Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Slow and steady wins the race


OK -- so I'm not entirely off the hook as I have urgent paperwork to do this morning, but I spent most of yesterday just puttering and doing what I wanted, and it felt glorious! 

I am determined to keep things under control - OK - until the next crisis hits, but if I keep myself organized, those deadlines shouldn't be an issue? Perhaps I'm deluding myself. That's OK - I can live in a dream world. 

But the biggest issue for me is keeping the space clear. Why is that so hard? I seem to need a table, which is a total disaster. I aim to work on this table until nothing is left on it. I must NOT add anything to the table unless it's absolutely necessary. 

My goal is to clear this table

I took everything off the sewing tables (there wasn't much) and the other table, where there were a few projects to be cut, and put everything on ONE table. Everything else is clear. Project by project, I must find a home, complete it, or move it along to the "to be quilted" pile. 

I can only imagine how long this will take me—probably months! But I was working on it yesterday and accomplished a few things, so it's all good. 

I decided I needed to get those bindings on the community project quilts. 

I got one binding on. 

Binding number one

Then I got the second binding on. 

Binding number two

And I finished the third binding this morning. 

Binding number three

Yeah -- that feels great because those three quilts took up a lot of room. They will reside near the "to be quilted" pile on this quilt rack. 

Completed community project quilts

When I have ten done, I'll arrange delivery. This morning, I trimmed one more quilt, and I'll put the binding on it later today. 

I purchased a pair of children's shorts and wanted to dress them up using a decorative stitch. I had already added a stitch but wasn't happy with it, so I ripped the stitching out and redid it with a matching bobbin thread. 

Decorated child's shorts

This is what it looks like, and I'm much happier. I need to do it right the first time so I don't have to backtrack and redo my work, but I'm so happy to putter that I don't care. Adding decorative stitching to anything is so easy, but I think it's best to use a matching bobbin. I don't know why I didn't in the first place. 

The decorative stitches

We got a notification last week that our power will be out for several hours tomorrow morning. So - no paperwork and no sewing. I'm trying to figure out what to do with no electricity. As if that was a problem. I looked around Studio B and decided that these four bags of crap need to be sorted. 

Four bags of scraps to sort

Many years ago, I had this brilliant idea of collecting scraps and making pet mats. It wasn't enough that I had my own scraps, but I also wanted other people's. I do not know where these "brilliant" ideas came from. I ended up with boxes and bags of scraps that consumed a considerable space in my house. The bags and boxes were initially stored under the long arm, then moved to the cold room under the front steps. But I did deal with them, or should I say I dealt with everything but these four bags. 

I have two of them set aside. I'll bring them up tomorrow, put them in the kitchen, and start sorting. I might have to make more bags to put the scraps in for the pet mats, so I might do that today. It would be nice to get rid of these last bags. And then NOTHING will go in that corner—it'll be empty. 

I also decided that I could trim half-square triangles, and I have a small container of them on the ironing board that needs to be pressed and trimmed. 

HSTs that need to be pressed and trimmed

So I pressed a number of them yesterday, and I can bring those up and trim them as well. Yep - with no lights, it will be hard to work downstairs. 

HSTs waiting to be trimmed

That's plenty to trim in one day, so the rest will wait for later. There's no rush. 

I also prepped another project that requires half-square triangles, and that is all cut. I'll sew the HSTs today so I can trim them tomorrow. Again, with all my scraps sorted by color, it was easy to find what I wanted. There was loads of room on the cutting mat, and once I got what I needed, everything returned to its respective home. 


While half of the cutting table has always been clear - more or less, the entire table is now clear, which is exciting. 

Another project is ready to sew

Having that space as clean and tidy as it is is perfect for me. I must say that I'm swiffering, vacuuming, and mopping. What is wrong with me? I've become obsessive!!! 

But I'm OK with that. I know it won't stay as neat and tidy as it is, although I hope to get that table top down to nothing. But part of that mess is trying to clean up more odds and ends, so once that is done, there shouldn't be anything huge that goes on that table. 

