It's incredible what we can accomplish when we focus. And with all the travel and so many things on the go, it's been hard to concentrate on my sewing projects.
After getting some paperwork done in the morning and the girls both had to go to the vet (ka-ching!), I was ready to buckle down to work. Something I hadn't done in weeks.
First, let's talk about the vet visit.
Both of them were extremely excited to be in the car, as they do not usually go anywhere in the car. Of course, they were happy to be out and got a chance to sniff all the other dogs that had been to the vet.
But enough of that sniffing; Lexi wanted to go in!
A sniff fest at the vet |
I hate taking them both because they are both needy at the vet. They have both lost a bit of weight, which is good for Murphy but not for Lexi. Lexi eats half of what Murphy eats, and she eats when she wants, which is the total opposite of Murphy. I bet if we got her winter coat off, she would be a skinny little dog. They look the same size, but there's a huge difference in their body structure.
Lexi got on the table first—well, she was reluctantly lifted onto it. They wanted to draw blood to test for heartworm. Oh my god—she was already vocal the moment we got to the vet, but let's say it was the equivalent of a two-year-old throwing a massive tantrum in the grocery store. She was NOT happy.
They had to try multiple times, but they got it!
All this time, I had Murphy squished into a corner, trying to keep her from barking. She did pretty well, but you have to constantly supervise her and talk to her to remind her that barking at the vet isn't allowed. She was stressed for herself and Lexi, and then there was her usual exuberant self. They are both vocal dogs, which I love, but having them both in that environment, well, it was challenging.
Thankfully, the vet assistant cared for Lexi, and I cared for Murphy.
However, the moment that both of them were off the table and got a treat? Oh yes -- their world was back to normal! Lexi even CAUGHT the treat when the vet tossed it to her. She just lets it fall to the floor when she's at home. On the other hand, you could wing a treat at Murphy from 10 feet away, and she catches it!
They are so different, yet they are the same, and I love them both!
And, of course, Lexi was thrilled when they got back in the car.
Mom -- let's get out of here! |
I don't know why, but Murphy loves to sleep on the floor upstairs or downstairs when we are not here. Can you spot her in this photo? I had been walking with Lexi, and she went up there.
Nice hiding spot, Murphy! |
We were chatting about trilliums the other day, and YES, the trilliums are in bloom in the forest. However, none of them seem to be facing upright—they are turned on their side. Perhaps it was the time of day?
Trillium in the forest |
So this happened during my afternoon and evening focus. I need to get the Tequila Lime quilt together. Our second-to-last class is on Saturday (tomorrow), and well, my quilt is a shambles. The bits and pieces had been heaped on the rolling cart, and I had no idea what needed to be done.
I cleared off one of the work tables and laid out all the pieces by section. This is what it looked like after I did that. Yikes—there is still so much that needs to be done.
Tequila Lime components |
And this is what it looks like this morning. I'm amazed at how much I accomplished yesterday. That was the ONLY thing I focused on. I tuned everything else out and got to work. I was listening to a "light" audiobook that didn't require a lot of attention, but every time I needed to think, I turned it off. My brain just isn't capable of handling multiple things at once.
Almost all sections are ready to sew together |
I hoped to finish all the components last night, but I called it quits after having to rip out THREE seams in a row. There are six units of the final component to paper piece, and I've got a great system, so I suspect I can accomplish that quickly this morning. I need to trim some of the units, but I'll trim as I sew.
Then comes the job of assembling it for the class. Let's see how far I get with that! I will say that as complex as these patterns are (, they go together beautifully. Let's say the instructions are much wordier than they need to be and very wasteful for fabric, but the results are stunning. These quilts are like birthing a baby—you hate it while doing it, but you forget the hard work and want to make another one! Let's say there are a "few" other patterns I could make, and I'm sure I will find the required fabrics in my stash!
Of course, Miss Murphy had to lay right in the aisle so I wouldn't miss her!
MOM -- can you see me? |
If I need a break, I spend a few minutes rearranging things to make the space more conducive to sewing. I have emptied a shelf in the storage room and am moving some stuff to that. Another day, I'll tell you what was on that shelf and what will happen to it. I aim to rejig how the equipment is laid out, and all current projects will go on the rolling cart. Anything else gets stored.
An empty shelf! |
Once I get that rearranged and sorted, I'm going to need many focus days to get through all the partially completed stuff. That is my biggest issue at the moment—so many things are partially done that it's causing a lot of clutter.
And why are they only partially done? They were done enough for whatever I needed them for, and then they got abandoned. So yes, I have a lot of finishing to do. I have an upcoming sewing retreat, and perhaps I should spend a few days focusing on finishing some of that stuff. That would be awesome!
I know this is likely a user issue, but I wish I had more control over YouTube videos. Perhaps I should ask my Dad since he uses YouTube a lot. Yes, I can create playlists, but I want to do more than that with the videos. Hmmm—I'll have to check it out and see what I come up with.
Despite the glorious day, I was NOT in the gazebo. I spent time outside with the girls, but only at the table outside the backdoor. I was trying to be very good and stay focused because once I get the Tequila Lime out of the way, I have two more projects with critical deadlines, so there is no time to waste.
On that note, the dishwasher has an F11 error—oh joy! It used to take a long time to fix, but now I can fix it in a few minutes. Thankfully, it doesn't happen often, but it means food particles are caught in the little drain.
Have a super day!!!
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