pass the information along to them. You can e-mail me ( to sign up. Put UFO in the subject so I won't miss it.
We have a great time and we're getting these old projects done!!!
Have a super day!!!
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