I know there will be times when I'm inundated with work on multiple projects at once, but for the moment, I'm going to enjoy the moment and the space and try my best to learn some new habits!!

I see we now have scooters for rent in our neighborhood! I told DH he should take one to the train in the morning, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Scooters for rent

I love checking my calendar and seeing NOTHING on it! How fun is that? However, I have loads to do but no time commitments. I'll be quilting today and trying to make a dent in that pile of stuff on that table. Wish me luck! Getting it done will be a slow and steady slog, but I can do it! I feel very motivated and can't wait for the day when I don't have this stupid backlog of almost-finished projects. I've made giant leaps and bounds in correcting that bad habit, and I figure it will take me a little more discipline to kill it!

I've got an excellent audiobook to listen to and Murphy to entertain me, and I'm good to go!!

So --- let me ask you how you are doing? I know this can be one of the most boring things in the world. We all have loads of stuff to clean up, but it's tedious, lengthy, and overwhelming, especially if you're just starting. But I've learned to jump in and do one small thing daily. Learn to say NO to new things, and learn to say YES to get rid of things, and you'll be amazed at how much easier it gets the more you do!!

OH -- I used to come home from any trade show with tons of crap to deal with. Papers, stickers, patterns, fabric, or whatever. I'm happy to report that I brought barely anything home, and it's all gone! I found a home for it all, even if it meant going in the recycling or the garbage. 

On that happy note, I have most of the day to spend on what I want to do once I get that little bit of urgent paperwork dealt with! 

Have a super day!!!


Monday, June 24, 2024

Home again and unpacked!

I'm home, and there was no blog yesterday. We were up at the crack of dawn and then whisked off to the airport. One of my colleagues and I were on the same flight, so it made sense to travel together. But first, I want to return to the show's last day. 

The last day was another great one, ending early at 4 PM. I'm not sure why, but it still seemed busy the entire day, and I don't think any part of the show passed slowly for us. I was helping out in the classrooms, so the "before" show time that I would usually take to look at the quilts was eaten up by that. I managed to get out and take a lot of pictures without really looking at the quilts. 

I've downloaded them so I can review them in greater detail. It's not exactly how I would like to see a show, but there was no choice, and I'm OK with that. 

We did the tear-down in record time! What a team we were—everyone had a job, and no one needed to be told to move on to the next one. And I LOVE it when that happens. I think we were out of there 2 1/2 hours after the show ended. We had a nice dinner together as a team! You know how great it feels to be part of a team, especially when everyone works so well together. 

Trust me—we have moments when things don't seem to work like a well-oiled machine, but when it matters, we are there for each other. 

Anyway, back to the airport. Our plane, which was scheduled to leave at 7 AM, was ON TIME. We pulled back from the gate at precisely 7 AM, so that was a bonus. 

Thanks, Air Canada!!!

The flight was uneventful, and I slept part of the way and read the rest. For some reason, I just wanted to get home. 

Oh wait, dropping off the luggage was somewhat uneventful, except I could NOT get the bag tag to work, so I could put it on my luggage. Where's the "peel here" part? I couldn't find it, so I asked for help. The attendant said, "Come here," and put priority tags on my bags. I don't qualify for that, but I'll take it! And I was trying to peel the label off from the back, not the front. DUH!!! 

Oh, so this person also put me in the Priority Lane to drop off my bags, and the big one was 5 pounds over. I have the status to allow the heavier bag, so I didn't worry about it. I had forgotten that little perk on the way out. They just put the weight on a tag, and I was off. I knew my bags were on the plane when I got a notification. Again -- thanks, Air Canada, for your excellent service!!! 

Then we had breakfast and waited for the plane to board. When we landed in Toronto, that huge United Emirates plane—the double-decker one—was there. Sorry the picture is so tiny, but you can see the end of the aircraft and the one beside it! A HUGE difference in size. 

Little plane - big plane

I didn't have to wait too long before my bags arrived, and I was off to find an Uber. The escalator was out of commission, and I had no idea where the elevators were, so instead of finding a way down to the Uber pickup, I grabbed a limo. What the heck? I watched my expenses, so I was OK with spending a bit extra to get home. 

