I seemed to spend the entire day in front of the computer! Oh well - but I did get a chance to get in front of a sewing machine for a bit. I also did a wee bit of online shopping. Remember that 8-page folder thing that I'm using to organize myself? Well, I LOVE it so much, I thought it would be great to have that for my day-job classes as well. I went to Staple's website, did a quick search, and found them. They are waiting to be picked up today, as well as food for Lexi. I get to drive today!!
I have to say that companies have been really on the ball about revamping their websites. I didn't know what those things were called, but I found them very quickly. Kudos to everyone who makes it easy for us to shop online should we need something.
Now I have to figure out TWO curbside pickups today. Oh boy -- I'm not good with that, so I'd better pay attention!
I have to laugh - I got an e-mail from Susan yesterday. She said that I was always bugging you all for pictures, so she sent me some!!! She and her daughter spent several hours in the basement sorting and pitching and purging. Some of these boxes and bags are ready for Goodwill, recycling, or some form of leaving the house.
Out with the old and unwanted |
More bags and boxes on the way out. And I believe there are two bags of garbage in the garage. Oh my -- doesn't this feel good?? It's nice to know that we're not alone in this cleanup thing.
More stuff on the way out |
Something that she wrote in the e-mail struck me, though. Here's part of what she wrote "Thanks for the encouragement and a place to share my
success!!" You bet!!!! It's all about a place to share your success. I applaud you Susan!!! Kudos to getting this much accomplished, and I bet whatever corner you were working on looks amazing!! So next time, you have a space to clean out - I'd be happy to post your pictures and we're all going to jump up and down in excitement for you! I was grinning from ear to ear when I got her e-mail.
This reminds me of something someone told me years ago. She told her husband right from the moment they started dating - she wanted him to cheer and applaud for things that she did. I thought it was silly, but now I realize how important that recognition is. We need to be told - "job well done." I'm OK with that - do you know how much goodwill that inspires in someone? How good we feel about ourselves and then how much more we want to do!!!
So - I'm dead serious - if you want to get recognition for your cleaning tasks because you're not getting any at home - I'll be happy to post the pictures. We don't care how bad it looks - we're all in the same boat. Well, I might not be so bad any longer, but I've been there. I've seen piles and piles and piles of junk stacked up! And I just have to think back to the THREE houses (well, two houses and their current apartment) that my parents own, and they all have issues. I've been there and lived in it!
Here's another thing that costs nothing but makes you feel like a million bucks. There are people out walking every morning. Some of them with their dogs and others just for a walk. We're all waving to each other and saying HI! That makes me feel great, and it's a super way to start the day. All social distancing, of course - we don't talk - we just say hi! None of us are wearing masks, so it seems like life is normal. I think we all need that!
Speaking of my parents - it's my Mom's birthday today. I have a super busy day, but I better not forget to call! She's 85, and she's sharp as a tack! She just finished reading John Bolton's HUGE book on his time in the White House.
I needed some thread the other day, and so I dug out my drawer of colored regular weight (50) thread. I needed orange. Can you believe that I didn't have any? Well, I had one spool, but it wasn't the right shade, so I ended up using a 40-weight, which wasn't the best. I could do a curbside pickup with our local store - I guess I would have to buy all the orange colors to get the right one! I'm tempted, but it's too late now - I've done the project.
My 40-weight thread collection |
The problem is that the threads no longer fit in one drawer, so the rest go in the orange container. Well, after finding a bunch of threads when I cleaned up, they no longer fit into the orange container either. So I went to my container storage closet (there's only one shelf in there of empty containers), and I found a second container, so now all the threads are contained.
Two containers to control the 40-weight threads |
This is one of my thread storage areas. I have another one near the long arm with the bigger spools for the long arm. I've contemplated moving everything to one spot, but I'm not convinced. This is handy to the sewing machine, which is mostly where I use it, so I think it stays here in the stash room.
My thread storage area |
I will say that I mostly use ONE drawer and the two orange containers in this area. There are all sorts of specialty threads that I bought and have never used. Silly me!!!
ACK -- I have two rolls of batting on order, and thank goodness for that, as this is my last roll of 96" width batting. I think the batting truck is scheduled to arrive this week or next, so I should be good as I have a couple of customer quilts with batting included. But that roll should do quite a few quilts still - it's just won't last forever. So I might have a road trip next week as well!
My last roll of batting is getting low |
One more customer quilt is done! I love this quilt!!! The animals are so darn cute!!!
Customer quilt - DONE |
OH -- did you notice yesterday when I put down the amount of time that I spent on various things that if you added them all up that it equaled 16 hours. Meaning that I get 8 hours of sleep! I don't always get 8 - my body doesn't necessarily like 8, but I try. Speaking of which, I must be getting some deep sleep these days because I had another dream last night, and I remembered it. I never remember my dreams.
This time, I'm at some convention/meeting. I have this huge room, and next thing I know - I also have roommates. I wasn't sure if it was the hotel or the company that bunked us together. We were two ladies and two gentlemen in the same room. Now where the heck did that thought come from?
Oh well - I got a good laugh out of it, and I even ran into some people in the hallway who were complaining they were bunked together. Two women? What's your problem?
Well, I have one more document to finish editing right now as I have a meeting this morning, and the document needs to be out of the house!
Don't forget - if you want us to jump up and down and share in your glory of a clean space - send me pictures.
I will say that once everything has a home, it takes NO time to do that tidy. I love it!!! Today's task is the kitchen table. How much stuff gets placed on the table, and then it sits there. I know I have a few things that I need to clear off. I really try to keep the kitchen table clear, but I remember years ago that there were three spots for each of us to eat off, and the other half was covered in stuff. Now - how silly is that???
Have a super day!!!!
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