We had our UFO Club in the morning, and I was one of the few who didn't meet the deadline. That's OK - I'll get it done for next month. I completed part of it, but not enough to say I put in a reasonable effort. I wish I had more time to focus on my UFOs - I'm to the point now where I need this project (Cabin in the Woods X two) off my plate as I'm getting bored with it. OK -- so I am working on applique, which stalls me EVERY time. I like applique, and I'm now using digital cutters to help cut the applique, but it still bogs me down.
I could piece all day and never have issues, but the applique? Well, that's a different story. I have a Brother Scan n Cut, and to help out with my digital cutter club, I recently purchased a barely used Cricut with all the tools.
I decided it was time to open that box and add another cutter to the mess in Studio B. I reached under the table to get the cutting mats, and OMG!!!!!!!! There are my missing feet and the missing sample!! The new cutter was temporarily stored under one of the tables where I had placed the samples. I guess I was running out of room, so I put those items under the table. What a dumb thing to do!!! It was hilarious as I leaned down to grab those cutting mats, spotted the black fabric (sample), and immediately knew what had happened. Sure enough, as I pulled out the mats, everything I was missing was there!
My MISSING FEET and the sample |
It made me laugh because when you say, "I've looked everywhere," in fact, you have not, and I did NOT look under the table, even though it was the table with all the samples. So the sample went into the drawer with the new samples, and the feet are sitting ON the table. I don't think I need all of them for this week, but I'll evaluate and put away what I no longer need.
Some of the missing feet |
That solves a mystery, and I'm glad I found them. One less thing to think about!
So the Cricut came out of the box, and boy, there were a lot of tools in the boxes. Those items went into the drawer with the other digital cutter tools. One drawer per machine and one more drawer to be filled with the new Momento, the 24" digital cutter. I know, why have one cutter when you can have three?
Tools for the Cricut |
So there it sits, and now I must rearrange some stuff to find space to use it. Well, I've got a plan, and that's all that counts.
The Cricut |
I refuse to let a new tool sit in the box for months, so it's now out! I still have to open the heat press that came with it (I know—how many heat presses does one person need?).
I managed to tidy up the stabilizer area as it was getting out of control, and I received some new stabilizers the other day. This is the OVERFLOW from the six containers of stabilizers. That's obscene and I had better be embroidering my heart out to get all this used up!
The overflow basket of stabilizers |
I managed some personal sewing in the afternoon. If you call finishing a class sample personal sewing. I don't care which machine I sew on anymore - I just need a machine, and there I was sewing in the middle of the room on a table, surrounded by stuff for my demos this week. It'll be nice to get this last week of demos done, and then I can put things back into some order with my new plan, which I won't have time to implement this week; it will be fabulous, and EVERYTHING will have a home.
It was a strange day for the weather. One minute, the sun was shining; the next, we had sleet. When I got back from my walk, I sat outside in the sun for a few minutes. The little guy was on my lap and Lexi was checking out the situation. As soon as the sun went behind the clouds, it was COLD, so we didn't stay out long.
Trying to soak up some rays |
And what's with Murphy? This is a new spot for her to hang out. It's behind the little bushes right by the back door. One never knows with this girl!!
Murphy? Are you hiding? |
And there's Mr. Cuteness himself. Oh gosh --he desperately needs a bath. His face is a mess, and his legs are dirty. He barely looks like a white dog! If his Mom could see him now!!! But he's at Grandma's house, and Mom's rules don't count! What will happen if M ever has kids? Will we be allowed to babysit them?
Mr. Cuteness - Bear!!! |
I managed to get all the follow-up done from the weekend sessions and worked on the third writing assignment, so I'm in good shape. After Monday sewing this morning, I'll get back to work and check all the samples and supplies for the week. And I will NOT put anything UNDER the table. I had to chuckle because I was so close to those missing items, yet I couldn't see them!
Someone asked me if I was taking my Vitamin D, and I had not been. Did you know that lack of Vitamin D can cause muscle aches and mood swings? I don't understand why I would have a deficiency since I'm outside for hours every day and have been for years. I would least expect myself to have a Vitamin D deficiency. Let's just say that I'm back taking it and hopefully on a regular basis.
There are only 8 Zooms this week, a massage (which I might change), an all-day in-person event, Monday sewing, and a play day with the digital cutters. I think I can manage that!!
On that note, I'm off to spin class.
Have a super day!!!
Hate to burst your bubble, but in actuality, no one can get enough vitamin D from being outdoors in the sun. ☹️