Monday, May 27, 2024

A TIME warp opened up!

It was a productive day, and yet it was not. No, that's not true—any day when you get ANYTHING done on the list is productive. I just wish I could cross more things off the list! 

But we're not going to worry about that. I had some commitments and then the virtual retreat, and now I have an entire week ahead of me with NO APPOINTMENTS the entire week. Five days - my only "commitment" is Monday sewing this morning. It feels like I've won the time lottery, and I won't be wasting a precious moment! I have two classes on Saturday - both of them winding down a 9-month class, so a bit of work there, and then nothing all day Sunday! 

I'm already planning what will be on my schedule for 2025—or starting in October 2024—and I'm NOT adding anything. I might switch some things around, but I'm definitely not adding anything. It's all about giving myself time to complete some of my projects. 

Speaking about completing the writing assignment, I am THRILLED beyond belief at its success. I tried some new techniques, and while the learning wasn't fun at times, I made it happen, and I love it. You have to wait to see what I made. 

I don't know what it is with my girls, but when I put my shoes on to get ready to walk them in the morning, they insist on play fighting—and not just play fighting, but close to me! I shooed them away yesterday because I was getting annoyed with slobbering dogs touching my legs, so Lexi jumped into her kennel. Gosh, she jumped in with such force that she moved it—not that it's heavy, but still! 

MOM -- we can still fight!

That did not deter Murphy from going after her. I swear it's all a show for my benefit. What goes through their heads? 

And then, look at Miss Clingy! She couldn't get close enough to me while I was on a Zoom call. 


As I was sewing, my snips fell on the floor. Thank goodness my foot wasn't there! Ouch!


And I popped into that little box of USBs, which also holds many little camera cards. Do I even want to go there? The other day, I popped a different USB into the computer, and it told me I did not have permission to open it. Now, why is that? These things seem to change status, and I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong. Is it because I don't eject them? Or were they like that from the start? I guess I must do some research or something. 

And then I pulled two more from the box, along with a whole pile of folded paper. I'll check these out later today, but the paper is gone. I'm shocked at how happy I was to stockpile paper and not deal with it. I'm not sure even what the paper was from. And I think these USBs and the one from the other day probably never even belonged to me!

More junk to deal with

Since I have some time this week, I should grab the entire box, load the contents onto that little hard drive, and empty the USBs. I might just do that! I could do that at the computer during Monday's sewing. No one said we had to sew on Monday! 

I also made a rhubarb crumble in the afternoon, and look who was there hoping to get something. DH started this bad habit and has given the girls other bad habits in the kitchen and regarding food. He doesn't see it, but it's very annoying. 

MOM -- DAD always gives me something! 

Here's my crumble before it went in the oven. My chunks of butter should have been smaller, but I was in a rush, and my bowl was too small to cut the butter properly. Hence, one side of the crumble is a bit dry. Oh well, heat it up and put ice cream on it, and it tastes just fine! 

Rhubarb crumble

I re-glued this box, using three glue sticks in the process. Let's hope it is good for another year or so. I'll just have to remember to hold it by the bottom or not put so much in it. 

Fixing my retreat box

I also took apart a small zippered pouch. I wasn't happy with how the zipper went in. I know—it's a waste of time, but I'd rather do something right than pass it along like that. The ends of the zipper weren't pretty. And that's why it takes me so long to do something, I'm happy to fuss rather than go for speed. 

I have some computer work to do—mostly sending emails—and I should attempt to get that done today. While I have the time, I need to make a dent in what needs to be done. So, what happens this week will be a surprise to you and me. 

I have quilts to quilt, Studio B to tidy up, possibly a quilt to make, and so much more. But I will never be bored! 

And my Dad is still pursuing that serger—for someone who knew nothing about sergers, he read that small manual, and now he's asking stuff—well, he knows a lot about sergers! 

On that note, I should get my butt in gear as I'm off to spin class this morning. I have amassed "junk" in several small baskets, one on my computer desk. Good grief. I just looked in. Can you tell me WHY I put some of the stuff there and not in the garbage or recycling bin? It blows my mind -- that is the kind of thing that becomes clutter! So I grabbed a few things, and they will be tossed away later this morning. 

The trick will be NOT to gather up a whole pile of things to deal with. Leave them where they are and deal with a few at a time. Otherwise, I'm just moving stuff around. I'm famous for that! I have enough stuff pulled out that should be dealt with before I move onto other nooks and crannies! 

While I lament on the paper in this office, I think I'm dealing equally with this accumulated junk I had no idea what to do with. Off with its head - garbage or recycling! I guess I felt guilty about throwing it out and filling the landfill, so I chose to fill my house instead. No more!!

And now I'm gone!

Have a super day!!


1 comment:

  1. A new habit to add? when something is in your hand, deal with it right then. Keep? Put it where it needs to live. Toss?Directly to garbage. Donate? Directly to box in the car trunk.

    Think of all the additional steps :-)

    Happy Monday!