The girls didn't know I was coming, so I carried all my luggage to the door and then opened it. Lexi was the first to appear and then came the fireball. 

MOM'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lexi is always much calmer in her greetings than Murphy is! But yes, they were beyond happy to see me. 
Mom's home! 

Look at all the tags on my suitcases! While I was hungry, I decided to unpack my suitcases. WHAT? I never do that as soon as I get home, but they were bursting and I wanted to empty them. 

My two suitcases

So, within a very short time, the suitcases were unpacked, and the stuff was more or less organized. By 2:05, I was ensconced in the gazebo with a book and the girls. To give you a time reference, the plane landed at 12:30! The wind was crazy and the wind chimes were tinkling away, but I didn't fall asleep. You are NOT going to believe this, but I was cold. I even checked the temperature - it was 26 with a humidex of 33, but I needed my flannel shirt and even got a fleece to put on my legs. 

It was COLD yesterday!

Due to the combination of the wind, the shade of the gazebo, and the trees, it was cold in the backyard—our house is cold! Not a lot of people understand the beauty of trees and their assistance in keeping the air cool—no air conditioning for me! 

But I got bored after a while, and I was tired. I needed a nap, but I couldn't, so I went downstairs to tidy up a bit. While I had unpacked my suitcases, I had not put everything away. 

So, my name badge got added to the name badges from previous trade shows. Do you think I've done a few? I've no idea—I should count them some time, and I'm sure many are not there. Why have I kept them? I have no idea, but they are neatly arranged, so there's no need to get rid of them yet. 

Trade show badges

I had moved most everything off the cutting table before leaving, so the stuff I brought downstairs was piled there. 

Ready to sort and put away

One of the sponsors was handing out a sample box of thread, so my friends from Sudbury snagged one for me. The spools are in my long-arm thread boxes, and the actual box is in the recycling. 

The one giveaway from the show

And then the cutting table looked like this. 

The cutting table is almost clear

And then, it was time for the next piles of stuff to be put on the cutting table. 

The next pile of stuff to sort

So I puttered around, and now the cutting table looks like this. I even removed the mats and ruler holders and got rid of the lint and dust, so it's all ready to go today!! 

What my cutting is supposed to look like at the end of the day

I have a few things by the sewing machine that I need to work on today. I need to finish sewing, take apart, or trim threads, but it's all easy stuff I can do while chatting with the ladies. 

Projects for this morning

I have a few things to serge. I emptied my scraps, and I have a couple more pet mats to finish. Then, I can also finish my cushion cover. There's also a sewing machine to box up. 

A couple of things to serge

The stuff for the final three borders of Cabin in the Woods is sitting on the ironing board, and I need to work on it—again, it's easy to do while chatting on Zoom. 

The stuff for the final three borders

Some quilts need binding attached, and some fabrics need to be cut. I would like to turn this table into a puzzle table! 

A table of work to be done

And now that the cutting table is free, there's still a dumping table! This is what it looks like this morning. I guess, technically, the above table is also a dumping table! 

The dumping table

I would LOVE to get rid of this table as well, but knowing my history with stuff on the cutting table, it appears that one table in Studio B will be the dumping ground. 

I have no deadlines for any quilting stuff, so my goal is to chip away at everything currently out and try NOT to add anything to the piles until this is clear. Then, I might try eliminating that table and working only with the cutting table. I'll see how it goes. 

It's all a question of learning new habits, and mine seems to be the ability to NOT finish things before I need to move on. Those unfinished things do not have a home, so they need to sit somewhere. But I'm miles ahead of where I used to be. On that table are three quilts that need a quilt backing made, and one quilt needs to be trimmed and then bound, so they are all things that shouldn't take that long. 

With what is out in the open in Studio B, I will try to take one thing and work on it until it's done or ready to go into the "to be quilted" pile. That is my goal. 

But I think I was so excited about the clear, open spaces in Studio B that I couldn't sleep. Nope—I was wide awake in the middle of the night, so I read for a couple of hours. I didn't make it to spin class this morning, and I did not walk yesterday afternoon. I bet that's why I couldn't sleep! 

