Dare I say that I'm back to normal? I walked 11.5 KM yesterday in those open sandals. Yes --- I'm keeping an eye on the dead skin on the blisters to ensure they don't open, and everything seems fine. I'm not running marathons here! But I need to look at a pair of new runners, which is a task for this week.
The hardest thing is figuring out what day of the week it is. With no deadlines, it's a challenge! However, it's MONDAY, and we have Monday sewing today. Yeah!!!
I was a busy bee yesterday and quite happy with my progress.
Here are the two containers of quilt tops that I'm currently working on. I'm pushing to get as many of those community quilts tops quilted before I need to get back to work. I forget how many there were in these two containers -- I think it was about 20 in each. Yep --- that's a lot of quilt tops, some with backing, and I think all have binding.
Two containers of community project quilt tops |
This is what is still in the community project room. Each of those two tubs has 40 quilts in them. I know --- that's insane!!!!
Community project quilts waiting to be quilted |
And each of these four containers has 20 quilts in them. But everything is neat and tidy, and I'm focusing on those other two containers, so I have to make room for the new stuff arriving in a couple of weeks. There is NO rush on getting these done -- I just don't want to keep piling them up, so this quiet interlude has been great!
More quilts to be quilted |
Here are the two quilts that I quilted yesterday. Again -- these are both small, so they don't take too long to load or quilt.
Community project quilt - DONE |
Community project quilt - DONE |
Then I got myself busy and decided to get the binding on ALL of the quilts that have been quilted. So the binding has been stitched to the back of all NINE quilts I quilted last week. I'll try to get a couple completely done today during Monday sewing. But I might just sew something for fun! Anyway -- that was huge to get all that done. I'm pretty good at sewing on those bindings!
Nine quilts with the binding half sewn on |
The next one is loaded on the long arm, but I must join some batting before getting started. I'm being pretty efficient with the batting, so there is little going to waste. And the reminder of the backing is going into the scrap box to make another quilt (or two). So everything is up to date (or almost). I love that, and I may just make a small dent in that stack of quilts before I need to focus on other things.
Then I decided to lay out that jigsaw puzzle while I watched another episode of The Great British Baking Show. Some of the contestants' accents are so thick that I can barely determine what they say. For some reason, this season seems a bit different. I can't put my finger on it, but I haven't built any connection to the bakers yet.
Laying out the jigsaw puzzle |
There are only 500 pieces in this puzzle, and it's not complicated. This is my current status, and if all goes well, I might have it done today.
Status of the puzzle! |
Finished an audiobook, and I have to say that the three stories in The Family Lawyer by James Patterson were OK. I did NOT enjoy the last one, as I don't think the characters were believable. I was glad to finish that one and get it out of the way! I'm almost done with the physical book (oh yes --- I'm resting!), and I hope to do that later today.
I had to go to the mall to get more liquid calcium, and I took a detour to Indigo. Look what I found in the magazine section.
A quilt block magazine |
Does anyone recognize this??? There was a BOOK by the same author called the Ultimate Quilt Block Collection.
I wonder why it was republished as a magazine??? The blocks are identical --- I think the editing and pictures are the same.
Inside the magazine, which is the SAME as the book |
Another block in the magazine |
The book is available for $25, or you can buy the magazine for $20. I see on the label that it says Issue 7 --- I wonder what that is all about??? Anyway --- be careful what you buy, or you may end up with duplicates!!!!!
They are making good progress with the new movie theater at the mall. OK -- so this is NOT a good picture of the construction. But at least the framework is done. Thank goodness for multiple computers -- my keyboard just died on my desktop!!! Anyway -- I can't wait until the theatre is complete because I can also walk to the movie theater. I'm not a big moviegoer, but one less thing to drive to!
Movie theater construction |
And I see they have finally started construction on the last entranceway that never got updated in the renovation that started years ago!!!
The last entrance to be renovated |
I saw these things outside the door and wondered what they were. OH, bike racks --- well, they are in a weird spot on the sidewalk and look weird -- how am I supposed to lock my bike to them???
A bike rack |
They just seem to be in an awkward space on the sidewalk --- I might have to ride my bike there to check it out.
The bike racks on the sidewalk |
I went to Bulk Barn to get the calcium, and while there, I bought a couple of pig ears for the girls. OK -- this was a first. It was the first time Lexi ate her treat immediately, which had NEVER happened before. Murphy didn't quite know what to do with hers, and she carried it around for a bit which also NEVER happens.
Mom? What do I do with this treat? |
And then the next thing I knew, she was digging a hole to bury it!!! That is only something Lexi would attempt to do, and Murphy would go and dig it up. Did their personalities get switched while I was away?
Digging a hole to bury the treat |
Oh, Muprhy -- you big goof, and now you have a dirty nose!!!
A big dirty nose |
But she was happy, and that's all that counts at this house. It looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow.
Mom -- I didn't shave today!!!! |
This is Lazy Lexi later on in the evening. She loves to lay beside DH when he's watching TV. Her head was too heavy to move, and she was resting on the dog bed. Not in, but against it. Oh, Lexi!!!!
Hey -- a little quiet here, please! |
I'm so bored |
I am NOT moving my head, but I can see you!!!! |
And then later, when I was reading, they were attached to me like Velcro. They are so needy!!! They are like siblings who taunt and tease each other and vie for their parent's attention!
MOM -- look at me!!!! |
OH --- did you get a picture of me? |
Mom -- my sister is crazy!! |
Oh, the girls -- what would we do without them to entertain us!!!
Gosh -- I'm so excited about the progress I'm making with those quilts. I did some puttering in the sorting and putting away tasks, but nothing major. It's all good!!!!
On that note, I'm out of here! I see it's raining outside but not sure how much yet. And I've been getting advice about my feet -- well, my next pair of shoes and socks, not for every day, but for hiking, and I'm not venturing there yet. I have one toe that isn't quite right yet, but well on the road to recovery!!!
Have a super day!!!
Your dogs are gorgeous 🥰
ReplyDeleteThanks --- those two girls (Lexi and Murphy) are gorgeous. The problem is they know it and try to get away with everything! Lexi has DH wrapped around her paw so tight! And she loves it (so does he!)
DeleteWe have a great shoe place to shop here in Abbotsford (and other locations) called Kintec. They specialize in feet and healthy shoes and it is my first choice of place when I want to buy 'good' shoes. I started with them years ago when I had plantar fascitis and ended up being a Birkenstock customer but for any kind of activity, they have the shoes. Might be worth checking them or an equivalent out... just don't look at the prices!
ReplyDeleteThey have foot specialists there.
Oh shoot --- I wish I was closer to you and your shoe store. Nothing is cheap these days, especially shoes! I did get better help when I bought these New Balance, but I still think I'd like to talk more with a shoe expert! I guess it's all about trying, but that becomes expensive if it doesn't work for you. Thanks again for the info!