The last day of the show is always the best and the worst! It's exciting because you get to pack up and go home, but we've made new friends and had fun looking at the quilts, checking out the vendors, and bonding with colleagues and dealers. But it also means we can get back home, back to "work," and proper food and all that fun stuff. Let's not forget about sleeping in your own bed, although the bed at the hotel was quite comfy.
Since I was on my own for breakfast and had a muffin from the night before, I headed out for a walk. Oh my -- I walked quite far and was almost at 10,000 steps before 8:30 AM. I was on the hunt for a geocache, but when I checked, it was a DID NOT FIND for the previous two people. Oh, shoot. However, I did get one of the adventure lab stops (that's a subset of geocaching), but I couldn't complete the task as the spots were scattered too far for me to walk. I got 10 points for answering the first question, which was better than nothing.
There are the churches!! There is a gigantic church in every town! And these two towns are across the river from each other.
The church across the river |
The church on my side of the river |
Our hotel was several KMs away from the center of the town, and I managed to walk right to town! Who knew you could walk so far when it's a gorgeous day, and the scenery is second to none? Anyway, many of the houses or other buildings along that route in the town had a sign out front explaining the history of the building. Some of those houses are 200 years old!!!
Historical sign |
I wish I had more time as there was beautiful artwork along the river, and the answer to the Adventure Lab questions was related to the artwork! Next time. It's tough when you don't have a car.
Artwork along the river |
Then I met up with Michelle and headed to the grocery store to get lunch. While I loved the food truck, I needed something not greasy or fried. So we picked up a salad and fresh fruit! I have to say that it was very tasty at lunchtime.
And Cracker Jack? Do you remember that? Can we still buy that here? It's a bag, not a box, but there's still a surprise inside! Gosh -- that brings back so many memories. How happy we were with some junky little microscopic surprise! We did NOT buy the Cracker Jack!
Cracker Jack |
My feet did well all week in my dress shoes which was a surprise. But the heels are low, the socks are thin, and it worked out just fine! They did not get tired, nor did I get blisters! Can you believe there was a woman who completed the Camino in the same shoes as me and basically did everything wrong and had NO blisters? What happened to me?
I managed to get to the
Wonderfil booth and did a little damage, and I'll have to share that with you another day.
When it came time to pack up, we had a ton of help from the dealers who worked in our booth. Let's just say that all the machines were packed up in ONE HOUR, which is pretty good. But that is a physical job, to say the least. We had sewing machines, sergers, quilting machines (one on a frame and one sit-down), and embroidery machines. And most of them have ONE way to get into the box.
The big sergers are probably the worst ones to pack, and I did both. Yep -- I've got that one down pat!
The samples needed to be sorted and packed, which was a challenge as I now had thread and my extra quilt, and I didn't want to be over my weight limit. Sitting on the suitcase sure helps compress what's inside!
Once the machines were packed and most of them gone, Michelle, Trina, and I finished the booth. In all the years I've done trade shows, it never fails. The booth that I'm in is ALWAYS the last one to leave. Whether with The Hobby Horse or Sew Fancy at the Creative Festival, Northcott at Quilt Market, or SVP Canada at various shows -- we are always the LAST. Lots of bits!! Or maybe I'm slow?
But by 6:30, Michelle and I were in the car. And by that time, the truck to pick up the pipe and drape had gone, and most of the quilts were picked up by their owners.
The floor is EMPTY |
The show will be at the same time and place in 2024. I can't wait to go back!
I had to change my flight to get home last night. I was supposed to fly home today, but if I could get home last night, I would be much happier, so I made that happen. But when I changed my flight, it was for the LAST flight of the day, which is always a danger. If the flight is canceled -- you are in a bind.
However, everything went like clockwork. Since I had check-in luggage, I had to get a bag tag for my luggage. That is easy to do at the kiosk, and now everything seems to be much easier as you can just scan the boarding pass from PRE-CHECK-IN the day before. That brought up my ticket, and I quickly printed my luggage tag.
Then I took the bag to the bag drop, which is also automatic. The weight was fine at 22.7 KG, and the limit is 23 KG. Phew --- I got lucky!
Then I was off to security and got into the priority line. Since it was pretty quiet, it was the most efficient security check I've done. I forgot to take out my toothpaste and hand lotion, but no one said anything.
I swear I was dropped off and at the gate in less than 10 minutes, and I had checked my luggage! That was pretty quick!
While sitting at the gate, as I now had two hours to kill, the airline offered to check some of the carry-on luggage. Hey --- if I have checked baggage, why not. One less thing to carry on the plane. So I did. Now both of my bags were at the mercy of Air Canada.
The flight left on time and I was soon fast asleep. I didn't even feel the plane take off. But I woke up when they brought water around. It's only a one-hour flight.
This is what the luggage hall in Toronto looks like now. It's EMPTY of luggage. Remember, back in June, this area was packed with luggage.
No lost luggage in the hall |
We had to wait a few minutes, and then the carousel started working, and once the luggage started coming, it was crazy. The luggage was flying out of the chute at a great rate, but there were my two bags.
My luggage arrived |
I don't get paranoid about any of that stuff. It is what it is, and one must live without worrying too much, or you'll be in big trouble. Now I would have been upset if that bag of samples went missing, but especially upset because ALL my thread is in there. Then I used the app to book an Uber, and I was home within a very short time.
Travel can be stressful, but if you know what's happening and how to do stuff, it's not bad at all. The hardest thing I find is that you are trying to have your phone in your hand since so much of what we do now is with an app on the phone. And I had two suitcases, and my backpack and a jacket. I needed two more hands! I will say that travel is one instance where technology has definitely helped. Let's just hope it all works as it did yesterday.
When I was getting my baggage tag in Montreal, the attendant asked if I needed help. NO -- I need two extra hands! I think Margaret travels with THREE big suitcases, and I don't know how she does it, and I will NEVER go beyond ONE.
When I got home, Murphy was beyond excited, and Lexi was but in her own way. Oh, those girls -- I missed them. But now I'm home for the rest of the year, but I have a couple of day trips and a couple involves an overnight stay, but nothing extended and nothing on a plane.
Don't forget that I'll be at the store opening of
Sew Productive on Wednesday and offering TWO lectures on Thursday. Even if you've been quilting or doing embroidery for a while, there will be lots of tips for everyone! Be sure to REGISTER, and it's free.
That's it for me today. I've got Monday sewing, so that's an exciting way to spend the day, and I think we have lots to chat about today.
Have a super day!!!
As one of the organizers of the Salon, I liked to read your perspective from the inside. I'm glad you loved the show. And I'm sad I didn't have the time to try one the machines. Maybe next time.
ReplyDeleteChantal --- I'm so behind in answering my comments. Yes -- the Salon was amazing and your team did a super job! Be sure to stop by one of our dealers and try out those quilting machines! Happy sewing!!