I am sandwiched between two "patient" girls who are waiting to go on their walk this morning. I should have walked them yesterday afternoon, but I didn't. 

I have some urgent paperwork to take care of later today, and I must continue to forge ahead in my quest to clear up the crap. Again, I'm miles ahead of where I was, so I'm not worried. I'm in the mindset and motivated, so it'll get done. And once the office is done, I get the pleasure of starting at the top of the house and working my way down again. Or I'll randomly pick rooms or spots like I did in the kitchen recently. It really doesn't matter where as long as I keep it up. The beauty is that processing or tidying up is easier each subsequent time! And MUCH faster. It's the first time, which is the overwhelming and the hardest. 

And at some point, I'm going to have to start going through my quilt books. They need to be sorted, and those I will never use must be culled. OH MY -- Did I just say that? Yep --- A massive culling needs to happen. 

Well, it's time to get started with the day. I'm so excited to be home. There is a virtual retreat next weekend, so we can sit around on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon and compare notes on Quilt Canada or whatever fun things we want to chat about! 

Have a super day!!!


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Quilt Canada - Day Two

My throat is parched! Not only is it terribly dry in the convention center, but I've almost talked myself out! Is that even possible? 

So many people have stopped by to say hi, and then we're chatting to others about sewing machines, which is really why I'm here! My aunt and cousin drove here, and I had a quick visit with my aunt. My cousin isn't into sewing, so she went shopping for other things! 

I was on my own for the morning walk, and I walked across the pedestrian bridge again but turned in a different direction than the previous day. I was watching the clock, as I had to be back, so it was perfect timing when I reached what looked like a long, steep hill—it was time to turn around! 

Long, steep hill! 

This is part of the Trans Canada Trail. I've walked parts of it in several provinces but wonder if I've walked any of it through Ontario. Come to think of it, I'm not sure where it goes in Ontario. AH—it looks like it follows the lake shore, which isn't that far from me, but it's not a place where I walk. 

The Trans Canada Trail

I meant to mention the other day that the lilacs are out! Even if you focus on other things and don't see them, you can smell them. Ours have been done for a while, but then we are much further north here and definitely in a different growing season. 

The lilacs are in bloom

When I arrived at the Convention Center and was going to take the escalator to get back up the hill, the door was locked! ACK!!! OK, so I can walk back to the outdoor stairs where the funicular is. I knew it opened at 7, and it was only about 6:30. 

Then I spotted a set of stairs on the other side of the convention center, and I decided to be a risk taker since I wasn't sure I could get all the way to the street. So it wasn't a surprise when I got close to the top and spotted this sign. 

NO ACCESS to Jasper Street

In case you can't read that, it says NO ACCESS to Japser Street. So I had to go back down, walk to the other step, and then back up. But you would think they would say that at the bottom of the steps, not near the top. That was cruel!!!

I had to chuckle at the staircase beside the funicular. One person was pushing his bike up the rail on the stairs, meant for that purpose, and then someone else was walking up. Both of them were in front of me. Two people were sitting at the top of the stairs, and I had a feeling that the young girl had had quite the party night. So she's yelling encouragement as the three of us progress up. As each person reached the top, her comments moved to the next person. 

So when she shouted, "Come on, granny," to me, I almost choked! But then she said, "Auntie," which is a term of endearment for the indigenous people, so I hope granny is as well. I power-walked up those stairs, and my heart was pounding when I reached the top. 

I trooped off to Tim's only to find it was closed! ACK!!! It didn't open until 7 AM, so I waited almost ten minutes. Each morning since we arrived, the morning temperature has been warmer, and even before I reached the stairs, with my power walk pace, I had my flannel shirt off. 

I sponsored one of the youth challenge participants, Shay. She was at the show yesterday, so I got this picture of her and me beside her quilt. She won the prize for the online voting in her category. They will be awarding the prize for the in-person viewers' choice today, and I have my fingers crossed for her. Way to go, Shay!!!!

