While I'm not a big fan of TV -- it's been so many years since I watched TV that I don't think of it as a form of entertainment. The radio used to be my entertainment, but for the last couple of years, we've had such turnover in our morning crews that I'm just not into that anymore. I enjoy playlists on Spotify, but mainly at the retreats. I love audiobooks, but lately, I'm happy to listen to NOTHING.
Perhaps my brain isn't able to sort out the background noise from what I'm doing? But I also spend so much time alone (a positive thing for me) that I'm just enjoying my own company and don't need anyone or anything (noise) to fill that gap!
It's so weird because I know there are people that have the TV on all day for background noise, and I just love the sound of silence (I also love the song!). Our windows are open, and I can hear nature (birds, water, trees rustling), which makes me very happy.
A friend of mine goes on silent retreats where there is NO TALKING. At first, that sounded strange to me -- how could people go all day without talking, but I really think it's a great thing. If we shut off all those external verbal sounds in our life and really get to know ourselves -- I think that's a good thing! The same goes for our phones, but I'm not going there today!
And it doesn't help that I started a physical book the other day, and want to get to the end of it. More on that book when I'm done!
The latest issue (Number 59) of A Needle Pulling Thread is out.
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Issue 59 of A Needle Pulling Thread |
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Flower Power by me! |
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Me? I'm a princes and I can do no wrong |
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I did NOT make that hole in the screen door - somebody did, but not me |
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MOM -- it wasn't me -- I know how to open the door! |
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Cherries are expensive! |
I guess it's no worse than paying $2 per peach or apple. Things are becoming very expensive, and I told DH that we better not be wasting a single morsel of food. At that price, we'll have to watch our food budget a bit more. We don't waste food, and we don't overbuy. Imagine if we were a family of four with growing kids?
We finally had rain last night. It had been forecast all day, and areas to the north got rain, but we got nothing, so I sat out in the front yard watering everything. I have a sprinkler -- don't worry -- I don't stand there holding the hose. Shoot -- I'll show you pictures of the final yard tomorrow, and it's so lovely to have peace and quiet on that front as well. It's been six weeks with so much coming and going, and it's all pretty much gone, except the porta potty, which leaves today.
While I would have liked to stay in bed and read that book, I'm off to spin class! Then I have a tiny bit of editing on the last writing assignment, and that will be done. BUT WAIT -- there are a couple of patterns to write, but one project has to be designed first. And I need to get back to the long arm this week. It's incredible how all these little things just keep one hopping.
How can there be people out there who are bored? That's just not possible as there's so much to do either around the house or in the quilting world. I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. However I get loads of downtime - walking with the girls, sitting out front watering the grass, and don't forget my eight hours of sleep every night and sometimes a nap or two. I get plenty of downtime and certainly plenty of time for me. I'm probably more selfish with my time than most people!
Anyway -- enough of that -- it's time to get in the car parked in my own driveway!
Have a great day!!!
As much as I’m sure we’re different, I am very much like you in so many ways, Elaine. I too love to have things quiet. Steve grew up in a household where there was ALWAYS something on…the radio or the TV, so it is harder for him, but after 34 years married to me, I find him sitting in relative silence too once in a while. I also LOVE being able to have windows/sliders open. I prefer the outside sounds to pretty much anything else (I do indulge in music sometimes…Love the Jazz channel out of Toronto). As social as I can be, I’ve never been one who is uncomfortable in my own company, or in silence. I think it’s much needed for our psyches.
ReplyDeleteSo…enjoy some peace and quiet whenever you can 😊
I enjoy quiet instead of TV, music etc. also. I have a friend who leads hikes for a small group in the desert in the winter. A few years ago she had a silent hike in the mountains where we weren't supposed to talk during the 3-4 hour hike. It wasn't difficult for me, as I am a naturally quiet person, but I could tell it was a challenge for a few others. They would start to say something and then bite it back. It was interesting, and I certainly noticed more of the natural surroundings than I usually do on group hikes where there is a lot of chatting and visiting (which is nice too). We were doing well being silent until someone saw the rattlesnake in the brush alongside the trail - Quiet time over!
ReplyDeleteThank you Elaine for your post about receiving your copy of ANPTmag! Your projects always have a twist to them offering something interesting. I have always loved quiet time, but more so these last two years, and I'm lucky to be married to a man who loves a quiet home too. At social gatherings, however, we are the first to arrive and the last to leave! LOL