I took MANY pictures yesterday, and I have nothing to share with you today! OK -- that's a lie because I always have something to share. But while I spent the entire day immersed in quilting stuff, I have NO quilting pictures to share.
However, if you are part of my Pre-Cut or Scrap class today, you'll see TONS of stuff. I have a lot to say about pre-cuts and scraps and how we have a love/hate relationship with both. But I LOVE putting it down on paper. Finding just the right picture to show what I'm trying to say, I always learn something from that exercise. As a matter of fact, I might get the class to do some of the research I did! YES - I'm adding that to the list of homework they have to do!
Wait -- homework? Some of them say they signed up because they didn't have to make a quilt. And that is true, but there's homework? There's always homework! And just like that, I added another line to their homework list!
I have three presentations today, and I had one last night. I spent the ENTIRE day working on them. Taking pictures, taking screenshots from the computer, and saving photos they forwarded to me. I must say that my computer is NOT happy these days. I have rebooted it multiple times, so the memory should be clear, but it takes FOREVER to save individual pictures, yet I can do a group save, and that's moderately fast. Or I save something, and it doesn't actually save. So that was a total pain.
It probably wouldn't hurt to take the computer in for service as it's been a long time, and perhaps I can upgrade the RAM? I like this computer and don't want to buy a new one. But they all have a lifespan. So I could use my laptop and take this in. OK -- I'll think about that, but not this coming week.
I wonder how long it will need to be in the shop? Something to check out because it's so S L O W, it's crazy!!!
So I'm officially a member of Coutrepointe Quebec! I got my membership number the other day, and I'm so excited about that! I had the option of English or French for written communication, and I chose French. I might as well jump in! All the members I've met so far are lovely, and I can't wait to see what exciting things they offer.
OH --- so can I share the homework for the class we had last night? I could, but I'm going to wait until next month when the Tula Pink Butterfly quilts are DONE, and we can see them in all their glory; although the darn quilt is so big, I'm not sure how or where we will get photos. I'm going to have to give up finding the original whites I used for the background and use some new ones. And hopefully, I got the border worked out yesterday.
I took this picture yesterday. While many other trees are bare or have lost most of their leaves, this one is almost still completely intact. And the colors are pretty different, and I wonder why that is?
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Unusual leaf color |
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MOM --- come play ball with me! |
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Mom doesn't LOVE me anymore |
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MOM -- are you coming to play with ME? |
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MOM -- I LOVE you! |
I don't know what was up with my nose yesterday, but it was running like a broken tap. It's so red today, and it hurts! But so far, so good on the running situation, but I feel all stuffed up because of it. Let's pray that it was a 24-hour allergy attack and that I can return to life today. It's no fun running around with a box of Kleenex in your hands.
I walked to the grocery store to get bananas and always go through the self-checkout. WOW --- more people are starting to use the self-checkout, but they are NOT efficient. OK --- if you place your OWN bag in the bagging area, the checkout knows that! Nope -- so many people, DH included, scan their groceries, and once they have paid, they bag them rather than scan and bag them simultaneously. GRR!!!!!!
I wish the attendant would teach them how to use the scanner properly! And there was a young girl who had a cart and was scanning the groceries. Of course, she looked at each item before scanning it, which took forever. I'm not sure what was going on there, and not sure she paid for everything in her cart!
I had to laugh as I was supposed to attend a meeting later this afternoon. Partway through the day yesterday, I knew I wouldn't make it. I have a lot of work to do and am so tired and dehydrated after the nose fiasco that I asked if there was a Zoom option. Within an hour or so, I received a reply that the majority of people wanted Zoom, so we got a link! It's not that I don't want to meet these people in person, but the time I'll save by being on Zoom is huge. And no gas and no having to drive home in the dark! You have to love Zoom!!!
Well, I'd better get myself organized for the day. The first link opens at 9 AM, and I still have to walk the dogs. But at least ALL the presentations are ready to go!
Don't forget that TONIGHT is Virtual Retreat. And it's all day tomorrow as well.
Saturday, October 29, STARTING AT 6 PM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254233911?pwd=VGQrTnFybW1HMWpleHA4M2Q2NGVwZz09 Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797
Sunday, October 30, STARTING AT NOON
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81693717518?pwd=STNoVVQzbDd4ZnROQndNNlpvcC90QT09 Meeting ID: 816 9371 7518 Passcode: 579285
And if you are in the Kingston area, I'll be at Stitch by Stitch this coming week. I'm there on November 2 and 3. I'll post more details tomorrow about those events. Hopefully, this link will work, and you can click to see the events.
OH -- has anyone ever tried one of the Wasgij jigsaw puzzles? Not that I need another one, for sure, and there used to be a hobby store near me that sold all kinds of puzzles. I wonder if they are still open? I don't think the store is still open. Did you know that Wasgij is jigsaw spelled backward?
Have a super day, and hope to see you TONIGHT on the virtual retreat.
Does your 'human' daughter tell friends that she has two canine dogs for sisters? Being 'mom' to dogs is very strange.