Myself and Shay with her quilt

I want to shout out to some of the quilters of Mississauga—I hope I don't miss anyone—Heather B, Heather P + Steve, Jane S, Cheryl, Mary Ann (who sadly passed away this past year), Jane C (not from Mississauga), and, on my gosh, who else? Some of those people have moved away from Mississauga, but over the years, they have become faithful volunteers at Quilt Canada, looking after the Trentex Challenge, the youth Challenge. They have become a fixture at the quilt show. I was in tears as I read their beautiful tribute in the Trendtex booth for Mary Ann. 

I want to say THANK YOU for all you do. You really are an asset to the Canadian Quilter's Association. I wish I had the time to commit to the same level that they do. And we do NOT thank people enough for all they do. If I have forgotten any of that group, please forgive me, but let me know so I can add their name to that list. 

It was a steady day of visitors to the booth, and everyone was having a look at the items that I made from the clothesline. I may have to make some more when I get home, as I have a "bit" of that cord, and it would be nice to use it up. 

I've created a few embroideries I can use when I get home, but I haven't done anything on the items I brought. I knew that I wouldn't, so I'm not sure why I threw them in my bag. I just don't want to get involved in something when there are many interruptions during the day. I have ONE thing I would like to do today, and it'll take just a few minutes, so I must get that done. 

I managed to get out of the booth and looked at the Trendtex challenge pieces. There are some fantastic pieces; people are so darn creative with five fabrics. I'm always in awe. I bid on a few as I need to add to my Trendtex collection. The bidding closes at 2 PM today, so I'll walk over there and check it out at about 1 PM. 

I stepped into the Emmaline booth, which is just beside us. Hmm—there are a few things that I may bring home with me. I'm OK with buying something I don't have, but I refuse to buy more cotton, and I've decided I do not need more thread. But faux leather that feels as soft as butter? I don't have that!

We sat outside on the patio for dinner last night, and there was a section that was closed for a private party so we could watch the hockey game from a distance. It was relatively quiet, which was good; I didn't need more noise after all we experienced at the show. I'm sure the crowds were going crazy on the other side of the hotel, near Roger's Place, where the game was being held. 

Relatively quiet on the patio

There is one game to go, and who will win? 

When I got back to my hotel room, I tidied up. Good grief—I've never been this messy, so the things I don't need are back in my suitcase. The desktop is pretty clear, and it won't take long to finish packing up things tonight because we have an early morning flight. Let's pray that there are no delays or cancellations. I know some are heading home on that early flight today, and they got notifications of potential disruptions because of thunderstorms. 

I hope to get out early this morning to check out the quilts and take pictures of some of them for our Monday sewing. I've been helping people thread their machines for the classes in the morning, so that has consumed some of my time, but today is the last day—I must get out!! 

I feel highly motivated to get back to the sewing machine. I think there are nine Zooms (most of which will not require a lot of work on my part), and I'm able to shut down for a couple of months, which I'm looking forward to. There'll be a lot of ME time where I can work on whatever I want, and as I mentioned, I feel very motivated to get something done. Let's see how that goes!!!

Hopefully, everyone is still opening and cleaning out drawers. Just because I'm not home doesn't allow you to slack off!! LOL. It's tough to keep cleaning and tidying, but we must get it done, and I'll tackle some areas when I get home. I hope to tackle those last piles of UFOs sitting out, and I might leave the drawers for the fall. I NEED to get everything off the tables, once and for all, and the next three weeks will be my chance to do that. You'll get before and after pictures, and I want them done! How hard can that be? A few customer quilts need to be done as well, but while I'm babysitting the long arn, I can be cutting binding or whatever. 

Two things to note: There is a Virtual Retreat next weekend, so we can get together and have loads of fun! Stop in (the links will be posted later this week). Second, I'm not sure there'll be a blog post tomorrow. We have an early morning flight, so there won't be a post unless I write it before I go to bed. 

On that note, I'm out of here. I'm meeting Claire for the morning walk, and then we need to get to the convention center to thread machines, upstairs to take pictures, and then into the booth for 9:30!!!

Have a super day!!!


