Oh, shoot -- I forgot to get a picture of the under-the-desk drawer situation. Something to look forward to tomorrow!
More great classes yesterday on using pre-cuts and scraps. I've got my share of pre-cuts, and I need to use them up! The class (hosted by The Hobby Horse) runs until June, and if you didn't sign up, I think you missed the boat. The discussions we've had so far have made me WANT to use these things up, and I'm getting ideas on what to do with the pre-cuts. So this is what I'm tackling during the class.
My box of pre-cuts |
This project box is filled with pre-cuts from Tim Holtz. I have three small bundles of squares; however, I have lost one, or there was one square missing; I seem to have 29, not 30. I have two small jelly rolls for a total of 36 strips (or something like that), a Fat Quarter bundle of about a dozen fabrics, and some yardage. My goal for this sew-along is to get that used up!
This is what one project looks like.
One project cut and ready to sew |
However, I'm sad to say there's likely enough fabric in the box to make three, if not FOUR, quilts. Then I have one more jelly in blues and greens that I want to use up during the sew-along.
The next jelly roll to use up! |
And I have three of these smaller jelly rolls in my favorite color, and I also want to use those during this sew-along.
One of three small jelly rolls |
So as the group struggles to find suitable patterns for their pre-cuts, I'll be with them. Stay tuned to see what we come up with for creations. Some pre-cuts are super easy to work with, others - well, not so much.
And there's the scrap sew-along as well, and all I can say is that this group is motivated to get their scraps in order. I can't believe how much sorting and organizing was done last month! Soon -- they'll be choosing a pattern to work on!
I'm so impressed!!!! I can't wait to see what they create now that they know what they have for scraps!
We had our reveal for the Tula Pink Butterfly class the other night. I'll share those photos with you this week. I managed to complete mine, but I'm not happy with those big borders. They are heavy and don't do a thing for the quilt. So they will get ripped off, and something else put in its place. It's a shame because I cut up perfectly good yardage to do that border, and well -- I guess it can be used in a scrap quilt! It may still end up in the border but in a different way. But the color just seems wrong as well. Sigh.............
Tula Pink Butterfly |
This is the pile of stuff I'm supposed to address during the Virtual Retreat this weekend, but at the rate I'm going, I'll be working on this pile for many days. However, there's a box under the orange quilt that needs to be moved to another location, so it's not as bad as it appears.
Stuff to address during the virtual retreat |
And there's the quilt that needs to be bound. The binding is, and it's attached to the back of the quilt and ready for the topstitching this afternoon.
A quilt to be bound |
And I have some giant quilts to quilt and others that need to be done before Christmas, so I got to work yesterday, and this got accomplished.
Customer quilt - DONE |
And during the retreat, I fixed the half-square triangle in my orange quilt. It was twisted, and while I could have left it, it didn't look right!
A repair job |
So this is what it looks like now. It's ready to be quilted!
All better! |
I decided it was time to get that skid unpacked that's been in the garage for weeks. It was very warm, and I wouldn't have to freeze as I worked in the garage. It took forever to get the shrink wrap off, and then I contemplated how to deal with the two big heavy boxes. DH was away, so this was the perfect opportunity to get it in the house. SHHHHH!!!!!
I opened the first box and brought the contents downstairs piece by piece, and there was no way I would be able to lift it.
The first box |
The other one? It was equally heavy and huge. But I managed to angle it up the three steps from the garage to the laundry room. Then up three more steps into the house. Hey - if the Egyptians could build pyramids out of massive stones, I could move this large box. It's all about angles and inclines!
I scooted it across the floor to the stairs and carefully guided it down the stairs as I let gravity do all the heavy work. And there it sits. I haven't had time to unpack it -- it's not easy, so I'll see how it goes today.
The second box is downstairs |
I may have added a mark or two to the wall on the way down, and oops -- picture flew off the wall, but nothing got broken! And the box is downstairs!
A mark or two may have got added |
What's in the box? If you want to know -- you have to look it up.
What's in the box? |
I got the table set up, which was in the first box.
The table |
It needs to be leveled before I go further, as the floor is uneven in that corner. A sewing machine sat in that corner on a portable table. I may have a buyer for that sewing machine, and I'll store the portable table in the storage room. I mean -- how many sewing machines do I need? I'm not sure this is the right corner; I don't like that it's blocking the bookcase, and once the machine is on the table, it will be cumbersome. I'll be thinking about that today. Perhaps I could collapse one of my other tables? I've got some thinking to do.
I popped into Homesense on my way home from the mall and spotted this cushion. What a cute idea; however, if I filled this with treats, the girls are NOT patient enough to wait for one treat a day; they would rip the pockets off and eat everything at once!
A dog cushion advent calendar |
And can you believe the title of this book I found when I was looking for something else? What is our world coming to? Sigh...................

I've got 40 minutes left on my audiobook, so I may listen while I walk the dogs so that I'm done. Another good read, but I might take a break for a week from this series. I don't usually read a series back to back, but these stories are so different from each other that it's doable.
And here's the last day of QUILTsocial. I just LOVE the final project!!! I don't see the final day on the website, so this may be a repeat of what I posted yesterday.
And don't forget that it's Virtual Retreat weekend, so from NOON to day until whenever, we're online sewing. And while I may not get as much done as if I were sewing myself, it's a great chance to share ideas and realize you are NOT alone in anything that goes on in your life! We share the joys and the sorrows, and it's great therapy!
The dates for the Virtual Retreat in December are the 17th and 18th since the regular date would fall on Christmas Eve, and well, I don't know how many people would attend! I'd be there, but likely by myself! I may have a short retreat on Christmas Eve since some of us won't be doing anything! So watch for that.
WOW --- the days are just whizzing by, and there's so much to do! One more short trip this coming week, and then I'm heads down at the long arm. It won't take long to get back on track, so if you have a quilt waiting to be quilted, it WILL be done soon.
And on that note, I'm out of here!
Have a super day!!!
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