I have loved Jen Kingwell's quilt patterns for a long time, and I had even started one but never got too far. It appears that I am not alone! I'm currently leading a huge group of quilters through Long Time Gone, hosted by Thimbles and Things.
All I can say is that I think we're all going to become Jen Kingwell's groupies until we've made all her quilts! Watch the blog for more details, but I have a funny feeling that there will be ANOTHER class once we settle on the pattern. If you want to check out Jen's patterns, here the link to her website. Actually, that's the link to her booklets. There are other patterns on the web page as well. It appears a few patterns are missing, so - well, the next task will be deciding on which pattern to go with. It's not going to start until the fall, so there is NO PANIC!!!
Let's have a look at the homework from this past month. Oh my -- this is a super creative group of quilters. I learn so much from them as I do in most of my classes. And here's the thing - if you see a colorway that you love and you're regretting that you didn't do the same thing - keep that idea in your back pocket for your NEXT project.
I'm not sure I'm going to have time for all the photos today. The homework was to make nine courthouse step blocks and the one larger block called Jacob's ladder. NO - it's not the traditional Jacob's Ladder that we know, but that's what it's called in the book.
These blocks are super cheery and bright. I love that each courthouse step block is a different color.
Bernice |
Betty joined the class late and has managed to catch up!!
Betty |
Bonnie has made great progress in playing catchup as well. Look at the values she added to her courthouse step blocks.
Bonnie |
These are Brenda's blocks. I love how the Jacob's Ladder block brings her colors together, and those pinks look amazing!!!!
These are Carol's blocks. She's got a floral fabric that she's incorporating into all the blocks. Again - that Jacob's Ladder looks so different.
Carol |
These next two pictures belong to Cathy, who is using a classic blue and white combination.
Cathy |
Notice how she changed up the values in the Jacob's Ladder block. Some of the lights are now dark and vice versa. Love it!!!
Cathy |
Here's a totally different look by another Cathy. These blocks are so warm with the fabric choice. What's nice about this or any other quilt - you can make it your own. And most of us are using what we have in our stashes!!!
Cathy |
Cathy |
Cindy didn't send me her log cabin blocks, but this looks amazing!!! Notice how many people made the smaller blocks within the Jacob's Ladder as one block (same coloring), then added them together.
Cindy |
I love what Diane did with the courthouse step blocks. They get sewn together in groups of three, so she's got a green group, a beige one, and a red one.
Diane |
And here's her Jacob's Ladder block.
Diane |
Heather has a dramatic look happening in her blocks. What I love is if you go back and compare some of the blocks, you'll see different things pop out because of the choices of color and value.
Heather |
Here's another classic blue and white combination from Helen Anne. This is totally from the scrap bin. Now I shouldn't point it out, but there's a wee design element with the Jacob's Ladder block. We have strongly encouraged her to keep it. I wonder if she does.
Helen Anne |
These blocks belong to Jana. This is a super colorway. It's got a very modern vibe to that coloring.
Jana |
This next set of blocks belongs to Jennifer. A nice traditional feel to these ones. Again - it's based on color as the blocks are the same as everyone else's.
Jennifer |
Jennifer |
Judy is a modern quilter, and well, she went wild with her color choices and her background fabrics.
Judy |
Judy |
Kathi has a very soft and beautiful palette going on with the teals and purples.
Kathi |
Kathi |
That's all I have time for today. That's not even half of the group. But isn't that fun to see so many different colorways, so many different takes on the same blocks that change just because of the values, the color choices, and sometimes a design element.
I love it!! I love the show and tell from all these classes, and well, this might be a week filled with lots of show and tell as we had our UFO group on the weekend as well. And then there are more classes coming up this weekend. Oh yes -- lots and lots of stuff happening and hopefully enough time to get it all done!
I've got some follow-up to do for the classes that have already happened, and I hope to get some of that done this afternoon.
And guess what? There's a virtual retreat this coming weekend. How the heck did that creep up so quickly. Can you believe that it's the last week of this month. Oh boy - M's birthday is coming up fast!!
The Virtual Retreat is Saturday evening (Feb 27 from 6 - 9 PM) and all day on Sunday (10 AM - 8 PM). I hope to get a LOT of sewing done during that time!
OK -- so I don't mind the cold and the snow, but I have to say that I'm ready to get it over with. I see there is more snow this morning. Seriously??? But at least it's warmer!
Now let's get back to cleaning. How about that hall closet? It's almost time to go through the hat, scarves, mittens, and jackets. What do you wear? What do you no longer wear? Perhaps put it in a bag and get ready to donate it when you can do that.
Well, I'm out of here. Got a super busy day starting with Monday sewing. Thank goodness, I don't have to clean the car off and brave the crazy road conditions. I just need to pop downstairs and fire up the computer!!!
Have a super day!!!!
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