Friday, June 21, 2024

The 11th anniversary

So, while it was a fantastic day at Quilt Canada, I have something to share that was even more amazing. 

TODAY is the day eleven years ago that I and 23 other brave souls set out from UBC (the totem pole park) to ride our bicycles across Canada. We were accompanied by Adam, our fearless young driver, with whom I stayed in touch. He was amazing, already with a quip when the going got tough, and there to support 1000%. When asked a question, his favorite saying was, " It's on the whiteboard!"

I did not know anyone before leaving on the trip, and while I had done some long-distance cycling, the most I had done was three-week trips in 2010, 2011, and 2012. This was the year to do something crazy and go for ten weeks. 

I was fortunate to meet Neil, who became my riding partner for the trip. We rode together, more or less, every day, through the good and the bad. We just seemed to click. 

Neil's wife, Susan, was there at the beginning, the end, and one stop in the way as we rode through their home province of Alberta. I've remained in touch with Neil through Facebook and am always in awe of his fantastic photography. His photos are absolutely stunning. 

I was so engrossed in making Quilt Canada samples that I forgot about Neil living in the Edmonton area, so he contacted me. Could we meet? OH MY—YES!!!!!

So the three of us went out for dinner last night, and it was like those eleven years had never existed. He brought some photos along on his phone, and it was fun to browse through them. OH MY -- I had quite the tan at the end of that trip. Gosh -- I feel teary-eyed as I think back about that trip!

Here's a photo of us on the eve of our big adventure. 

Me and Neil on the eve of our big adventure

Did you notice what's in my hand? A Corona!!!

Here's a picture of us last evening after dinner. 

Neil and I - eleven years later

Yep, I had a Corona last night. We should have tried to recreate that first photo, but we only thought of it once we were outside the restaurant. 

Thank you to Neil and Susan -- it was a wonderful evening, and I enjoyed every minute of it. WOW --- so many memories - I can't wait to return home and review my photos. YES -- those photos were on that hard disk that I paid gobs to recover. I'm so glad I coughed up the cash!

I need to be more responsible with precious memories like that, and they really need to be in a book so I can look at them when I'm in the nursing home and can't remember a thing. At least when people come to visit, we can talk about my book!

OK—I have no idea what's going on this trip, but my hotel room is a disaster. I'm usually very neat, packing things into my bags before leaving for the day. I always have a "do not disturb" sign on my door—I do not need my bed made daily, and I certainly do not need fresh towels. 

This time, my room looks like a very untidy person is living here. Here's just part of the mess. 

The debris in my room

I'll try to tidy up a little later, but there's no need. I just don't want to leave anything behind, so I'll put a few things away that I won't need. But since I pack so sparingly, I bet I'll need most of what I have. 

Claire and I went for a walk in the morning and found a pedestrian walkway under the public transit bridge. 

The pedestrian walkway under the transit bridge

Then we ended up downtown, going to find Tim's for breakfast. Along the way, we passed this sign: Tonight, it's going to be insane in the downtown area. 

Look how little I am!!!!

Then, we made it to the convention center to help thread machines and set them up for a couple of classes. I then went up to the booth, where I grabbed one shot of the PFAFF booth and spent the day. 

The PFAFF booth

People were enthralled with my rope bowl making—so much so that I had zero chance to sew any more on the unfinished one. I didn't even get a chance to get my thread out!

But I met up with some fantastic people. A HUGE SHOUT OUT to those who read the blog and stopped to say HI!!! I may not know you, but I appreciate you following along! And YES -- the dogs are taking over. Everyone loves Murphy and Lexi. OK -- let's be honest, Murphy is doing a considerable share of the entertaining when it comes to the dogs! Lexi had better step up her game if she wants to be part of it! Just kidding, Lexi, we love you, and you are my sweet girl!!! 

Lots of people I knew stopped by to say hi. I have never met some of them in person, but I know them quite well from Zoom! It's pretty funny since some of them live close to me, but we had to travel to Edmonton to meet in person! 

I've met up with other people I met on Zoom but have previously met in person, and then I have the gaggle of friends from home that I have known in person for many years. 

