After a couple of totally insane weeks, I actually had a calm and quiet weekend. Imagine that - I almost didn't know what to do with myself as there was NO strict deadline. I still had loads to do and I got a lot acomplished thanks to The Task Master.
I will confess that I'm a tad behind in some of the tasks because things pop up that are not planned and YES, I need to say NO, but sometimes, it difficult. Like one of the charities supported by our guild needed a quilt and I was asked to quilt one of the few remaining ones I have in my "to do" pile (for charities). I put that on the long arm yesterday and got it done fairly quickly.
Community projects quilt - DONE!!! |
Then when asked if I could quilt a quilt for work, how could I refuse since I was the one that wanted to provide the quilt as a loaner to a customer. So that got loaded on the long arm yesterday and it's now done. Luckily, I didn't have to put the binding on, but I did trim it as I always do before handing the quilt over. The fabric is from the
Northcott Artisan Spirit Shimmer Echoes collection. Lots of different colorways and they are gorgeous. At first glance, this wasn't my kind of fabric, but when I was cutting something the other day - well, I think I might need to acquire some.
Work quilt - DONE |
I didn't want to spend the time to put a custom design on this quilt so I decided to bite the bullet and try a new thread that I had bought a couple of months ago. WOW - a new best friend.
ZERO stitching shows!!!! Just the texture |
This is the thread -
Microquilter by Superior Threads. I was very impressed as I used my regular CanSew thread on the bobbin and didn't have to change the tension. I think a few more neutral colors are going to be winging their way to me soon!!!! I see it's on sale!!!
Microquilter thread by Superior Threads |
OK - so back to that studio which was in desparate need of a makeover. First, let me say that I LOVE my new system. The Task Master is awesome. I love having all the tasks written down - I don't rewrite them if I don't get them done that week and that's working out awesome. I'm not adding anything frivolous to that list. It's all related to the here and now which is good because the here and now is all overdue. Hopefully when the overdue stuff is done, then I can search through my UFOs and add a project here and there.
I keep the stuff that is written down in The Task Master on a set of work tables. YES - I'm fortunate enough to have that kind of room. I know that and I appreciate the space. But the table was looking kind of messy and while stuff was in piles, it was starting to spill over and it was just - messy.
Messy work space |
In keeping with my tidy soul (OK - so I'm kidding!), I went to the dollar store and purchased a few baskets. Came home and plopped each project into a basket and VOILA - the space looks amazing. And there is even room to work - you can see on the left that I'm doing some hand stitcing.
There is NOTHING more inviting than not having to move stuff in order to get some work done.
Much more organized |
Baskets keep things neat and tidy |
I know that I haven't finished by January UFO project from the dirty dozen yet. I know that I shouldn't even be thinking about February UFO, but I couldn't help it. I picked one. And this is it. It's a half log cabin.
Half Log Cabin Book |
Years ago, I choose to make THREE quilts in different styles. The first one is made and already given away years ago. the second one is made, but doesn`t have borders. Why? Because I need to make the third one in order to see what is left over. I KNOW - totally insane, doesn't make sense, but that's OK because you can't judge me - well you can, but I'm not going to listen!
Second version of half log cabin quilt |
And here are the blocks from the third version. Yes - the most time consuming version.
Four blocks from the fiddliest version - DONE! |
There are bits and pieces already cut out and how could I leave those bits???? Can't do it.
Bits for more blocks, already cut!!! |
Great as an enders and leaders project. So, since I had found the missing episode of
The Great British Sewing Bee (Season two, Episode Two), I installed my iPad near the cutting table and started to mark. And I got all the marking done while I watched this episode. Was I happy??? You bet!!!! The versions that I found on Youtube are backwards - well al the writing is backwards. Does it matter for this kind of show? Nope!!!!
Watching The Great British Sewing Bee while marking my blocks |
Not to say that I'm not working on my January UFO because I am. Maybe get it done tonight??? Who am I kidding??? This thing is a nightmare and whoever suggests that for a regular quilt that you press the seams open - just shoot them!!!!! What a hugely labourious, icky job. I HATE seams that are pressed open, but for a One Block Wonder quilt, it's really the best way to go. So I'm perservering and hating every minute of pressing.
Seams pressed open!!!! |
I'm not even pinning those intersections. Who is going to see if the points are perfect? Who is going to care??? NO ONE!!!!! I'm trying my best to match as I sew and I have to say that it's not that bad.
Some seams match, other's not so perfect |
I was getting hooked on The Great British Sewing Bee and while I was having a snack in the afternoon yesterday and stitching on a label, I had to set up the iPad so I could watch another episode. I'm hooked!!! Thankfully, there are only 8 episodes in a Season and I'm half way through!!!
Stitching on a label |
And last but not least, is the Radiant Light quilt. It's almost done. Thankfully. That's all I'm going to say about it.
Radiant Light quilt - almost done |
So what exactly did I accomplish this past week???? I know I have labels and sleeves that I'm sewing on like mad. I hope to be taking some pictures maybe tonight and I can start putting them in my finished book.
The important thing is that things (and the things that need to be done) are getting done. There are a couple things that are being slipped in when they shouldn't be, but I'm trying to get those under control. And I'm not looking at anything else that isn't on the radar. I'm keeping my sewing/pressing/cutting spaces pretty clear which for me is a miracle and I'm happy. Am I glad to be hanging out with all you??? You bet - I can't believe how motivated everyone is and we're all getting tons of stuff off our lists - even if it means giving it away or selling it. That's the point - get it off your plate - I don't care how - just get rid of these things.
On that note, I'm out of here to try and get a few more things done tonight. It seems that I'm in desparate need of labels so I will see if my new computer will connect to the printer. Wish me luck!!!!
Have a super day!!!!
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