How much time does one want to spend managing their stuff, or if I tell you how I really feel -- the crap accumulated over the years. For those of you that never let it collect -- I applaud you, but WHERE were you years ago when I needed someone to tell me NOT to buy so much. See how easy it is to pass the blame on to someone else! Sorry for that! NO -- I take full responsibility for the mess I created and take 100% responsibility for cleaning it up!
It doesn't matter what's happened in the past -- it's time to move forward. And while I had writing to do, I did some pitching and purging. You really need to be in the mood to do this, but once I got started, I couldn't stop. I kept niggling at it all day, and I feel super accomplished.
I hope the day comes when I can STOP managing my stuff and spend time doing what I want. Well, I can do that now, but then I feel a twinge of guilt that my stuff is still all over the place. However, I'm in such a better place than I was that I can't complain.
This is what happened. I was back up in Studio U, which had become a dumping ground that started 6 months ago when I had to switch a closet of M's stuff with my closet filled with batting bits. Don't go there -- I do use the bits!
I had put most of the batting into the closet. This closet isn't as efficient as the one it came from as it had shelves, and this one has fewer shelves. It doesn't matter -- it'll fit, and that's all that counts. I'd really like to get rid of all of M's stuff, but at least it's been consolidated into one room and in a very compact space.
I still have this to put into the closet. That shouldn't take too long, and I may just do that today, although I have lots of work to get done. And sometimes, I'm happy to get the stuff in one place behind a closed door, and then I can sort it later. That's OK. It's much easier (and more fun) to sort EVERYTHING once it's gathered in one place than to find it throughout the house.
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Batting bits to put away |
So this is what I started with. A table that was filled with stuff. Some of it was quilting stuff, and some was the stuff from the bathrooms that I had pulled out months ago.
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A table filled with crap to sort |
I took all the bathroom stuff, sorted it through, and put "like" things together. More on that tomorrow.
Then I was left with this as it's been sitting on the table because it didn't have a home. So I started digging through it all.
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Sewing stuff to sort |
I found a home for a lot of the stuff, and soon I was left with this.
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The last of the stuff that needs a home |
Then that much even bothered me, so I dug through that and took all the projects to Studio B, where they can all be together and there is ONE basket of scraps that needs to be sorted, but I ran out of gas by then.
However, in that stack, I unearthed my collection of half-square triangles. HSTs for short. Oh my --- this is a mess. So I had this empty shelf hanging out in the hall, and I grabbed it and put it in the corner. After loading all the HST stuff (both finished and unfinished), this is what it looked like.
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A shelf for HSTs |
There are containers filled with trimmed HSTs in various sizes labeled and bagged and, in some cases, sorted by colors.
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Trimmed HSTs - at 1½" unfinished |
Here are more of the HSTs that are trimmed to 1½".
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More trimmed HSTs |
Here are bags of HSTs trimmed to various sizes.
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Bags of various sized HSTs |
Then I decided that if I made this corner the home for the HST stuff, I should get the rest from Studio B. So I brought up several containers filled with triangles to be sewn together. DO NOT JUDGE me -- I like this stuff, and that's the stuff I'll be working on when I need to downsize! I won't have a stash - I only have my scrap baskets!
But this looked ridiculous.
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This looks ridiculous |
Several containers are filled with little triangles, waiting to be sewn together.
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A container of triangles |
So that little shelf is adjustable. And so I took it apart. I told you -- I worked slow and methodical all day whenever I needed a break from the writing.
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The shelf came apart |
And now this is what it looks like. I can deal with that -- it looks much better.
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Now all the HSTs are neatly housed in one area |
There are still some HSTs in Studio B, but they are ones that I'm working on as I use them as enders and leaders. This tray sits beside my sewing machine and is pretty tidy and mostly filled with HSTs to be sewn.
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HSTs waiting to be sewn |
However, this is the current stack I'm working on, so I don't need what's above.
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My current pile of HSTs to be sewn |
This is where that ALEX desk from IKEA would come in super handy. Those small tools and such could be put in the drawers of that desk and keep my sewing table top clean. I don't have time to go and get that desk, but I should have time next week.
And this is also in Studio B. It's a pile of HSTs that need to be pressed and trimmed. YES -- I should start doing something with the HSTs as the finished piles grow. I've made two small quilts for sure and perhaps a third, but I have big plans for the HSTs; that's my project for when I downsize. OH -- I hope to get to it before then.
