Sunday, April 5, 2015

I'm not busy - I'm just a procrastinator!!!

As I have mentioned, I have loads of time to think about things. People keep saying "oh - you are so busy".  Well, yes by my nature, I am a busy person. That is the way I have always been and I will always be that way.  However, it is NOT the quantity of stuff I have to do that is the issue - it is the fact that I am a procrastinator. I leave things to the last minute and if something doesn't work out - it's panic time. If things were spaced out like they are supposed to (I know - living in a dream world) - then things would be fine!

Gosh - I even borrowed a book from the library - The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett. I procrastinated reading it for so long that I had no choice but to return it to the library!!!! (I have since reordered the book and this time - I will read it!!!!)

The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett

I can be good - like getting ready to leave. I made a list and I am working my way through the list - had a few glitches of things along the way, but so far, I am making good progress. Everything is on schedule and I have even had down time in there so I could walk the girls, ride my bike to do errands, watch a movie and that kind of stuff. So busy is NOT my problem - leaving it until the last minute - OH YES - big time problem!!!!

So did you see my challenge on one of yesterday's posts????   Look what I found to put everything in. I didn't even have to buy this - it was already in the house!

Great case to put all the challenge bits in!
I was determined to find the rest of that Chubby Charmer that is half completed. Remember???

Part of the Chubby Charmer
Well - a quick search this morning uncovered the basket with ALL the goodies in it to complete the bag.  It is now in the retreat pile. Which is getting bigger by the minute. I may need a truck to pack it all in!

Chubby Charmer bits

Yesterday I was teaching a class at Ruti's. As I was teaching, I glanced up and there was a customer of mine. Matter of fact, her quilt was on the long arm and it was half done. She did not have binding for it yet. However when I finished the class and went upstairs, there was a little package for me.

I have deleted her name to protect her innocence, but she managed to convince Diane to cut the strips for her. And I get to put the binding on her quilt (which is now quilted).

The "gift" - notice it says "From" on the label - like it was a present!!!!
Binding is made and ready to be sewn on - just have to trim the quilt today

Been doing a lot of cutting and prepping and look at my scrap basket - it is over flowing. Got to dig out another pillow case and get some more pet mats made.

Scrap basket is full!!!

I have been getting tons of stuff for the pet mats. One day, I must get all the pillow cases/sheets organized into bags the appropriate size. Then it will be easy to just shove the scraps in them.  A bit at a time - or I may take one day and do it or I may wait until the summer. No rush!!!!

And what is with this weather????    This is what it looked like yesterday when we walked to the library and Tim's.

The girls waiting at the library
And this morning when there is snow on the ground?????

Snow on the ground

 OK - so it is not a lot of snow and the streets are dry.  But the temperature (even yesterday) is cold and windy!!!!!

Oh well - this is Canada and we can expect anything!

On that note - I have loads to get done today.

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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