Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sugar is a FOUR letter word.

I have an addiction to sugar. That is nothing new and trying to eliminate sugar from my diet - well even though I say I want to eliminate sugar - I haven't really gotten serious about it. 

BUT I am getting frustrated with the sugar cravings. I had a good chat with the gym friends this morning. And I thought to myself - habits do not change over night. It has taken a LONG time for me to stop drinking hot chocolate from Tim's. Well all hot chocolate. It took a long time to switch from the large drink to the medium drink. And I have TWO sugar in my tea as well as that damn cookie every day!!!!!

There are TWO things that I am going to try to change. One - I do THREE spin classes every week (did 31 K this morning and worked hard to get there!), but I am training my body to crave the sugar by doing so much cardio. I need to switch one of the cardio classes for a weight class - and I am going to try that tomorrow. My arms ache at the thought!

And the second thing is I am going to find a healthy, less sugary snack to eat in the morning. ACK!!!!!

Here is a good web site that shows how much sugar is in a lot of different foods. Sugar is NOT bad - too much sugar is bad!!!   It is just a thought to check it out and see where we can reduce the amount of sugar. Basically sugar in = fat on the hips and the waist!  It is as simple as that. ICK!!!!

Yesterday I went to the movies to see "Woman in Gold".  WOW - what a movie. What an interesting story. If you get a chance to go see this movie - you should go.  It is very powerful, it will have you sitting on the edge of your seat, it will have you cheering and it will make you shed a tear of two. Helen Mirren is BRILLIANT in this role. 

On that note - I will be posting pictures of homework later today. 

Have a great day!!!!!



  1. Sugar is actually really bad for you. I used to be hooked too so I gave it up cold turkey for two weeks. No added sugars at all. The first day I felt awful but after that it was ok. I told everyone to create accountability and make sure they wouldn't tempt me. You have no idea how sweet a pair tastes until you don't eat added sugar for two weeks! Or how many things have sugar ( salad dressing, yogurt). After my two weeks I found things like cookies too sweet to eat and have drastically reduced my intake. I just don't like it as much anymore. And if I ever cave and eat a brownie I feel sick after. Worth a try!! And studies really are showing that sugar is bad - even in small quantities (because we already get a lot in fruit and other naturally occurring sugars). It's scary.

  2. Just cut out all added sugars. Your body doesn't crave sugar after cardio, it craves carbs. There is a difference. Like Aggie said, only eat things with naturally occurring sugars.
    I saw Women in Gold yesterday too! Along with a very packed theater.
