So you know that I'm participating in several of these virtual challenges. Most of them I'm doing solo, including walking across Canada from west to east. This year, four of us signed up to do a virtual walk across Canada from east to west. That means that at some point, our paths would cross. I knew the point was coming up soon but didn't mention it. I've been watching the maps closely for a couple of days.
Now here's the thing when you're in a group. I log my miles every day as the miles in this challenge have to be logged manually, whereas my solo challenges are logged through my FitBit. The others log their miles every couple of weeks, and one person hadn't logged in a while. Well, guess what? They messed up the great picture that I had planned to "wave" to myself as we passed on the highway.
The positions on the map are close, but their eagerness to update everything YESTERDAY messed that up. So here are the pictures of the positions on the map.
The first one is the group map. See - we are just north of Wawa and are now over 50% of the way to the west coast. Upon arrival, we'll be able to open the medals that we received a while back.
Our position on the Big Canada Run for 2020 |
And here's my position on the solo walk. Just south of Wawa and slightly less than 50%. The routes mapped are slightly different, so the center point is not the same for the two distances. Since I don't have a closer picture than that, I'm going to say that we waved to each other when we passed the big goose in Wawa! It's a big roadside attraction and I love watching out for them.
My position on the map for my solo walk across Canada |
Thank goodness, little details like that don't bother me, but it's hilarious that at the very moment where it was possible that I would be in the same spot on both virtual walks, is the day that someone decided to update their mileage when they hadn't done it in two months!! But close is good enough!
In case you wonder what the terrain looks like - it's just trees and rocks and more trees and rocks.
The terrain in Northern Ontario |
I found some other pictures sitting in a folder, so I'm sharing those with you this morning. I'm trying to clean up computer files, pictures, etc., before the end of the year.
OH -- I found a picture of the palette! At one point, and when I really started to notice the palette is when there was a bunch of clothes strewn around and that green lid was open. It's some mechanical thing necessary to the neighborhood. And from time to time, there are clothes on the ground. It's a bizarre thing but keeps me entertained when Murphy lets me down on the walk for entertainment (never!). I swear that dog had a one-track mind - to chase anything that moves.
The palette from a few weeks ago |
I wondered where this next picture went, and then I found it. Obviously, it was taken a bit earlier when there was no snow. But one morning, I saw this pink bike chained to a tree. A bit of a weird place to chain a bike to a tree when there are several schools around - you would think it was someone on their way to school.
A pink bike chained to the tree |
Well, a couple of days later, I discovered why the bike was chained there. It was a teenage boy who was riding this bike. Probably belonged to his sister, or maybe that's all he had and probably didn't want to be seen at school with a pink bike!! So he scooted through the forest, chained it up at the entrance, and walked the rest of the way to school! I know - silly little details to keep my mind occupied!
Well, both of these magazines are probably off the newsstands at this point, but I do have a quilt in both of these. This is Quiltmaker - November/December 2020.
Quiltmaker - November/December 2020 |
And there's my version of a log cabin quilt. I love the fabrics in this quilt, which is from Northcott called
Stag and Thistle.
My version of a log cabin quilt |
Ooops - missed this one by a little bit as it's a Halloween quilt. It's in Love of Quilting - September/October.
Love of Quilting - September/October |
It's a fun Halloween quilt made with a fabric collection from
Riley Blake Designs. I don't' see the link to this collection on their website - it's probably gone from their warehouse. But if you search Hocus Pocus by Riley Blake Designs, you can find it on some websites. It's adorable and has some glow in the dark fabrics in the collection.
Halloween quilt using Hocus Pocus by Riley Blake Designs |
I'm updating my phone this morning. I hope that isn't going to cause any problems. For whatever reason, I'm doing it twice, so let's hope that all is good. I hate when things get updated, and they are so vague about what is actually in the upgrade. Then you go to your interface, and everything is different. I barely get used to the "new," and then things change! I'm old-school. While I love change, no one makes it easy!
That's it for today. Short and sweet. I'm getting stuff done - just not stuff that I can share with you. Oh, yes - another deadline for a quilt, and I'll make it. Now the question will be - can the courier deliver it on time?
Have a super day!!!
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