There are just so many people! I love you all, and thanks for being a part of my life! I couldn't be who I am without you! I think we take a little bit from everyone we meet but also give in return. That's what friendship is all about - giving and taking! 

So yes -- if you are at the show, stop by and say HI!!!

The last amazing thing yesterday was the daily door prize donated by PFAFF. This is our top-of-the-line sewing machine (creative icon), and let's just say that it's an excellent price. Well, the young lady on the right is the lucky winner. She is a wonderful person, and I had the pleasure of walking her through a demo of the machine and what it can do. Her mother was with her. 

Pam with the door prize winner

I love that she was thrilled and saw how old she is!!! She said she's not as young as we think, but I said - we were old enough to be her mother - that makes her young! She and her mother went home thrilled to bits. I was so excited for her. 

Well, that's just too much excitement in one day. Today will be a bit quieter, and I hope to get out a little bit and check out some quilts or some of the vendors. I know—I must be diligent as I do NOT have a lot of room—weight-wise or space-wise. I never got out of the booth until lunch at 2 p.m. and didn't see any vendors or quilts. Not seeing the vendors was probably a good thing! 

It's time to get moving so I can be ready for a walk this morning. 

Have a super day!!!



Thursday, June 20, 2024

Twas the day before Quilt Canada - also known as SET UP DAY!!!

 And that's a wrap for set-up day! I have to say that with a great team, the day progressed very nicely. 

In addition to our giant booth, we had to set up two classrooms of sewing machines, so with the help of a paid laborer and a volunteer, we got the rooms set up in pretty short order. But not before arriving and not finding any machines waiting for us. And I get it—they are busy, and well, I've learned that the squeaky wheel gets the job done. 

So I marched off to the loading dock and spotted one of our palettes of sewing machines sitting there like a lost, forlorn child. I spoke rather pleasantly to the people standing there, and the next thing I knew, those machines were on their way. 

I've done the same thing at the big show in Houston. I remember hovering at the loading dock to find some missing pieces from our booth (when I worked for the fabric company). It works because I got that moving that day as well. It's all about RESPECT and being super POLITE. How can they refuse?

We arrived at the base of the escalator only to spot our other palette going in the wrong direction, so I leaped off the escalator (OK, so it wasn't that daring). We got those machines in the proper room, and the other arrived shortly after that! 

Then, we returned to the booth, where the rest of the team worked on unboxing machines and running electrical cords. 

By that time, it was time to get out the samples. With some pre-planning and coordinated efforts (the three educators), we soon sorted the samples into piles and found spots for them on the walls or the tables. I forgot to take pictures before we left yesterday. 

I have no idea how many shows I've set up over the years. I'm sure it's nothing compared to some long-time vendors (at any show), but I always seemed to be in the booth that was the last to leave the hall on set-up day and was more likely the last one to leave on tear-down day. But yesterday? We were smoking, and we were out of there by 4:30! I think that was a record for me, and I was ecstatic. 

I only took one picture of our booth because I sent it to M. She travels with me often!! LOL. 

Two of my samples in the booth

But for those coming to Quilt Canada, be sure to visit us. OK, I get it—you may not want to buy a sewing machine, but come on into the booth because we have MANY techniques displayed. We'll be demoing the new digital cutter, Momento, and you're bound to learn something. So do not be shy!!!

Here's something very important to know about the SVP Canada booth. We sell Husqvarna Viking PFAFF, Singer machines, and the Momento digital cutter. Unlike the other sewing machine booths, we have TONS of samples in our booth. You have access to the three (amazingly talented) educators, you have access to a couple of dealers, tons of samples, and many, many techniques. So come in and look at the techniques and ASK QUESTIONS. As I said, you may not be in the market to buy a machine, but hopefully, you're in the market to learn a new technique!!!!

We even got to go to the awards ceremony last night. Since we were sponsors, we were able to get seats in the front row. 