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HSTs that need to be pressed and trimmed |
Moving that stuff around opened up another space in Studio B. That entire shelf needs to be sorted through as I'm sure there are projects there that need to be prioritized or if it's just the fabric and a pattern, it will get pulled apart. That's not on the agenda for today.
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An empty spot in Studio B |
Thre's still a bit of stuff to bring downstairs, and as I make a trip up and down, I'm moving the stuff. So at least I'm getting steps in. I had those two windows open and had the most glorious breeze in that room; it was spectacular. I feel so claustrophobic with the windows closed. Winter is not good!
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Sewing stuff to bring to Studio B |
Look at how clear the floor is in Studio U. There's nothing on the floor except furniture. Oh, and this needs to be sold. It's a cycle trainer I never used, and it's been shuffled from room to room. I must put it on Facebook Marketplace soon!
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A cycling trainer that needs to go! |
So it was a great day of cleaning and sorting. I accomplished loads, but I keep thinking - at what point will I be done? I don't think I'll ever be done, but what I'm hoping for is that it takes less time to put things in order. And it's easier and faster than ever, and I see results every time I work. Once the "like" things are together, it's easy to see what you have and don't need.
But I tell you -- I wish someone had told me this years ago -- like twenty years ago when I started to quilt! DO NOT OVERBUY. DO NOT HOARD scraps. But it's OK -- -it's been a learning process, like your teens - you can't tell them what to do -- they have to experience it for themselves.
All I can say is that every time I get some place tidied up, I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The area looks cleaner and neater, it's easier to keep clean, and you can move around.
Granted, there's now a mess on the floor of Studio B, but more on that tomorrow.
I haven't progressed to riding my bike in the evening, but I should as I've got a blister on my heel, which I haven't had in a long time. I still walked 13 KM yesterday despite that. No bandaids for this girl -- I just try to keep it empty. Fun and games.
But I walked to Indigo last night (too hot to walk in the day), and I stopped to look at the books in the craft section. Yikes -- I don't think there was even one quilting book there. Surprisingly it's all about paper and coloring! Oh, and a bit of knitting.
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The SMALL craft section at Indigo |
At one point during the day, I looked at the weather app, and this was the temperature. I guess it was so hot that the thermometer wouldn't even work! It's hot, but it's not unbearable -- not like what Europe is experiencing, so we should be content, stay hydrated and move on.
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What's the temperature? |
So I use Grammarly to check my spelling and grammar, and it's always giving me suggestions. It's not perfect, and you have to read everything it suggests. I got a laugh when I was editing the blog yesterday.
This is what I wanted to say.
And this is what Grammarly suggested. I don't think so, as that significantly changes the scenario! But it was good for a laugh!
On that note, DH is off for the weekend after me being away the last two weekends! Ships in the night! But it works. And I have a lot of work to do anyway! But not so much that I can't sit on my front step enjoying the view, which I did last evening as I watered the plants, had my snack, and read my book!
So if you've nothing to do today, think about one area you can sort, pitch, and purge. A bathroom is a good place. Pull everything from the drawers, the medical cabinets, and the cupboards from ALL the bathrooms. Start sorting and seeing what you actually have, what you need, what you don't need, and what needs to be tossed. Personally, I think there should be very little in the bathroom. How much stuff does one need in there? Wait, how much of what's there do you actually use?
Have a super day!!!!
So proud of you and your commitment to decluttering, clearing out and organizing. You will finish. After that you will occasionally wander and say "still haven't touched this, you're gone"! It is lovely. MOST of all, you will know exactly what you have, where to find it and it is ready for use instead of search and find. :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
I have been putting like with like in my sewing room for the last couple years. All the hand sewing needles are in a single container. All the types of glue and glue sticks are in a single container, etc. Containers labeled of course! I spend less time searching for things because they are together and I know where they are. It is nice to not have to waste so much time looking for things that you know that you own.
ReplyDeleteYou have really gotten so much done 👍! Love your pink walls🥰 we are packing to move in a few weeks and it’s tiring, been purging some and trying not to feel guilty. Can’t keep everything! Love your front porch/drive progress and especially your beautiful backyard with the pond! Buy your dogs are the most beautiful 😻
ReplyDeleteMeant to say but your dogs are the most beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAlso, am finding purging is easier after a couple glasses of wine 🤣!