That was all pretty exciting stuff in yesterday's post. And I've got even more great projects in progress to share with you today. I just love how everyone has stepped up to the plate with a bit of peer pressure and that mighty sum of $10 per month!
Let's start with Sharon. This is truly a UFO since it was started around 2000. It's hand applique, and it's a totally crazy amount of work. It's the Piecemaker's Calendar from 2000.
Her goal for this past month was to get the background completed for the double-wide block in the middle of the bottom row. She got that completed. The train station is what goes on next.
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The background of the double-wide block in the bottom row |
I asked her to send us a picture of the entire project, and this is what it looks like to date. Isn't that spectacular?? I just love this quilt. The detail is impressive. Funny how it's sat for so long untouched, and now just this year, Sharon has made significant progress. While she's very close to the end, there's still a lot of work to do, but we're not going to say that too loudly.
Sharon's Piecemaker calendar |
She's taking a well-deserved break from the calendar quilt, and her goal for the month is to add two borders to the grey shop hop quilt from a couple of years ago.
Ronda's goal for the month was to quilt this project. I keep calling it a table runner, but it's much larger than that. It's a large wall hanging and take note of the Canadian themed backing. She's using her embroidery machine and some purchased patterns for quilting in the hoop to get it quilted.
That's OK as we don't care how the work gets done as long as it gets done.
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Ronda's wall hanging - DONE |
Here's the final project. The binding is on! Just in time for Canada Day next week!
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Canada flag wall hanging |
Her goal for next month is nothing! But I do know she'll have some show n tell for our next UFO club meeting.
Lynne's goal last month was to quilt a baby quilt. I believe it started as a panel, and we all agreed that it could be quilted as it was—no need to make anything fancy for a baby.
Like Ronda, she's also using the embroidery machine to do the quilting. In case you think that's easy, it's got its own challenges, and there's "some" math required before you get started, and then once the math is out of the way, you have to become a very good hooper to make the project look OK. Both of them have become very proficient at it!
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Lynne's baby quilt |
While I like the quilt, this is the part of Lynne's quilt that I LOVE. She always makes a pillow or a pillowcase for all the quilts that she gives away. She used her embroidery machine to stitch out the giraffe. Isn't it adorable?
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The front of the pillow |
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The back of the pillow |
I guess I should call it a pillowcase? Anyway, the quilt is INSIDE the pillowcase. That's such a brilliant thing to do. It uses up leftover fabric, the recipient gets a bonus pillow (just insert a pillow form), and it's much prettier than nothing!
Lynne has big goals for July. Actually, she's going to start on her Dream Big panel. Her goal is to get the first (of 52) designs stitched. The first is the hardest because you have to think about the thread, batting, and a few other details. Plus, the rest of the designs rely on the positioning of that first one. No pressure Lynne!!
Laura is doing a great job with her UFO project. She's carrying on with PRISM squared quilt, and we're going to see the end soon. Her goal was to get this outer border cut and sewn together.
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The outer border |
The job for next month is to get the outer border attached to the circle.
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The circle and the outer border |
We had a discussion about the quilt. I think this is one of those projects that the longer she works on it, the more she is getting to hate it! It is a CHALLENGING project. Lots of work, lots of fiddly bits. She's so close!!! There is another narrow pieced border on the outside of the diagonally pieced one. We all agree with Laura that a plain border would be better. The center is also filled with lots of little pieces, and we all decided that one solid center (same color as the new outer border) would work just fine!! There's absolutely no reason that things can't be simplified to get the project done.
Elaine S had a bit of a different goal this past month. One of her goals was to clean up her sewing studio. Yes - I think we can all relate to that. It's so easy to let things pile up, and soon you have no room to work.
Here are some before pictures.
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It looks like you can barely get in the door!!! |
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The cutting table is piled with stuff |
The sewing table doesn't look too bad, but still looks like lots of bits |
And this corner takes the prize. Although look at those baskets in the closet. My favorite organizing tool!
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The jackpot of disorganization |
It's incredible how the floor becomes such a convenient spot to put stuff!!
This is what it looks like now. Here's the sewing station with some room to actually sew the borders on a large quilt.
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The sewing station |
The cutting surface contains the stuff that Elaine is currently working on. Not perfect, but much better.
The current project on the cutting table |
But look at the difference here. It looks so much more inviting when you see stuff off the floor.
The corner is clean! |
Here's a sewing project that Elaine also had on her list for this month. This is a Row by Row row from 2015 when the theme was H2O (in other words - water!).
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Row by Row block - DONE |
She has three goals for next month. She has a wall hanging that was started at Quilt Canada (years ago) that she wants to finish quilting. There are FIVE borders to add to Stitcher's Garden quilt and Starry Night quilt that needs to be quilted. Yikes - that's a LOT of work.
Diane T, unfortunately, did not meet her goal for the month, which was to finish off 2 placemats. So she did have to cough up $10. Which isn't a huge deal as it goes into our kitty for our lunch at the end of the year.
Diane also works full time and has been working all during the pandemic. And things happen!
She does have a goal for next month, and that is to make another peacock pillow like she had made a couple of months ago.
I still have four more people to cover, but there isn't time this morning. You'll get to see the rest of the UFO work tomorrow. I tell you, we have some pretty motivated people in the group. That's so exciting, and I hope that more of you join us for next year. It's a lot of fun as we get to ooh and aah over the finished or closer to being finished projects.
And so it's time to get moving! I'm excited as yes - I'm leaving the house for a couple of days. I don't care if I do nothing but sit on the deck. It's just going to be so different to be somewhere else. Masks are required!!!
On that note, I'm out of here.
Have a super day!!!!
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