Yesterday started with no internet and it just got worse. I really wonder why I have so much trouble with technology. Is it because I use a lot of it or I don't know what I am doing or I am just unlucky???? We will never know the answer to that question.
So the internet got fixed - then I went to print something and NOPE - the printer is offline and I could NOT get it back online (I know - it is just a setting, but it wasn't changing even after I got the printer back on the wireless router). And can anyone tell me why my printer seems to think that photocopying 1/4 of a page is a NORMAL setting????? That is on my list of things to do - call and see how to change that setting. It is stupid. And of course yesterday when I tried to over ride that setting - NOPE - it wouldn't work.
The kicker though was at lunch time when someone sent me a text. My phone went into a frenzy and went into REBOOT mode and would not stop. It just couldn't reboot and it was getting hotter and hotter. I have no idea how to take the battery out to stop it and reset. OK - so I threw it a couple of times and then I hopped in the car and drove to the Bell store, where they did NOT know how to get the battery out either. (The phone finally did a serious REBOOT on the way to the store - just like a sick kid when you are sitting in the doctor's office). I can get a replacement for a nominal fee because I have a plan that allows that. It is a one time thing for the duration of the contract - and I have the phone number that with one call - that phone will be replaced. So it is on PROBATION. If it starts acting up again - well - I have given the phone a stern talking to and let's hope it behaves!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean - really!!!!!!!!!!! How can one person have so much trouble with a phone????? M tells me that I should NOT be getting HTC brand and I AGREE. This is about the fourth HTC and I will NOT get another one. NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! I want the Galaxy by Samsung!!!!!!!
Despite all that - I did manage to get stuff done, but I could not touch the quilting machine. I was afraid that my foul mood would translate into the stitching, so I attacked the garden instead. I got out the hoes, the rakes, the wheelbarrow, the snippers and I went to town. I hacked down some wild grapevine that is (was) going rampant - well - BYE BYE grape vine. Now just have to find a way to kill the root and I won't have to worry about it again. We have so much work in the backyard to get ready for this pre-prom party that we hare hosting. I know - why this year??????????? Oh well - a good way to get the yard tidied up. I did make good progress, but now we need dirt and mulch and fence and plants. I always forget to take before pictures, but I will take some today.
Let me bring you up to date on my quilting. Remember this quilt???????????
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Bling Thing by Anka's Treasures. This quilt was in the Brampton Quilt Guild Show |
Well - I got the label sewn down (after the show) and then I had to add another label as we gave this quilt to M's teacher for all the work she did helping M with the Skills Competition
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Got this monster quilt done for a customer (already picked up) |
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Detail of quilting |
These are the Churn Dash blocks for Snow Days. I made the right number of blocks and then decided that the three on the extreme right were NOT good colour choices. So I remade them. I put them on the wall and double checked the number of blocks needed for the quilt - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? I need TWO of the big ones and FOUR of the middle size. Oh shoot - I made one big one and one middle size one instead of TWO middle ones. Back to cutting MORE fabric - thank goodness it is an easy block to sew.
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Churn dash blocks for Snow Days |
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Cut the Corner block for Snow Days |
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Made the binding for a community project quilt |
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Got the binding on the LAST one of four for the Mississauga Quilt Guild. |
Yes - I am making progress, just doesn't seem like it is fast enough. I could do with one or two JUST SEWING days for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am also trying to tidy up. Keeping the THREE work surfaces (cutting table, ironing board and sewing table) as clean as I can these days. I have some stuff on them currently and my goal is to deal with those things BEFORE I leave. Trust me - there is NOT a lot of stuff there, but HAS to be done.
Yesterday, M was in the living room and of course, Sammy was with her. She looked so cute, I grabbed my camera to snap a picture of Sammy.
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Sammy resting her head on a box |
WELL - Sparky was NOT happy and as I tried to get closer to Sammy to take a close - up, the BIG BLACK DOG just barged her way in between myself and Sammy.
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Look at ME - I am WAY CUTER than that fuzzy dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Then I managed to sneak in for a closeup |
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WAIT A MINUTE - what did I say - STOP taking pictures of her. I am WAY MORE CUTER!!!!!!!!!!!! |
It was pretty funny - Sparky just barged her way into all the pictures - or at least so I couldn't get a clear shot of Sammy.
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See I (the big black dog) am WAY CUTER - therefore I need to be in the FRONT of all pictures. Let her be in the back!!!!!!!!!!!! Silly dog!!!!!!!! |
And M - this is for you! In case you wonder about your mother - you are WORSE than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all love the library at our house - I mean who wouldn't love FREE books. But I think M has gone a bit too far......................
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She has sorted her current selections by category!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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And that is all M's fault!!!!!!!!!! She is the one who does it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I have to say that working out is good for you. The harder you work out, the better you are. When I was just taking Maria's class, I was able to eat junk food and did NOT gain any weight. Didn't lose any either. Since starting the spin classes, I have had NO DESIRE to eat junk food. My body just turns up its nose at the thought. No bingeing (not that I was a binger anyway). And I have lost THREE pounds (still having ONE hot chocolate every day - hey - got to have ONE bad vice).
Well on that note - there is a HUGE pile of work to get done today and I had better get started.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still wonders about human being how they are spending their without internet and even without a home phone services