It's our show-and-tell for The Heartfelt Sampler, and I really wanted to have my quilt top done. I have the presentation ready to go for this morning. All I can say is—you have to wait to see what I accomplished. There is one thing I'll say—overall, I'm happy with the results, but there is definitely room for improvement. So, guess what? I'm down a new learning path! Or should I say REFINING the knowledge that I have.
The girls don't know it yet, but I'm sacrificing some of their walk time this morning to get a bit further ahead on my quilt top. SHHH!!!!
Speaking of walk time, this is the little guy. It was raining yesterday, so I put on his rain jacket. It has legs on the front and the back. He was NOT happy and didn't want to walk. So while we seemed to be out forever, he didn't go far!!! Doesn't this dog live in Vancouver, where it rains all the time? He should be used to this jacket!
Rain jacket time |
When we all got back from the walk, Lexi took up her guard position in front of DH's office. Bear didn't know how to get around, so he went into the living room to sit in the front window. Those steps so he could get into the bed were a godsend!! He gets up and down like he's done it his entire life!
Lexi guarding DH's office |
You know how we always say, "There's an app for that?" Last night, when I finally crawled into bed, I was notified that the front door was unlocked. Unusual activity. Hmm - I could go downstairs and lock the door. WAIT A MINUTE -- there's an app for that! So, yep -- I went into the app and locked the front door! Of course, the girls, the boy, and DH were all wondering what was happening! The lock is very noisy when it locks and unlocks. Don't worry, everyone -- Mom has it under control.
Shoot -- I should have made DH go and lock it since he's the one who forgot to lock it in the first place!!!
I was off to Fabricland to find something to cut with my digital cutter. I know—that's a bit silly since I had tons of stuff here. But I wanted some specific fabrics and colors. I chuckled when I spotted this one in the rolls of outdoor fabric. I bought and made a bag from this MANY years ago. So much for fabrics disappearing. I have to say there were some beautiful fabrics.
This fabric is still around! |
WAIT—I have to make a project for QUILTsocial, and I could buy some decorator fabric and make something. Hmmm—what can one make for the great outdoors? Cushions?
But all this followed me home. I know --- I can't wait to get started cutting it up!
New fabrics to play with! |
I knew my Heartfelt Sampler deadline and didn't have time to shop, but I needed a break. So, the intention was a quick trip in and out. That didn't happen. I kept running into staff members that I knew, and then my phone ran, and I needed to take that call (OK -- so call me a hypocrite for taking it while I was shopping!). But I had been waiting on that call for a few days and got a lot of information, so that was good.
My apologies to the staff at Fabricland for being rude and on the phone! I hate it when people do that, and I should know better!
Then, it was back to the "command center" in Studio B. I like this configuration and must see how much more permanent I could make it. Well, I guess I would never make it permanent. I must look at some kind of desk or rolling cart on wheels for the computer! Maybe something with a bit of storage?
As I worked in two software programs and used the two digital cutters and one embroidery machine that did not all talk to each other, it was handy as I rolled back and forth on my wheeled chair to plug that USB in where appropriate.
The command center in Studio B |
I get a kick out of these two. They have their respective sides they like to be on, and they can spend hours watching outside and guarding the house! Yesterday, I got several "intruder alerts" because a car was picking someone up in the neighborhood! I don't know if Lexi will miss Bear, but I think Murphy definitely will.
Guard dogs on duty! |
Thanks for the time notifications on the embroidery machine (my Husqvarna Viking!). That's for those people with that OTHER brand I mentioned the other day! Can I push the time limit? You have to wait for that one to find out the entire story!
The countdown to finishing this hoop of machine embroidery |
It looks like it's going to be a busy weekend. There is so much to do and so little time. Some of it has to be done while I'm out at events next week, mostly assembling samples, and I might just try to squeeze in a new sample or two. And then there is stuff that I want to do for myself! There isn't much time for that these days!
What's with the weather? It looks like a blustery autumn day out there, and the temperature is down as well. I'll be bundling up this morning!
On that note, I'd better salvage some time to get the girls out and prepare for Heartfelt Sampler!
Have a super day!!!!
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