Well, I've been up since ridiculous o'clock. I had all intentions of getting some documents written so they could be sent out. I have a few that are due NOW. Instead, I spent hours doing admin work and prepping for the three sessions today. I'm OK with that - the admin stuff needed to be taken care of to make life easier for me. And I think I almost have all the distribution lists, class introductions, etc., taken care of! Phew - I'm guarding those lists with my life. If those distribution lists get lost, I'm going to very unhappy.
But you know me - as much as I complain about administration, I do like organizing, and that's really what admin is all about. And when you're the boss? It's even better.
I thought I'd share the homework from the Long Time Gone class that I hosted yesterday. Oh my - this quilt is so exciting! I can't wait until I start putting it together. WAIT!! I have to be careful what I say, or I'll have everyone in the class forging ahead and assembling. So - my homework is done, and I'm waiting patiently until it's time to do the next homework section.
Sit back and enjoy. Some pictures show all their blocks to date; some people are a wee bit behind (but most are not!). And some people have gone crazy with making their own modifications. I LOVE it. So inspirational.
Here's the book - Long Time Gone by Jen Kingwell. The class is being hosted by Thimbles and Things. Can you believe we are over 60 in the class? And NO - you can no longer sign up!! I'm closing this class. But I could be open to Gypsy Wife or something else once this one is done!!!
Long Time Gone by Jen Kingwell |
You would think that this is my quilt, but it's not! It belongs to Val. Great use of a busy print to camouflage the large space in the bow tie blocks.
Val |
Cindy didn't like the bow tie blocks, so she made two basket blocks instead.
Cindy |
Linda is starting to audition fabric for the sashing.
Linda |
Oh, shoot - I don't remember everyone's name, and I'm not going to have time to search them all out this morning. I'll do what I can until I run out of time!
They do NOT have to keep up with the homework - if they do - that's a bonus for them; if not, well, we don't want any UFOs! I guess Sharon's second bow tie block is done!
Sharon |
A very soft and pretty palette in these blocks by Linda. I love how people's personalities come out in their color choices.
Linda |
I love this colorway by Jana. I'm stealing this combination for one of my future quilts.
Jana |
Lynn has nicely tied her colors together with this grouping of blocks. Gorgeous jewel tones.
Lynn |
Nothing beats the classic blue and white. Helen Anne is raiding her scrap boxes, and the result is gorgeous.
Helen Anne |
Leslie has some wild and bright colors happening in her quilt. I LOVE how she colored those flying geese.
Leslie |
Maria has such a fun grouping of fabrics. They are all FLORALS -- who would have thought that florals could be fun. But these are modern florals.
Maria |
And look at her bow tie blocks. She fussy cut them. LOVE it.
Maria |
Sheila has a darker look to her, but the burgundy and greens look beautiful together.
Sheila |
Kathi has a great color combo with these bright jewel tones. Notice how she toned down that center of one of the bow tie blocks.
Kathi |
And look what she did with her zigzag row. Love it!!
Kathi |
Jennifer has a great scrap quilt on the go. I love how she added some different values to the backgrounds of her blocks.
Jennifer |
Cindy has some fun colors happening in this quilt. Love the little pops of orange!!! Or is that gold? Let's get sophisticated and call it cheddar!
Cindy |
OK -- so I want to steal this one. Elle used a busy background (one day I'll get brave!), and the colors are bright, yet they aren't. It's just a fun looking quilt.
Elle |
Sonya was behind, but she made a huge push, and I believe she's all caught up now. This is going to look awesome—a very scrappy (my favorite) look.
Sonya |
Nancy has a deep contemplative look to her quilt. And she's undecided about the bow tie blocks - center filled or not?? She's going to have to make some choices at some point. But the floral fabrics look great.
Nancy |
Did you see what Bernice did? Look closely - she's highlighted the pinwheel that forms in the middle of those flying geese blocks.
Bernice |
Laura has a fabulous look with mostly red, yellow, and blue, although there's a wee bit of brown. It's gorgeous.
Laura |
Lois is working from a pack of 10-inch squares. Love the combination and the great contrast.
Lois |
Here's one more block from Lois.
Lois |
Look how the pinwheels pop in Lynn's version of the blocks, and she switched the values of the zigzag row.
Lynn |
Oh my -- this is very bright and cheery and made by Brenda. The colors are FUN!
Brenda |
Another classic blue and white by Cathy. I LOVE the fact that some of the blues are very close to the background. It adds a bit of mystery to the blocks.
Cathy |
OH MY GOSH - Paula lives on a farm and has managed to incorporate farm themed fabric into her blocks! How adorable is that?
Paula |
Lynne is going crazy with the color, and I LOVE it. This screams fun. Notice how she changed the zigzag row on the left.
Lynne |
Look what Larraine did with her flying geese units?? Doubling up the color like that makes the blocks look so different. I swear - we could make that block a hundred times and make each one different.
Larraine |
Cathy has a totally different palette from everyone else. It's very classic, I don't want to say country. But it's going to be awesome!!! And the little print fabrics in the background soften the empty space in the bow tie blocks.
Cathy |
Here are Susan's blocks. It's hard to tell in the photo, but there's a bit of navy in with the blacks and greys. Love the neutrals.
Susan |
Shoot - I can't remember whose blocks these are. Sorry. But some nice colors in those blocks.
I think this one belongs to Margaret. She's using 30's fabrics, and they look smashing in the quilt.
Margaret |
This last one belongs to Carol, who got her homework done just minutes before the class. You have to love Zoom - heck - you could still be sewing while you attend class!!! A nice soft color palette.
Carol |
By my count - that's 31. Some of the ladies just joined, so I didn't expect them to have any work done. I'll be working on the others - we don't want this project to become a UFO. I told them that I didn't care if they only did ONE block and quilted it - this must NOT become a UFO.
And since I'm the teacher, I'm supposed to be just ahead of the group. Here are all my blocks with the latest homework blocks added. The more blocks I make, the better I like the quilt.
My blocks |
Well, I didn't do too badly on the names - only one I can't remember and one I wasn't sure about. I'll get the group to review, and hopefully, I got everyone's name right.
I've got to run - I still have some prep work before the classes start today.
HEY - don't forget your 10-minute tidy up assignment. You thought I forgot, right? How about a NON-quilt related area today. How about the cupboard beneath your powder room sink? Or any bathroom sink? Get it cleaned up!!!
Have a super day!!!
Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher.
ReplyDeleteI love you blocks mostly black, grey and white with a dash of orange here and there.
And you got my name right.
Have a great evening.
Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher.
ReplyDeleteI love you blocks mostly black, grey and white with a dash of orange here and there.
And you got my name right.
Have a great evening.