WOW --- it appears that flannel is on the way out! Two people commented that they got rid of their flannel. I mean -- there comes the point when you just say, "why are we keeping all this stuff?" More on my flannel in a minute.
And YES --- I am taking care of my feet, and I'm taking care of me. But after NINE hours of laying in bed, my back was NOT happy! So there has to be a balance. For those who know me, I'm a slug these days, and while I can live with that for a while, it won't last long. But the good news is that the feet are doing great. Just two troublesome spots left to heal. The blisters are sealed up nicely, but deep inside, it will still take time. But I'm not going to sit on them until they look like brand new feet -- that'll take months!
Tender loving care --- new shoes - and careful stepping are in order.
I love sitting out on the front patio in the evening, having my after-dinner snack, and reading a book. Imagine my surprise last night when something whizzed past me. Yikes --- what the heck was that? Oh my gosh -- it was a FOX!! Yep --- I don't think he was expecting me to be there, as the darn thing ran within four feet of my chair. Let's just say it was good that the girls were NOT outside with me last night, although they are always on their leashes.
I'm not sure where he was off to, but we surprised each other!
I was looking through a newsletter this morning from a local quilt shop (K&A Studio), and I stole this quote from their newsletter.
I think that's a great inspiration and something many of us (and indeed myself) are not good at! I have no idea why we fear the completion of something. It didn't work out? We ran into problems? Got bored? Started something new? But in almost everything I do, I struggle to finish, which is why so many UFOs are on the shelves.
I'm happy to report that while finishing things is still an issue, I'm making giant leaps and bounds to completing stuff or at least getting it to the "to be quilted" pile, which for the moment, qualifies as completed for me.
I managed to get some work done, and although nothing was technically finished, I moved several projects ahead.
OH -- before I start with the quilting stuff, let me share with you one of two small souvenirs I bought in Spain. I know --- one does NOT need more souvenirs, but this was so stinking cute, I had to buy it. I bought it at the duty-free shop at the airport on the way home, so it did NOT contribute to excess weight on the walk.
My Spain shoe |
Why did I buy this? Because I have a few others at home on my day pack. I know -- who needs to carry excess stuff on the day pack? Well, they are little, and after my experience on the Camino, my daypack would never weigh as much. It can handle a few shoes.
My shoes! |
This is "not" a collection. OK -- so anything with three or more "like" items is a collection. I do NOT want anyone to contribute to this collection, as I have found/collected the shoes on my own!
OH -- and this is the second waist belt I bought for the trip. This is more of a runner's belt and is quite robust, but it worked like a charm for the poop bags and my cell phone when walking with an outfit with no pockets. I should have purchased one of these years ago!!!!
My new waist belt for neighborhood walks |
It is made of neoprene or something like that, fits flat to the waist, and it's perfect!!!!
OK -- let's check out the flannel situation. I have a "few" things stored in a closet in one of the bedrooms. And I knew there was flannel in addition to what is in the stash room. This is what I pulled out of the closet.
Stacks of flannel |
Yes -- there is a HUGE amount of flannel, and this is all kids' stuff. And there are yards and yards of backing. I planned on making and selling kids' quilts, which will not happen. Where was my brain in those days, and how much time did I think I had?
So I trundled it downstairs and put it in the community projects room. It mostly fit into that cubby, and now when Diane calls for more stuff to sew, guess what she is getting? I love that I have room to mess with all this and keep the floor neat and tidy! I'm definitely making inroads toward clearing up this mess.
The flannel is ready to be delivered |
Once she has sewn this up, I'll dig out the rest of the flannel on the shelves in the stash room. Yep --- it's time to get the flannel out of the house. Thankfully, I have Diane!!!
Seriously though --- if you know someone who wants to sew, doesn't need to make another quilt for themselves, and doesn't want to spend a lot of money --- give them your stash to sew up community project quilts. It's a win-win for everyone!!!!
Look at your stash today and see what you no longer need/want. Then we need to recruit a bunch of people who want to sew but haven't anything to sew, and let's get moving!!! I remember years ago when two of my friends were destashing. I was horrified. "How could you give away your precious fabrics?" Now I know -- I guess it's like the circle of quilting or something. There comes the point when you no longer want/need this stuff and are happy to get rid of it.
I'm happy to see it be made into something rather than just giving it away. But that is me. I bought it -- I want to have the pleasure of seeing it be made into something and then to help finish it. That's just me! Just giving it away seems wrong unless I know the recipient will do something with it, which isn't going to happen in most cases, and it will just end up cluttering their stash rooms.
And there's my helper in all this. She's just glad to have me home -- I think! She's been barking like mad lately -- too much fun stuff on the other side of the fence.
Murphy looking totally bored! |
Here are the two quilts of the day. These community project quilts are small (40" by 44"), so they don't take long to quilt.
Community project quilt - DONE |
Second community project quilt - DONE |
All the quilts that are quilted are trimmed, and the backing/batting has been dealt with. When I first started, I had no idea what to do with the trimmings, and my studio had huge piles of them. I've come a long way.