Waiting for the awards ceremony

And I chatted with a few old friends. I ran into Kathy Bissett, which is funny because I thought of her the other day when I ran across a quilt top that I made using her Magic Tiles pattern. When I was home, I couldn't remember her last name for my life, but she was sitting beside us, and her name popped into my head! I chatted with Luana from eQuilter.com, who was there to congratulate some winners - she always sponsors a category. I love her travel plans and her quilt plans. Paul, of course, was flitting around, and we grabbed a selfie. He's quite the social butterfly. 

I got up to accept an award on behalf of Shay in the Youth Challenge. I had sponsored her quilt in the youth challenge, which I posted a link to a while back when the online voting was on. She won in her category—16 - 19. The win was well deserved. I haven't seen the piece in person, but close-up details show it's amazing. I think we should watch her as an artist—she'll go far if she wants. 

Now, for anyone at Quilt Canada, there is a viewer's choice for the Youth Challenge, and you could vote for hers!!! But pick the one you like the best - her talent will speak for itself!!! 

I haven't seen the quilts because our well-oiled team focused on getting that booth together. I must say how impressed I was with how well we worked together. All of the team!!! Kudos to the SVP team -- you all rock!!!

In the morning, I went out to explore. OK—whoever thinks the prairies are flat is sadly mistaken. I have only been to downtown Edmonton ONCE, in about 1974. I did not remember the hill! But we're on a hill overlooking the river, and the convention center is also built on that same hill. 

I started by finding the staircase and the funicular to get down the hill. The funicular wasn't open, so I walked down the steps. These are the steps in the convention center to get back up the hill. 

Lots of steps in the convention center

I'm very happy I did not bring my orange jacket. I would have looked like a tourist. I spotted many locals out in t-shirts and shorts. OK, that was a bit much, but it must be a "dry" cold because it really isn't cold. I was comfortable in my plaid shirt, but my hands were sometimes cool. Thankfully, my plaid shirt has pockets! 

Look who I spotted loitering on a bench near the square where the hockey game will be on Friday. Yep -- they were hogging that seat and wouldn't budge an inch. 

Bob and Doug McKenzie

Let's say that they were very realistic!! But that brings back many memories of Bob and Doug McKenzie - EH!!! 

Once I found my way from the river, I did an Adventure Lab. How could I not? So that sent me wandering the streets of downtown, which isn't very big. There are lots of beautiful murals on the walls of buildings. 

A mural

There's the Rogers' Place, which will be the scene of much activity on Friday when the hockey game is happening. I don't think I'll be near the place. It's a short walk from where we are but not as close as the Minute Maid Stadium when we were in Houston. 

Rogers Place

There is lots of ironwork around, and I took this picture to show my dad so he could make something like it with his plasma cutter. 

The metal railing around an outdoor cafe

At lunch, I spotted this bag in a gift shop across the street at the food court—a bag with bicycles on it. I did NOT buy the bag. I do not need a bag with bicycles on it—I could make one if I needed to —I have a ton of bicycle fabric. 

A bicycle bag

WAIT -- I must remember to leave my credit card at the hotel. We have Wonderfil on one side of our booth and Emmaline Bags on the other!!! 

We are much nearer the land of the midnight sun, and the summer solstice is happening today or tomorrow. It's not dark here, even early in the morning (4:30). When I was in bed last night, I saw the sun and ran to the window. This is what I saw!!! Should I call this Edmonton Henge? 

Edmonton Henge

It was hilarious, as the sun was just at the right spot. It was a great moment to be sure to have a camera in your hand. 

On that note, I must prepare for a walk this morning. Oh my—it's a heat wave (sorry to all those in the east), but it's 8 degrees this morning—double what it was this time yesterday! I might not even need my plaid shirt!!!

Oh, I wrote this on my Facebook page last night. It was as far as I could go before I was too tired to think. 

Twas the night before Quilt Canada, and all through the hall

Not a quilter was stirring, no one at all

The samples were hung in our both with great care

In hopes that lots of people come to visit them there

With me and my colleagues all headed to bed

Great waves of excitement danced through our heads

Now I have to come up with the rest of it tonight!

Have a super day -- again, come into the booth to say HI if you are here. 
