We had a great time at Monday Sewing, and I'm improving at accomplishing something while we visit!
How am I doing on completing the samples that I need to have in my suitcase by 1 p.m.? The binding was put on the small machine-embroidered (quilted) quilt.
Then, I got to work on the floating stitches sample. Like the previous quilt, these blocks were part of a tutorial for a
tutorial, but I ran out of time to finish them. That's because I was trying to make 16 blocks, which takes time. I abandoned making a larger quilt and decided to make two quilts. The one with four blocks would be easy to travel, so the four blocks were assembled.
I LOVE the look of it, and it's the perfect size for a table topper.
Then I threw it on the long arm to get it quilted quickly. But what's this all about? My thread was catching - I suppose because it's near the end of the spool. I had no issues using it, but I got a chuckle when I walked around to pull the thread off the machine.
A dangling spool |
And I'm happy to report that the sample is bound and ready to be packed.
The floating stitch sample is done! |
Phew!!! Amazing what one can do when you need to focus! Next up was to finish the reading pillow. All the pieces are cut, the interfacings are fused in place, and I'm ready to sew in the invisible zipper (feet are already sitting out). The last thing is to serge the edges together. That shouldn't take long; I could finish it at Quilt Canada. WAIT—I need to remember to bring a pillow insert!
Then I had time, so I dug out the fourth bonus project. I wanted to do some embroidery on rope bowls, but nothing was made. I grabbed some bits of rope that were in the storage cupboard. I had two pieces that both made a trivet approximately 10" in diameter.
Rope trivets |
I need to work on the ending, but I'm good with this for the sake of these samples. BOTH of them have been embroidered, but I'm saving that for those who attend Quilt Canada to check out and my machine embroidery club. Let's say that they are FABULOUS!!!! I've NOT done machine embroidery on a rope before—something similar, but not clothesline. I had two different densities and was concerned one might be too dense.
Plus, I'm a stickler for having the back look as nice as the front. Let's just say - mission accomplished! I used designs from the
mySewnet embroidery library, created a design using a SuperDesign from the mySewnet embroidery software and the Encore tool (so cool!), modified an existing SuperDesign to get the third motif, which I stitched this morning, and the fourth one, is coming from the library again.
My clothesline rope |
Having access to all those tools and designs, I have ZERO reason to purchase any embroidery designs. Yes, there are cute motifs on the market, but I like to do my own thing. Thanks to Carol for the inspiration on what designs I chose for two of the bowls. Well, in fact, I'm making three trivets and one bowl.
I have one item left to embroider, and I might just get that done before I leave. If not, I can always work on it at Quilt Canada.
OK --- I knew my sewing machines had rulers on the front. And yes - it's in inches and cm. DUH!!!!
The rulers on my machine |
So, I'm trying very hard to get comfortable with CMs. I mean, it's crazy since the hoops are in millimeters. Our measurement system in this country is metric, so I should learn this. By learning, I mean I know how the system works, but I'm not familiar enough to visualize what 150 mm is. I need flash cards!!! I will become comfortable with it!
As I was madly searching through my stabilizers, I came across this package of what I thought was stabilizer sheets. Perfect! NO—the entire envelope was literature on various Sulky brand products. I didn't have time to go through it completely, but I've left it out for when I return. It will all get tossed I'm sure.
NOT sheets of stabilizer! |
I'm also trying very hard to keep things tidy in Studio B while I'm working. If I know I'm done with a particular color of thread, it goes back in the box, and the box goes back on the shelf! And I will say that I LOVE being able to bring my boxes of thread out onto the worktable rather than having them stuck in a drawer. That system would not work for me!
It takes time, but once you get it the way you want, it is worth all the hassle. And yes -- while one machine was embroidering, I was sewing on the other! That's such a luxury!!
Machine embroidery and sewing! |
So yesterday, Murphy was hanging out in her bed in the front window, and I had just returned from walking Lexi. I could see Murphy in the window as another dog walked past; she was just lying there watching! No barking, no getting up!
When I came into the house, I was going on and on about what a good dog she was! Then I noticed she was chewing something, so I went to investigate. Good grief -- she had one of the clips from my new chairs! WHAT? Murphy!!! I have no idea what the clips are for - perhaps if you want to stack the chairs? No clue, but this one is toast!
The clip is toast |
Here is Lexi doing one of her favorite things—wandering among the tall grass. I hope there are no ticks in there. Yes, the dogs have tick and flea prevention medication, but what if they bring the tick into the house and it falls off? We are not prone to having ticks in this area—at least not yet.
MOM - I'm in my happy place! |
The other day, someone mentioned that I looked pretty tanned. I was a bit taken aback because I'm not out in the sun a lot. Wait a minute—I walk every day, and yes, I am looking pretty tanned. Look at that tan line on my leg!
My tan line |
I didn't complete anything further on that to-do list, but I created another one this morning of things that I MUST get done before I leave today. Technically, the sewing can be done at the show, but sending out these emails is a priority, particularly for those where I need the group distribution list. So that's what I plan to do this morning. Then I can throw the last bits into the suitcase, and I'll be off.
If you're going to Quilt Canada, be sure to stop by the PFAFF, Husqvarna Viking, or the Singer booth (they're all connected) and say hi!
By the way, I had LOADS of fun yesterday as I puttered with my own samples. There was no need to take notes or pictures so I could show them to others. It was glorious!
On that note, I'm out of here!!
Have a super day!!!
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