Even DH is wondering what's going on. He saw me standing in front of the bookcase, selecting my next book to read. NO -- I haven't finished the one I started the other day, but getting the next one ready. I'm weird like that, and I need to know what's next. Why can't I be content to just read? Anyway, I told him I was giving away my fabric and anything else that wasn't nailed down. Does he believe me??
Then I decided to tackle this pile of stuff on the floor. It doesn't look much better, but I put some stuff away.
Stuff that still needs to be put away |
I emptied a couple of baskets by putting the stuff where it belonged. Funny how easy it is to leave things, and then you end up with a huge mess.
One empty basket |
And this is the second basket where I found some weird things.
Second basket to sort |
Can you tell me WHY we need to pick up or accumulate this junk marketing stuff???
A marketing thing? |
I swear the marketing people drill that into our heads when we are mere babies. If it's free -- you MUST get it. Companies, designers, fabric makers --- everyone has to be on the bandwagon to make "free" stuff. Remember --- FREE is NOT good. FREE usually means clutter in your house. You get something free, you win something, and most likely, it is NOT something you want, and it ends up being regifted or trashed. Why do we have this mindset???
Going forward, you need to question everything FREE that you bring into your house. Whether that is literature from someplace --- you can always take a picture and look at the information online. Fabric and patterns that someone doesn't want. Are you going to use them NOW -- if not ---it's clutter. And especially those little gimmicky things. I have a lot to deal with in the office and dread looking at it. I know -- most of it will be trashed, but it seems such a waste that I even picked it up in the first place.
I wasn't smart then; I am now! Well, at least more informed and knowledgeable.
Here's the other thing I found in that basket.
Wool Stainless Steel |
It's a cone of Wool Stainless Steel. Now where the heck did I get that from? And what is one supposed to do with it?? I did a Google search and haven't found anything satisfactory yet. But if anyone has some ideas -- I'd love to hear them. I do not think running this through a sewing machine would be wise!
OH --- I did manage to turn on my sewing machine, and I got the binding sewn to two of the community project quilts. Just one side since I don't have to change my thread. But that's a start, and I don't want to get a backlog.
Binding on a community project quilt |
Binding on a second community project quilt |
The next quilt is already on the long arm, ready for this morning. I'm getting into a rhythm, which is good since there are so many to quilt. If I can make a big dent in these small quilts in the next couple of weeks, I'll be happy!! And then devise a plan to keep working on them. Not at the same rate because October will be a totally insane month, but I'll keep at it. Remember --- Finish what you start!!!!
Now I'm up-to-date with the Amazing Race Canada (DH -- says he thought I didn't watch TV). I don't consider that I'm watching TV. OK -- so it is watching TV, but it's MINDFUL watching. I don't watch to fill my hours, and I don't want endless hours. I'm highly selective. Yesterday, I started watching Season 12 of The Great British Baking Show. I love that show!!!!! And while I was watching, I was pressing half-square triangles.
Watching the baking show and pressing |
And I got this huge stack all pressed and ready to trim.
Half-square triangles ready to trim |
I may trim them while I watch my daily episode later today. I have started to unsubscribe from e-mails that I get. Not quickly, but a few each day. I have been ignoring my e-mail -- OH -- I check for important stuff, but nothing significant is coming in. I LOVE it.
And as I was reading the local paper yesterday, I spotted this about kids' backpacks. HOLY!!!!!
Recommended weight for backpacks |
They say the backpack's weight should be no more than 20 percent of the child's weight. That is a LOT. While I agree with using a backpack, I think they must look at their style and weight. Twenty percent is a LOT, and it's heavy. No wonder the kids are shuffling to school!!!! And I bet these backpacks are NOT designed like a hiker's backpack, which helps to take the weight off the body and is supported by the backpack structure.
Well, can you tell I'm feeling better? I hope that most of the bandages on my feet will be gone later today. YES --- I am being super careful --- just because I'm very lax in most things, I'm not silly! I know the importance of my feet (well, one could argue that point), but I'm being super careful! But here is one thing I have learned about my feet that I never really paid attention to. My feet are sweaty! Not stinky sweaty --- they just sweat.
Case in point, I took Murphy for half her regular walk yesterday in my open sandals, and by the time I got home (before 9 AM), my feet were sweaty! I never noticed it as a big deal before. So that has to be a HUGE consideration point in my next pair of shoes and hiking shoes. The problem is that I can't wear mesh shoes because my toes will poke through the front within weeks of putting them on. It appears that I walk weirdly, and it's coming to light now!
Perhaps I'll investigate a pair of hiking sandals??? One guy from Paris had walked hundreds of KMs in his, and he loved them. I'm not so sure! What about sticks poking in??? Something to check out. Or just walk in the cold weather with leather upper shoes. Sigh..................... Got lots of research to do.
On that note, I'm out of here!!!!
Have a super day!!!!
Oh I could never lay in bed awake. I often lay on the floor to read, pillow under my chest and book propped....with my feet elevated. Sitting still is very much an issue for me ;-)
ReplyDeleteYea for the quilting, the binding and the ongoin declutter!!!!
Oh -- while we are alike, we are so different! I can't imagine lying on the floor to read a book! I've never been a tummy person! Well, maybe when I was much younger! Have a great day!